The Messenger of Death

Chapter 53: negative 1000

Chapter 53: negative 1000

The first thing Camron heard as he stepped into the arena was the sound of something blowing up.

"What's that?"

He jumped, searching for where the explosion came from. It didn't take him long to find out where it came from.

Camron saw that many people were staring at a particular location and he joined them. Looking at where the explosion happened, Camron saw smoke rising into the sky and 5 girls standing not too far from where the smoke was coming out from. He noticed that the girls were wearing brown uniforms.

"Who is the unlucky person that irked these girls? Ahh, that's none of my business, where is Alex?" He scanned the arena for his friend.

"Don't tell me that he got lost." He said with his eyes wide open. He remembered the first time that they met Alex was lost and standing by the side of the road waiting to hitchhike.

Camron started to imagine Alex lost in one of the forests in the school. In his imagination, Alex had already reached the foot of the snow-covered mountain and was about to enter the dangerous forest that was beyond the mountain.

'He has someone watching him from the shadows, even if he did get lost and goes into that place he will still be safe. Stop overthinking Cam.' Camron thought to himself and sighed.

"A bastard I am, but a pushover I am not." Camron heard a familiar voice say and it came from within the smoke.

"Alex?" He whispered.

Soon the smoke started to clear and he saw his friend sitting in the middle of the situation. He watched as Alex raised a finger and pointed it upwards, then fire the size of a leaf hovered above his finger.

As someone who had seen Alex play with his flames, Camron knew how hot those flames were and knew that they could really burn those females in front of Alex.


He called out loudly as he ran towards his friend to stop him from turning the girls into charcoals...

"Huh? Camron?"

Alex heard his friend call. He turned his gaze to where he heard Camron call from and saw him running towards him. Not long after Camron arrived and stood before Alex and the girls.

"Would you kindly put those flames off? It's making me sweat." He urged as he forced a smile on his face.

"Well then go, move away if it's making you sweat." Alex brushed his request away.

"No, I want to sit down beside you, you are the only one I know here." Camron quickly on the spot created an excuse.

"Can't you wait till I set this cricket on fire?"

"That's exactly why I can't wait" Camron mumbled.

"Are you friends with this pervert?" The girl that attacked Alex questioned. "Pervert? You mean him?" He pointed at Alex.

"Yes him. Do you see any other pervert here?" She snapped at Camron. He chuckled. "My friend is many things, but I don't think that he's a pervert." Camron defended.

['Your knight in shining armor is here to save the day.'] Al playfully stated.

Lex chuckled at Al's statement. ['Camron just doesn't want the girls to get hurt. I think he gets the gist, you don't know how to hold back.']

['At least he defended your reputation. I think it would be better if you put those flames out.'] Xander added.

"Nonetheless, I am sorry if he offended you. He can be dense at times." He gave a short bow to the girls.

"What!? Are you mad? Idiot, you don't even know what happened." Alex cursed at him. He scoffed and folded his arms, putting the flames hovering above his finger, out.

['Xander, would you like to take that back?'] Al chuckled and asked.

['Take what back, that he defended his reputation?']


['Why would I do that?']

['Well cause he just called your boy Alex, dense in front of others.'] Al pointed out.

['Ain't that the truth though?'] Xander asked.

['Ah, that's true. I forgot.']

['Assholes!!'] Alex cursed at his alters too.

Right, when Camron was still trying to mediate between the two, students in red uniforms appeared on the biggest ring in the arena, and after them came a handful of students in black uniforms. Immediately after the students arrived, a few teachers appeared too, about 4 of them 3 males and 1 female.

The 3 male teachers were in white-traditional Chinese scholarly attires, and the female wore a white and pink kimono that hugged her lustrous body finely.


Everyone in the colosseum heard a loud voice command. They all turned their attention to the ring in the middle of the arena and noticed the people that had arrived. No one saw or heard them when they entered.

"Go and get somewhere to sit down. If you still haven't found a place to sit in the next 5 seconds then I will deduct 1000 MP from your names." He was referring to everyone standing.

Camron quickly took a seat beside Alex, and the girls that were standing behind the person Alex identified as a cricket, took their seats not too far from where he was. He smirked as he watched cricket sit.

She turned and whispered; "This isn't over pervert, I will search for you and we will settle this later."

Alex smirk only got wider. "I hope so. I await your return cricket." He replied loudly not caring if anyone else heard him. Alex's voice reached everyone's ears because the whole arena was already silent by the time he spoke.

"You over there. Hand me your badge." The man that commanded everyone to keep silent requested Alex's badge. Alex didn't know that he was the one the man was speaking to so he didn't respond, he just kept on staring and smirking evilly at the girl.

Camron used his elbow to hit Alex's ribs.

"Arrgh, what?!" Alex bellowed.

"He's asking for your badge," Camron whispered his reply.

"Me? Why?"

"I don't know, just give it to him." He used his head to point at the man waiting on the stage for Alex to respond. Alex looked at the man that asked for his badge, the middle-aged man has short black hair. A square-shaped face and thin eyes, side buns, mustache, a muscular body and stood at the height of 5'9". His features made him look very masculine. He had light scars on his face a neck.

Alex shook his head and threw his badge at the man's badge at the man.


Camron whispered. "You weren't meant to throw it at him, that's just plain disrespect."

"Huh? I didn't know, he asked for it and that was the fastest way to hand it over to him."

"But still, you shouldn't have thrown it," Camron mentioned again.

"Don't tell me that I was supposed to walk over there, that's just a waste of time and energy."

"Ahhh." Camron face palmed himself. He was afraid for someone that didn't know when to be afraid.

The man caught Alex's badge and said nothing, he then raised a finger and moved it in an unorthodox way.

"I have deducted 2000 merit points from you. Every new student is given 1000 MP upon being admitted into the Academy. Now you have negative 1000 on your name, please be sure to pay up if not you will find it hard to be comfortable in the academy."

The man looked at Alex and saw that his expression didn't change a bit, like merit points meant nothing to him, or he didn't know what merit points were.

The middle-aged man threw his badge back at him.

Alex raised his hand preparing to catch his badge as he saw it approach him. Suddenly the badge accelerated in mid-air and before he could make any other moves it crashed into his palm.


The force from the accelerated badge planted Alex's hand in the wall that was behind where he was seated.

"Arrgh!" He grunted out.

Alex brought his hand out of the wall and saw how mangled and bloody his fingers had turned, blood was dripping from his hand. In anger, Alex turned his attention back to the middle-aged man and released his killing intent at full force.

['Stop!!'] His alters shouted at the same time.

Immediately, Alex retracted his killing intent, it only lasted for a second and it wasn't noticed by most of the people in the colosseum. Everyone standing on the ring, the teachers, students in red, and the ones in black, all caught a whiff of his dense killing intent.

'What sort of demonic killing intent was that?' The middle-aged man thought to himself as he frowned at Alex.

"If you had wasted your energy and time to come here, then you wouldn't have gotten such injury." The man said.

The girl beside Alex silently started to laugh at his predicament.

"The girl laughing. Hand your badge over too."

The middle-aged man commanded. The girl that was laughing just a few seconds ago now looked like she wanted to cry. She respectfully made her way to the ring and handed her badge to the man.

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