The Peasant Wife Is a Lucky Charm

Chapter 142 - 142: Not Blind

Chapter 142: Not Blind

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Su Ping had initially planned to accompany Su Bin to the prefecture and provide support during the two examinations, but Su Bin declined the offer.

“Second Brother, there’s no need for you to go there. Just stay at home and look after our siblings,” Su Bin advised.

Su Ping agreed, saying, “Of course. I’ll invite two friends to join us…”

However, when Su Bin thought about his friends, he couldn’t help but feel a headache coming on.

“These people are plotting against me in secret. For instance, on the day before the county examination, they arranged for a woman from a brothel to frame me. No matter how many people you bring, it won’t be helpful without a pair of keen eyes.”

“You ask your friends for help, and the fees are high, and you owe them a huge favor, but it doesn’t work.”

“Second Brother, don’t follow us, please.”

Su Bin’s words made sense, but he still felt a bit uncomfortable.

He was aware that he didn’t hold much significance in his Third Brother’s eyes. Nevertheless, he earnestly wished to defend and support him.

“I will always remember how well Second Brother treats me,” Su Bin stated with gratitude.

He assured his brother that he would be cautious during the upcoming examinations. He pledged not to venture outside and to avoid consuming anything from unfamiliar sources, thereby denying their enemies any opportunity to harm him during the prefectural studies.

Realizing his brother’s concerns, Su Bin didn’t push the matter further. Instead, he turned to Su Lan and asked, “Third Brother, you mentioned a pair of sharp eyes. Are you referring to Third Sister-in-law?”

It suddenly dawned on Su Lan, and she replied, “Of course!”

The siblings discussed the possibility of Qin Zhenzhen accompanying them to the prefecture. Su Bin believed that with Qin Zhenzhen’s watchful presence, they could turn the tables and potentially transform the adverse situation into a fortunate one.

Qin Zhenzhen was indeed a young woman, and it might not be entirely appropriate for her to accompany them unless her Fourth Brother (Su Ping) was willing to join as well.

The night before Su Bin’s departure, Su Lan expressed her thoughts to him about the situation. However, Su Bin objected, cautioning Su Lan not to mention this idea in front of Qin Zhenzhen.

“Don’t mention this to her, I will handle my own affairs,” he asserted firmly.

The night before Su Bin’s return to college, Qin Zhenzhen went back to her mother’s home. Grandma Qin had anticipated this and asked Qin Silong to bring Qin Zhenzhen back.

Although Grandma had her suspicions, Qin Zhenzhen didn’t feel burdened by them. She was confident in her ability to handle the situation, and even if her grandma didn’t believe her explanations, she wouldn’t be bothered.

However, Qin Zhenzhen was taken aback when her grandma began recounting what had transpired earlier. Sitting in front of the dressing table, Grandma Qin motioned for Qin Zhenzhen to close the door, signaling that they needed to talk in private. The unexpected conversation left Qin Zhenzhen wondering how much her grandma knew about the truth behind her actions. “What do you want to ask me this time, Grandma?”

Grandma Qin said, “Just take a seat, I will tell you a story.”

Qin Zhenzhen moved a chair and sat opposite her grandma. “Before I tell the story, I have to ask you one question.”

“Ask away.”

“Are you my granddaughter, Qin Zhenzhen?”

Qin Zhenzhen nodded resolutely. “I am your granddaughter, Qin Zhenzhen!”

She was not totally lying. After all, this body belonged to Qin Zhenzhen, and she could just take her life in the modern world as a dream.

But Grandma Qin did not make her swear. She sighed.

“I already know that you are Zhenzhen; otherwise, you wouldn’t have resorted to lying to your parents and brother. After all, they are not blind,” Grandma Qin spoke with a knowing tone.

“I asked your brothers, and they mentioned that your temperament changed after you broke your forehead at the Su Family, and you became more capable.”

“Your Fourth Brother already told grandma about what you went through. I can’t believe that you two had such a fortuitous encounter together.”

“I have been thinking about this for days, and I think that our ancestor must have shown up!”

Only now did Qin Zhenzhen realize that it was her Fourth Brother who confessed first.

But Grandma did have a point, and she was not going to counter her.

“But what story do you want to tell me?”

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