The Messenger of Death

Chapter 296: trade of insults

Chapter 296: trade of insults

['Ah Goddamn it!! Lex!!'] Alex whined.

['I'm sorry, I-I I panicked.'] Lex apologized.

['Come on, man. Why did it have to be Al? Xander would have been acceptable, but Al, he hasn't been out in a while Ah, he's going to stir up some trouble.'] Alex complained.

['I'm sorry, I really am.'] Lex apologized sincerely with a timid voice.

['Alright, that should be enough, right, Alex? He didn't do it purposely. Either way, Al is surely going to come in control if not today then another time. Allow him to run wild a bit.'] Xander interjected.

['Well alright. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you Lex.'] Alex apologized after giving in.

['No, I'm the one that's meant to be apologizing.'] Lex said.

Alex sighed.

Al had been laughing all this while, not caring about the conversation that the rest were having.

['I'll let you have your piece, Al. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do.'] Alex mentioned.

"Even if you didn't agree I still wouldn't have given a shit, rabbit. The day I pretend to be you is the day I castrate myself, so don't count on it. Instead, watch as I put some things that we have been avoiding into motion; that includes killing that bastard that looks like the cock of a peacock and the other that acts as if he never went through breastfeeding stage." Al revealed.

['Wait, what!? Who's the one that looks like the cock of a peacock?'] Alex was suddenly confused by Al.

['I thought birds don't have a penis.'] Lex muttered, doubting his knowledge for a second there.

['They don't, Al is just being himself.'] Xander said.

Al face palmed himself and shook his head. "Am I the only one with a great sense of humor here?" He whispered silently. "Duna is the former and Vincent is the one that acts as if he didn't go through the breastfeeding stage," Al revealed and shook his head one more time.

['What do you have in mind?'] Alex asked, getting a bit excited that Al had come up with a plan on how to deal with Vincent.

"Hahahaha!! I've got nothing." Al said with a smile on his face

['What!? I thought you know what, forget it.'] Alex gave up.

"Hey guys, just heard someone laughing," Drake mentioned.

"I told you guys that I could hear a sound coming from over there." Adrian pointed in the direction where he heard the sounds coming from.

Al smirked and erased his presence, blending into the darkness skillfully.

['Why are you hiding? It's not as if they are going to do anything to you if they find out that you're here.'] Alex said.

['I just want to test them a bit.'] Al replied.

Katherine, Adrian, Drake, Gustavo, and Emma entered the darkroom respectively. Katherine tried using her fire to look around for anything.

After checking for a while, they couldn't find Al. "I thought you said that the sound was coming from this site?" Drake muttered.

"I did," Adrian answered and closed his. "Be quiet everyone, let me confirm again." He began to focus on the sounds around him.

Everyone did as he asked and kept their mouths shut. Adrian listened to everyone breathing and he could hear them clearly. He then frowned because something was weird, while he could hear everyone breathe, Adrian could also hear a wind-like sound getting closer to Emma as if it was walking.

'Wind don't walk' He thought.

"Emma, behind you!!" Adrian alerted but he was already too late. Al grabbed Emma from behind and her into the darkness of the room, he pressed his chest against her back and purposely rested his elbow on the upper part of her breast.

Before Emma could resist or make any sound, Al whispered in her ear. "Relax Emma, it's me."


"Shhh" Before she could complete her sentence Al interrupted her.

Emma was confused, unable to understand Al's intention, but she complied. It was after a few seconds that she noticed how close Al's body was to hers.

His lips were just right next to her ear, the one that he whispered into. His arm resting on top of her breast, and her backside resting on top of his laps. This made Emma's face rosy and her body hot.

She tried moving forward a bit, but Al's grip on her was tighter than she thought.

['Bad mutt!! Let go of her, let her go!! Down boy, down!!'] Alex began shouting.

['Really? Talking to me like you would to a dog it only makes me want to act more like a dog.'] Al chuckled silently.

He placed his lower lip on Emma's earlobe, making her body tremble slightly. ['Ah, she's more sensitive than it thought.'] A smirk crawled up his lips as he started to imagine a steamy scene with Emma.

Al could feel his little stir a bit due to his imagination. ['Ah, I know little one. Only I understand how much pent-up sexual frustration you are going through. Don't worry, now that big bro is in control, I will help you relieve yourself.'] Al said to his penis.

['You mutt of doubtful pedigree, let her go!! Drop your hands.'] Alex bellowed in frustration, worried about his image and how much Al was going to ruin it.

['You want me to drop my hand?'] Al questioned.

['Yes, drop your hands!!']

['As you wish.'] Al dropped his hand slowly from Emma's chest, dragging his finger along her clothing as his hand dropped.

Everyone entered a battle stance, ready to fight whoever it was that was sneaking up on them. They could see or sense Al, so it was hard for them to locate them. They kept on turning around, looking left and right, always missing Al and Emma slightly.

Emma couldn't take it anymore and she moaned quite loudly. "Hmmm!" It was short and unrestrained.

['You, you you piece of shit!!'] Alex insulted.

['That's it, after stuttering, all you could come up with is a piece of shit?'] Al wanted to start laughing but he held it in.

Her moan gave up their position and Al finally let go of her.

"Emma?" Katherine called out as soon as she saw her.

"Alex!" Drake mentioned after Katherine.

"You guys need to learn how to track people down in the dark." Al began.

"Drake, you breathe too loudly when you're nervous, affecting Adrian's hearing. Adrian, you rely too much on listening to the sound instead of feeling the vibration. If you can feel, then it would be easier to discern and differentiate.

Katherine, you rely too much on your sight, your fire isn't bright enough, limiting your range of sight. If you if can sense the body heat that everyone is creating then you would have been able to find Emma and me quickly.

And you, Gustavo, you are too cautious, which is not necessarily a bad thing generally however in this case it is. If you had been more daring you could have figured out my position quickly." He finished.

['What the?'] Alex uttered.

['I did say that I was going to test them, I just had a bit of fun while doing so. You can't blame me for that right?'] Al stated in his defense.

['You, you']

['Hold your piece rabbit, I don't want you coming up with some weak-ass insult again after stuttering. But if you think it's something good, let me hear it.'] Al said, making it sound as if he enjoyed being insulted by Alex.

Alex kept quiet because he knew that he didn't have any good insult at the moment.

['I thought so.'] Al chuckled.

"So you were testing us?" Gustavo questioned.

"Wasn't that obvious?" Al replied with a question.

They could all tell that Alex wasn't acting like the usual Alex, however, they have experienced different sides of him and Camron always said that he had Bipolar tendencies. Remembering that information helps them confirm that it was Alex and not some imposter in his form.

Emma was panting slightly, trying to calm herself.

"What's wrong with Emma?" Katherine asked.

"Oh, I gave her a different type of test," Al answered.

"Did she pass?" Adrian asked as he watched her carefully.

"Somewhat, all she needs to do is to know when to let it all out at the right time," Al advised.

"Huh?" Drake exclaimed as he looked at Al weirdly.

Everyone else looked at Al weirdly, suspecting that there was more to what he said. Only Emma understood and it made her heart pound.

['You pervert!!'] Alex said.

['Wasn't that already clear from day one?'] Al responded cheekily.


['A bit generic and stereotypical, don't you think?']

['You sly fox,']

['Come on, you're getting there.']


['Tsk, weak']

['You fucking fucked up alternate personality with a fucked up personality!!']

['Yes, I liked that. It felt suiting.']

Alex gave up, he couldn't vent at Al like this anymore. It didn't matter what he said, Al was enjoying every bit of it, and that only made him angrier.

"Hahahaha!!" Al began laughing.

His teammates thought that he was laughing at their reactions and expressions.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen that retard I mean Camron today." Al noticed.

"Us too, I think he went into closed-door training," Adrian revealed.

"Oh Well then, shall we get to work ladies and ladies?" Al stated as he began making his way towards the exit of the room.

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