The Messenger of Death

Chapter 294: a successful fusion

Chapter 294: a successful fusion

"Elena!!" Professor Gorr's radiant blue eyes trembled as he looked at his granddaughter.

"That was quite easy to do Gorr, I thought you placed a barrier around my niece? We're you bluffing. Oh my, this wasn't my intention little one, I was only aiming for the barrier. You won't blame grandpa Ash for this little mistake right?" Ashamm uttered shamelessly, knowing that this would help infuriate the Professor some more.

"Does it hurt?" Ashamm twisted his hand a bit, causing blood to sprout out of Elena's mouth.


Suddenly, Professor Gorr's aura exploded, surpassing that Ashamm by far.


Ashamm felt a breeze blow past him, he knew that it was Professor Gorr, but after his aura exploded Ashamm was unable to keep up with Professor Gorr. Being unable to react quickly, Ashamm saw his own hand still on Elena's back but his body flying further away.

Professor Gorr separated Ashamm's hand from his shoulder and sent him flying. It was so fast that blood from Ashamm's ripped arm didn't have the chance to spill


Ashamm's body broke through the walls of the underground bunker.

['So that was what, or who made the huge hole in the walls.'] Alex realized.

['That must have hurt a lot.'] Al thought.

['He deserves it, what did Elena ever do? He is a very sly person, I hate sly people.'] Lex complained, showing empathy for Elena.

['Don't tell me that you have a crush on her?'] Al joked, making Lex blush a bit.

['I don't. I don't need to have a crush on anyone before I'm allowed to pity them.']


"Ahhh!!" Professor Gorr cried out in agony as he grabbed the arm that was ripped out of Ashamm. He started to draw the life force within and pointed his palm in the trajectory that Ashamm was blown to.

A small ball of blue flames, the size of a pigeon's egg, manifested in front of the Professor's palm. This ball of flames rotated at high speed, seeping the life force of everyone around. Excluding Elena, the professor, and of course, Lex.

The main source of energy for this ball was from the arm that was ripped off Ashamm. Surreptitiously, the ball of flames shot in the direction where Ashamm had been thrown to. The ball of flames got bigger as it traveled at a speed Lex could keep track of.


The ball exploded, devouring everything that it touched.

A wind that carried the heat of the flames passed by the room where the Professor, Elena, Ashamm's clones, and his subordinates, were.

Even if it was only a recorded imitation of what transpired here. The heat that the wind carried was so hot that the recording crystal failed to function properly.

While it managed to imitate what happened, the figures of the Professor and Elena started to glitch

This heat gave Lex goosebumps. That blue flame is at a level that his Dragon flames have yet to attain. If he was actually present on this day, and gets scorched by the blue fire, he might be burned to death.

The lights in the lab turned off, making everywhere as dark as to when Lex entered this part of the bunker. The walls melted to the ground, creating a mercury-like substance in the distance.

['I guess we know how this part of the bunker got messed up.'] Al muttered.

Although the projection was dark, figures could still be discerned if one focused.

The people that came along with Ashamm had to draw protective inscriptions to protect themselves against the hot wind.

Such an attack was enough to end Ashamm if he was hit directly by the attack.

The arm that was previously in Elena's body had shrunk to nothing but a bone that looked as if it was shrouded in dust.

The Professor released his grip on the arm and faded out of existence.

His breathing was abnormal as tears formed in his eyes. Elena was already unconscious and was about to drop to the ground.

The Professor caught her before she could reach the floor. "Elena?" He checked her pulse from her neck.

It was slow and getting weaker as time went by.

Professor Gorr started to draw a healing inscription, whilst drawing it, he noticed that it wasn't taking effect, which was weird.

For a runemaster of his caliber, he didn't need to complete the inscription before it starts to take effect.

Even after he had completed the healing inscription, it still didn't show any signs of healing Elena's injury.

"Argh!!! You bastard!! You used my arm for that attack." Ashamm reappeared from the floor.

One arm still missing, but now he had a badly burnt face, making him look gore-like. The hair on one part of his skin had burnt, only a small part of his hair remained.

Little bubbles popped on his face, spewing hot mucus. One of his eyes looked as if it was suspending in his eye socket. His upper lips glued to his nose after being melted by that fire.

'Even after substituting with a clone that managed to stay intact, that blue flames still messed me up." Ashamm thought.

Seeing this made Lex happy. He chuckled at the sight of scorched Ashamm.

"Serves him right,"

Ashamm's skin looked as if it was trying to heal, but it kept on melting as it was healing. The blue flame wasn't going to let Ashamm off that easily.

"What did you do, Ashamm!?" The Professor asked with a shaky voice.

"Hmph! I told you that I learned some tricks over the years that you were missing. Nothing you do will save your granddaughter.

If only you had just come along with us quietly, she would have been fine and treated as a VIP guest in the King's palace." Ashamm would have loved to smirk at the Professor, but with the current condition of his face, his facial muscles weren't obeying his intentions.

"Well, it looks like I wasn't the only one that learned a few tricks over the years." Ashamm was referring to the blue flames.

"How about we say that we're even now? I fucked your granddaughter up and you fucked my face bad." A bubble on his face popped and splashed mucus around.

The mucus was so hot that it melted through the ground. It also touched the back of Ashamm's palm, making him grunt loudly.

Although Ashamm and Professor Gorr were categorically at the same level, Ashamm knew that at best, he could reproduce only half of What the blue flames did.

"How much longer?" Ashamm looked at his subordinates as he asked.

"In a minute it would be complete." One of them answered.

The reason Ashamm agreed to battle with the professor was so that he could distract and buy some time for his subordinates to complete a formation.

One that would lock space and drag them directly to the Celestial realm.

Even if the Professor was able to notice that space had been locked, he wasn't able to tell what the other function of the formation was.

"Better Gorr, despite your struggles, we are still going to the South King's palace. You should have just listened to me you stubborn dog!" Ashamm was pissed off because of what the Professor did to his face.

Despite his rather calm deposition, the pain that he was feeling was enough to make people run mad. Insulting the Professor and rubbing salt on the injury was all he could do to vent his anger at the Professor.

Ashamm was also scared that the Professor still had something up his sleeve but was too occupied with trying to save Elena to use it against him. So he decided not to wake the sleeping lion.

"Be fast about it!! Stupid People!" Ashamm ordered.

His subordinates were already working as fast as they could.

"South King? I thought the Celestial plain realm is controlled by an Emperor. Emperor of humans, if I'm not mistaken. That was what Grace said." Lex mentioned.

['We could ask Nana the next time we meet her.'] Al stated.

"Elena, I'm sorry." Tears glided down the Professor's cheeks.

Professor Gorr didn't know what to do anymore. All options that he tried didn't have any kind of effect on the injury that was on Elena.

Suddenly, feeding Elena the fused pill crossed the Professor's mind.

"This is my last option." He whispered in fear of causing more harm to his granddaughter with the pill.

'Originally, the alchemy pill that was concocted was one with some features of the pancreas. The runes that it was combined with bits of alchemy can help give one energy, supporting the system, another helps to increase cultivation, and the third gives life force temporarily to the consumer.' The Professor thought.

"Spend whatever time that you can with your Granddaughter before you face the King," Ashamm said.

While he was talking he saw the professor bring something out of his pocket. "Wasting pills huh? Tsk tsk tsk, desperate-"

Ashamm stopped talking when he felt the aura coming from the pill. It made his eyes open wide in shock.

The professor opened Elena's mouth and dropped the pill in. He used his telekinesis to guide the pill down her throat.

Within seconds, new muscles, organs, and skin that had been destroyed started to heal rapidly.

"Don't tell me that you finally completed the fusion!?" Ashamm said but the professor ignored him.

"So that was why you killed all those people here," Ashamm added. "HAHAHAHA!!! THE KING WILL BE PLEASED!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Elena's wound healed perfectly, making her skin look even better than before.

Her pulse was becoming stronger and louder, so loud that it as if the sound of her heartbeat had been amplified.


It was sounding as if a drum was being beaten, once at a time.

The roots of her white hair started to turn red as if they had been dyed in blood. It traveled from the roots to the tips of her hair, making the whole thing bloody-red.

Suddenly, a life force that had no comparison emanated from Elena. A red glow surrounded her body.

This life force was so pure and strong that it began healing Ashamm's burnt face too, returning it to its former glory.

"It actually worked, more than I hoped for."

The Professor looked around and saw that everyone's focus was on Elena. "I'm sorry little one and I love you, more than you can ever imagine." He bent his head and whispered these words into Elena's ears as she was still unconscious.

Professor Gorr used this chance to write his last inscription, on his palm.

After that, he looked at Elena one more time and flashed a sad smile at her.


The Professor stamped his palm on the side of his head and fainted.

By the time Ashamm noticed this, it was already too late, the Professor had destroyed his brain by himself. Eliminating the possibility of them getting the information on how to create a fused pill from him.

He didn't worry that they could get the information from Elena, she had been kept in the dark most of the time. Her knowledge of the process is incomplete. One wrong step in the making will bring hell on them.

"Noooo!!!" Ashamm screamed out

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