The Original Seeker

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The process of catching a flight is rather boring. After all, as an otaku in a laboratory, he will not accost other people. Its impossible for Bai Mo on the plane to make a fire and train Reiki with apparatus, so Bai Mo rarely spends ten hours without cultivation.

After getting off the plane, Bai Mo went for a walk around the Bank in the airport, he took $20000 from his bank card for daily consumption, then Bai Mo took a taxi to a five-star hotel and rented a 30 day stay in a seascape suite.

Its rare to come out and play. Anyway, its not spending my own money. I wont be overcautious and indecisive. This is how Bai Mo persuades himself.

After setting up his luggage and the experimental apparatus, Bai Mo directly went to the seaside to bask in the sun with his swimming trunks. By the way, he tested the energy absorption effect of his skin. Of course, he was the only one who was clear about which was the main reason he went to the beach.

Its mid November now, Hawaii is located in the northern hemisphere, so the sun is not hot like the sun in summer, 25/6 degrees, sit under the warm sun, Bai Mo feel the whole person become languidly.

After enjoying a sunbathing for two hours, Bai Mo felt that he had been enriched from the inside out, and his body was as full of energy. No, its not seem like its full of energy, its really full of energy. Bai Mo feels that each cell in his body has told him that they have had a full stomach. The other day, the hunger which always hassles Bai Mo seems no longer to return.

I also became a wild plant man. Fortunately, I didnt have chlorophyll in my body. Bai Mo lying on the beach, thinking bored.

Bai Mo felt contentedly after basking under the sun. Bai Mo boredom opened his perspective eye ability. Since, Bai Mo discovered that his perspective eye is different from the perspective eyes in the novel, which have no dead angle. He can even see the eye itself. When he has time, he will think about what kind of name he should give to his ability. A while ago, the burning of the naive soul of Bai Mo let him call his eyes white eyes, which can perspectives and can see the flow of energy.

But Bai Mo always felt that it was not pleasant enough to call white eyes, so he was still looking for a name that is high and noble.

During the time of sunbathing, Bai Mo suddenly came up with a brainwave, then he gave the name of omniscient eye to his perspective eyes. Bai Mo, who had been suffering from Pubescent Crisis in his heart, accepted the name without any hesitation.

Bai Mo that opened the ability began to aim everywhere, the most on the beach must be the woman with bikini. As a person who thinks he has integrity and prescribed minimum, although Bai Mo awakens the ability of perspective eye, he never tries to peep at others.

Today, Bai Mo, with the spirit of science and from the eyesight of sheer research, he wanted to test the effects of perspective eyes on other people.

Bai Mo randomly picked a blonde girl with a bikini, who was enjoying sunbathing under the sun 10 meters away. Bai Mo began to imagine in his mind to see the girls spatial position, and Bai Mo felt keenly regret after seeing.

For the first time, he began to hate that his ability was too strong. After the perspective eye was activated, he could clearly see every pore of the opposite girl with a cell level perspective. Then Bai Mo with mild dense phobia exploded, then Bai Mo saw the whole body is full of pores of the body.

Originally, Bai Mo felt his body being fully charged after basking under the sun, he was still a little satisfied. After taking a look at this, he immediately calmed down and entered the sage mode.

I always feel like another wonderful fantasy has been disillusioned. Bai Mo has an expression in his face that there is no love in life on his face.

One day when my perception ability is strong enough, things in my eyes will become pixels one by one. I feel that at that time, I really had no love in my life. I still have to exercise to control my ability, so that I can control the accuracy of perspective perfectly.

At this time, Bai Mo didnt know whether he was still interested in ordinary people when he exercised his ability until he could control the accuracy of his ability freely.

Although the discomfort experience of seeing through the younger sister just now made Bai Mos feeling hit the ground from the high in the cloud, Bai Mo just adjusted for two minutes and began to explore his ability again. After it, he opened his omniscient eye to see everywhere, trying to see how far and how clear he could see.

Its painful there is no master to lead me, no magic power to guide me. I cant find the direction at all. Just like the experiment in materials science, all kinds of trial and error and ability development depend on brain holes. I really want to be like a novel protagonist, upgrading like hacking, skipping levels like mowing grass, and living a life of pretending to be forced to hit people in the face every day. Feel their patience was fritter a little bit away from the Bai Mo and began to grumble in the heart.

However, the Bai Mo without glass heart recovered from the negative energy again, and continued to analyze the current situation of his ability.

Lets just call my skin energy-absorbs skin first, I didnt expect any interesting new name to appear. It seems that my ability and endurance have been greatly improved. Previously, my abilities are limited by my physical strength, the opening time of my ability with my full physical strength can only support no more than 100 seconds. However, with a new energy source, the duration of my ability actually increased to five minutes, This is the result that I didnt dare to exhaust my physical strength to ensure my safety in public. If I tried my best, the limit would be about seven minutes, but after that I would be overdrawn and unable to move.

After the routine test of his ability, Bai Mo didnt use his ability any more. Instead, he simply used his strong eyesight to feel the environment of the whole beach. There were many people on the beach, and bikini girls were walking around everywhere. Of course, its hard to say how many of them were just enjoying sunbathing under the sun instead of fishing for a rich younger master.

Bai Mo was just a pit later, also not interested in focusing on the people who come and go again, So that you dont get your own phobia again.

Bai Mo chose to overlook the sea level, relying on his abnormal vision, Bai Mo concentrated on watching the waves from the sea sky boundary slowly to the beach. His eyes follow the waves, one to go, one to go. Bai Mo began to be a little distracted, his eyes were a little confused, and the rhythm of breathing slowly decreased to the same wave as the tide.

At this time, Bai Mo didnt notice the temperature drop within one or two meters around him. If it wasnt for the direct sunlight, It is estimated that it would not only drop to more than 10 degrees. This is because Bai Mos energy absorbing skin began to work under the control of his biological subconscious when he was floating. A lot of absorbed energy was used to transform Bai Mos respiratory system, In order to adapt to his slow breathing. Otherwise, Bai Mo would be forced to retreat from this rare state of harmony between man and nature due to the sharp decrease of breathing rate, wasting such a rare opportunity.

After an hour, when the sun began to slant towards the west at more than five oclock in the afternoon, Bai Mo woke up from the rhythm of the tide and looked at the sea with a lingering feeling, reflecting on what he had just experienced. At this time, Bai Mo had not found that his respiratory system had been greatly transformed,Stride toward the legendary inner breathing evolution.

Just a few minutes before Bai Mo wakes up, a little girl not far away from Bai Mo sees that the tide is beginning to rise, and Bai Mo seems to be sleeping. She is afraid that he may be washed away by the tide if he doesnt wake up again, so she wants to step forward to wake Bai Mo up. But before she gets to Bai Mos side, she feels frighteningly cold two or three meters away. The temperature difference is more than ten degrees, so scared the little girl ran back to find her family.

Grandfather, that man is so queer. He is obviously asleep, but it is frightfully cold around him. The little girl ran back to her camp and spoiled an old man.

Whats the matter with my little granddaughter? Whats the matter with you that scares you out of logic? Sleeping has nothing to do with chilling, the old man jokes.

Oh, grandfather you are so bad, just laugh at me, eat my stick! The little girl learned the lines of the journey to the West recently and paid back to her grandfather.

After they teased each other, the little girl said seriously about the strange thing she had just met, there is a man sleeping on the beach over there. I think the water is going to rise, so I want to remind him but before I get to him, I suddenly feel much colder. Im so scared that I run back right away.

Its Ok, Grandpa will take you to see whats going on there. Then, dont read that kind of supernatural novel in the future. Its not good for you as a child.

When the little girl heard the last sentence of her grandpa, she buried her head like an ostrich and answered it in a voice as thin as a mosquito: I know, Grandpa, I wont do it in the future.

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