The Messenger of Death

Chapter 292: stavlosa runemaster

Chapter 292: stavlosa runemaster

After pondering on what Xander said about the academy knowing of the existence of the underground bunker, Lex stayed where he was when the projection ended for over 15 minutes, waiting to see if any other recording was going to come up.

He was eager to find out the results of the pill that the scientist created.

"Nothing is happening" He muttered.

['We usually come across new recordings as we progressed deeper into the bunker, but behind these broken glass walls is just that room, and that's a dead-end.'] Alex stated.

"Maybe I should check if there are any hidden rooms around. I can use the skin crawler to do that." Lex thought.

['Sure.'] Alex replied.

Lex made a turn and was about to head to the elevator, just as he took his third step, a projection came on

Elena rushed out of the elevator and ran towards the end of the room. "What happened!?" She questioned the nearest person there.

Curiosity-driven, Lex turned around quickly to see what had transpired. In the projection, the glass walls were just falling apart and Elena was standing in front of it.

"The Professor had been acting weird since last night. He was agitated and said that we test the effects of the pill. I don't know what came over him." One of the scientists that were present explained.

"Last night, he ordered us to get rid of the research data that we gathered over the years in the making of the pills. I still don't understand why, I thought we had gotten into some kind of trouble so I destroyed every data that we gathered on the research of the fusion.

Only those who participated in the process and production knows the details of the research now." The scientist continued.

"Why would he do that? That's not like him to do such." The worry in Elena's voice could be heard by everyone listening.

"Where is the person that volunteered to test the pill for us!? Where!!??" Professor Gorr's voice echoed in the room behind the now broken glass walls.

"Grandpa!!" Elena called out.

"Elena? We have to hurry and test the pill then leave this place as fast as we can!" The Professor said.

"Why? What's going on, please tell me!" She pleaded.

"I don't have time to explain this to you, all you need to know is that we have to leave this plain realm in the hours to come where in the hell is that stupid lab rat that is meant to help test the effects of the fused pill!!" The Professor bellowed.

"Lab rat!? Grandpa have you gone mad!?" Elena said to her grandfather, stunned by the language he used to address the person that volunteered to test the effects of the pill for them."

"Where is he!?" The Professor ignored Elena and proceeded as if she wasn't there.

"Professor, we can't find him. It seems as if he bailed on us." A scientist there informed.

"What!!!" The Professor shouted, his anger could clearly be seen as his complexion changed.

Elena could see that her grandfather wasn't in the mood to argue with her, he wasn't himself today. She took a deep breath in, calming herself down before asking; "How do we leave the lower plain realm? I don't know what came over you, but I know you wouldn't joke about leaving this plain realm."

Suddenly the Professor's body jerked as if something shocked him. He quickly grabbed the pill and rushed out of the room. "Elena, let's go!" He said.

"What!? Now!!? I haven't packed anything!" Elena complained.

"Forget about whatever you own here, your life is more important." The professor grabbed her hand and dragged.

"What about us Professor!? What should we do if there is some kind of danger is approaching?" One of the scientists present asked.

This stopped the professor in his tracks. "Call everyone here. Tell them to be here in 2 minutes, be fast about it!!" The professor ordered.

Elena continued to look at her grandfather with worry in her eyes, she had never seen him like this. This sort of emotion, it was the first that she was experiencing such from him

In a few minutes, every scientist, every individual that was involved in the making of the fused pill in one way or another had gathered in one room. They all lined up in front of the Professor, eager to hear what he had to say.

"Everyone, we are short on time so I will cut the bullshit and go straight to the point" The professor paused for a moment, he looked pained. "I have to ask all of you to forgive me. I have kept a lot from you guys and now my karma is coming back to get me. Everyone that was involved in this would be affected by my karma." The Professor announced.

Everyone had a look of confusion on their faces as they didn't understand what the professor was saying.

"Forgive me, I have to this. What they would do to you would be worse than this." The Professor said.

"What are you talking about!!? Please grandpa, tell me, you are scaring me!!" Elena pleaded.

"Elena, cover your ears." The professor ordered.


"This is no time to be arguing with me girl, forget, I will do it for you."

Suddenly, Elena couldn't hear a single sound. Panic struck her and she screamed. "I can't hear anything, grandpa," A tear slipped out her eyes.

"I'm sorry little one, I can't lose you, and even if I lose this project you are worth more to me. I don't want you to see this, however, to understand the struggle you have to watch." The Professor stated.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them, his deep blue eyes had some kind of glow to them. It looked menacing and contained a scary aura.

Lex subconsciously took a few steps back. Even if it was just a recording, he still felt uneasy and had to be cautious.

['What the was this professor always this powerful?'] Al questioned.

The scientists around, both alchemists and runemasters shrunk away because of the aura the Professor saw emitting. Those that weren't cultivators in any form, they fell to the ground in shock. Their legs and lips trembling.

"I'm sorry," The Professor apologized once again.

"Grandpa!! What is happening to-" The Professor raised his index finger and Elena's voice cut off. She couldn't make any sound again.

This was hard for Elena to figure out since she couldn't hear a thing, she continued to move her mouth, not knowing she wasn't making a sound. After a few seconds she stopped, it was then she noticed that when she tried speaking, there was no vibration coming from her throat.

"Everyone run!!" One of the runemasters present shouted. He turned around and began making his way from the elevator.

Some of them that could sense something ominous coming had already drawn a defensive inscription.

"STAVLOSA!" The professor uttered.

['Shit Lex, teleport away, quickly!!!'] Alex urged.

A second after saying that, a light breeze came out of nowhere blew gently.


Everyone that heard the word that the Professor uttered fell to the floor and began vomiting blood. The pressure from that word was so strong that vomiting alone wasn't enough. The normal people that heard that statement from Professor, had their heads blown into pieces by the statement.

Those with some cultivation had blood rushing out of all their pores like a fountain.

Elena watched this happen with her eyes wide open, she couldn't believe what she just saw happen. She felt a light breeze blow and then people started dying gruesomely. She quickly glanced at her grandfather to see if he was alright, much to delight, he was fine.

Lex who had quickly teleported elsewhere wasn't far from the room where the projection was playing.


Lex started vomiting blood too, but his case wasn't as gruesome and critical as that of the scientists.

['Hell!! I thought you dodged that.'] Al said.

Al was the one with the least knowledge about runes.

['We are lucky enough to have escaped with this much.'] Xander said.

"There's a memory from Daemon about runemasters of high ranking in the Celestial plain realm. "Do not let a high-level runemaster introduce his inscription realm, if you happen to hear one introduce themselves, then tomorrow will be far," Lex said.

['People without adequate strength will die after hearing it. We are lucky that it's only a recording, it couldn't imitate everything. I never thought that the Professor was a Stavlosa runemaster. He is way above our league.'] Alex mentioned.

"We are really lucky." Lex concurred.

['No wonder he cut off Elena's sense of hearing. He didn't want her to be affected by it.'] Al realized.

['Let's head back there and see what happens next.'] Xander suggested.


Lex agreed as he stood straight, wiping the blood off his lips.


He teleported back to the scene of the tragedy

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