The Omnistore System

Chapter 296 Blondie's big adventure

Chapter 296 Blondie's big adventure

"I heard this ship even has shopping malls and restaurants in it," Viana remarked between spoonfuls of ice cream, Kevin seated nearby engrossed in a book titled 'Fun Things to Do on Nimbus Desire,' Nimbus desire happened to be the name of the airship they were currently aboard.

Kevin, looking up from his book, nodded in agreement. "It's fucking 4 kilometers long and at least 800 meters wide, so it's no surprise. They even have small villas available for rent for long journeys."

Several hours had passed since their argument, and Kevin had already made amends with Viana, albeit without showing his penis to her. However, the same couldn't be said for Keyara, who had shut herself in her room as soon as they arrived at the suite.

Setting his book aside, Kevin suggested, "Wanna explore the ship a bit while grabbing a bite to eat?"

Viana, switching on the crystal-like holograph projector, replied, "I'm not in the mood." Taking a spoonful of red-colored ice cream, she continued, "And I'm already eating. You can ask Keyara if she wants to go?"

"She won't go," Kevin said, his gaze fixed on her door. Viana nodded in agreement, chiming in, "She was too embarrassed, and you made her angry, so it's going to take some time for her to cool off."

Kevin sighed before leaning back on the couch, his eyes wandering to the ceiling for a moment. Then, turning to Viana with a bored expression, he asked, "What are you looking for?"

Viana scrolled through the holographic screen, browsing through various movie options. "nice comedy movie," she remarked casually, glancing over at Kevin. "Do you have any in mind?"

"Well, I think I have," Kevin smirked, edging closer to her. Viana smiled at his approach and asked, "Oh... what's the name?"

"It's 'Blondie's Big Adventure,'" Kevin replied, squeezing her thighs playfully. With a playful smile, she looked back at him, clearly reciprocating the flirtation. "It sounds interesting, but how does this Blondie's big adventure looks?"

With his hand still resting on her thigh, Kevin leaned in closer and whispered, "It depends on the watcher, but for you, the last time you saw it, you definitely liked it."

Feigning surprise, Viana responded, "I've watched it before?" Kevin nodded, inching even closer until their lips were almost touching. But with a smirk, she suddenly turned her face towards the screen, narrowly avoiding his lips, and remarked, "If I've already watched it, it'll be boring to watch again."

Kevin's expression shifted slightly, a hint of annoyance flickering in his eyes at her playful tease. Without a word, he swiftly snatched her ice cream. Viana looked at Kevin with surprise as her dessert was suddenly taken away. "What are you doing? Give it back!" she exclaimed, reaching out to grab it back. But Kevin, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, held it just out of her reach. "I won't," he declared with a playful grin.

"Then just order another one and give mine back to me," Viana demanded, annoyed by Kevin's behavior. She pushed him further, nearly causing him to lie on the sofa with her almost on top of him. Despite her efforts, she still couldn't reach her ice cream as Kevin, being taller, kept it out of her grasp. When Viana realized she wouldn't retrieve it by force, she glared at him with anger, causing Kevin to chuckle. "Okay, you can have it back. Just let me have a taste at least,".

Hearing this, Viana remained silent but softened her glare, still lying on top of him. Kevin brought the ice cream bowl closer, scooping up some of the ice cream. Seeing Viana watch him closely, wary of his antics, he chuckled before leaning up, pretending to aim the spoon for his mouth but deliberately missing and placing a kiss on Viana's lips instead. This surprised her, but she allowed it until he pulled back after a moment, commenting, "It tastes good, a bit sour and rosy."

Blushing slightly from the sudden kiss, Viana quickly snatched the ice cream back, muttering, "Asshole."

It was a side of her he hadn't expected to see, considering her usual confident and experienced demeanor. But now, he had gotten close to her; she seemed more vulnerable, caught off guard by his playful gesture. As he observed her, enjoying her ice cream with flushed cheeks, he realized that even her granddaughters didn't know this side of her until they witnessed her having sex.

Seeing Viana's slightly flushed cheeks, Kevin couldn't resist the urge to tease her further. However, their playful moment was interrupted when Kevin's eyes detected Keyara, who stood there with a hint of disgust in her expression. It was evident that she had been watching them for a while, witnessing their playful interaction.

As Keyara walked towards them with a sigh, she couldn't help but voice her thoughts. "Sometime I get confuse, who is his girlfriend Keith or you, grandma?"

Viana was taken aback by Keyara's unexpected question, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she stuttered out a response. "Wha-what do you mean by that? Of course, he's Keith's boyfriend..." With her face turning red, she quickly averted her gaze, focusing on her ice cream bowl.

Observing Viana's blush, Keyara's expression turned angry with a bit surprise. She directed her gaze towards Kevin, feeling a surge of irritation towards him for causing trouble within her family. It was unusual to see Viana blush; she had been privy to more embarrassing moments involving Viana, but never had she seen her react like this. Normally, Viana would brush off such inquiries with a straight face or counter with a more provocative question.

Despite the urge to comment on Viana's blush, Keyara decided against it. After a productive cultivation session where she resolved the embarrassing memories from the previous night, she didn't want to engage in further conflict. Shaking her head, she simply replied, "Nothing," and turned her attention to the holographic screen. Pointing at a movie titled "A Comedy of Errors: The Untold Story," she suggested, "Let's watch that one. I heard it's good."

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