The Messenger of Death

Chapter 289: charlie

Chapter 289: charlie

"Whoa!" Lex muttered when he saw the complete figure of this individual that Professor Gorr was referring to.

This person was tall, very tall, to the extent that he couldn't stand straight in the bunker if not his head would have been hitting the ceiling.

He had long brown hair that was long and thick enough to cover his eyes and ears. His arms too were long and wide, and he was wearing an overall that had been dirtied by what looked like a black liquid.

"Put that thing off and come join the rest!" Professor Gorr ordered.

Elena smiled softly at the sight of this tall man.

"Yes, Professor Gorr." The tall man sighed before turning the crystal off, subsequently making the whole bunker dark once again.

"It was all a projection," Lex muttered. "A very realistic projection, one more realistic than the ones that we've seen in Mars. And the technology in Mars is more advance than what's here." He added.

['Perhaps it's because of the reverse-engineered runes that they used to make the recording device or crystal. Runes change the rules of the game.'] Al commented.

Lex walked to where he saw the tall guy dropping the crystal that he was using to record everything, hoping to find the device there. Unfortunately, when he got there, nothing was there but the table he saw in the projection.

"System, night vision, please.


*Activating night vision, please standby.

As soon as the night vision came on, Lex began exploring more of this side of the bunker. The deeper he went in, the more he came across random recordings that were made by the same person, the tall man.

Lex paid no attention to the projections that he had been coming across now because most of them were pointless. So he took no interest in them.

['Seems like the tall guy fell in love with video tapping, I reckon that he recorded himself doing it too.'] Al stated mischievously.

['Doing what?'] Alex asked.

['Doing it, and if you don't understand then it means that you are not meant to know. It ain't for virgins like you rabbit. Just be a good boy and stay ignorant.'] Al chuckled.

['What's that supposed to mean? I might be a virgin but I'm not clueless. Doing it can mean masturbating or sex, right?'] Alex was a little offended.

['Hahaha, just wanted to hear you say those words. I know that you're not that dumb.'] AL began laughing harder than he previously did.

['Mutt of doubtful pedigree!!'] Alex insulted, but his insult only made Al's laugh get harder.

['Ahh, they are back to throwing vulgar words at each other.'] Xander sighed.

"Shellie, if you do that then my grandpa I mean the Professor might actually throw you out of the lab for good. Think about this before you do anything, please." Elena's voice reached Lex's ears as he was passing by a room.

He stopped in front of the room and opened the door. His sight was greeted by the familiar white hair of Elena and another brown one that he hadn't come across since he began exploring this side of the bunker and seeing the projections.

"Is that who I think it is? Sheldon Shellie?" Lex mutters.

['I think so.'] Alex replied.

['She looks so nerdy. Nerdy as fuck. Damn, I'll take her any day, anywhere, anytime. Look at those legs.'] Al added.

Subconsciously listening to what Al said, Lex glanced at Shellie's long tanned legs. He slowly looked at them from her toes to her thighs.

['Lex!!'] Alex called out, snapping him out of it.

"I'm s-sorry." Lex blushed and stuttered as he turned his attention elsewhere.

['Weirdly she looks like someone the tall guy.'] Xander pointed out.

The Sheldon Shellie that Lex was seeing in front of him was just as tall as Elena, if not taller. She had brown think hair that she tied into a ponytail, a long neck, and a defined chin. Her nose was a bit pointed with chestnut brown eyes that were almost as deep and dark as Alex's own. She wore glasses too.

Sheldon Shellie was an attractive woman. She was changing her clothes, so right now she was in her underwear.

['Come to think of it, this tall guy doesn't know what privacy is, does he?'] Al thought.

"At all." Lex concurred. He looked around the room to figure out where the video could have been recorded from. Lex saw a high window that was close to the ceiling of the bunker.

"Over there, he should be the only one tall enough to reach there in the bunker, unless there is someone as tall as him here." Lex pointed at the window

"The professor still hasn't fulfilled his promise and it already been over 10 years. My brother's time is limited, we don't even know how long his brain can remain active. I met a lot of alchemists of different cultures and places and none of them could do anything to help.

My brother is the reason why I became a scholar here in the first place. The Professor your grandfather promised that he would find a way to assist my brother if we stuck with him. At first, I thought that it was a lie, but after reading the reports and seeing all the things that he had in mind I finally felt that there might be some kind of hope for my brother.

Only for 10 years to pass us by and the only thing your grandfather has done is to use my brother's brain for his own needs. I'm sorry to say, Elena, your grandfather is killing him, not helping him and it's time I took him to where he could be cured." As Shellie spoke, the pain could be heard in her voice.

['Family problem?'] Lex wondered.

['I'm wondering what the professor told a smart woman like to convince her that he could help.'] Al said.

"Just give him a few more time, Please Shellie, I trust my grandfather." Elena pleaded.

"I know that you do, and I used to trust him too. I suggest that you wake as I have, your grandfather only cares about his achievements. If you want to stop me, you better go and report me now because once I leave this place you wouldn't be able to reach me anymore." Shellie stated as she wore a skirt.

"I can't do that Shellie, you're my friend. The only friend I've got." Elena also sounded hurt as she spoke.

Shellie sighed, "Elena, I know. You are the only good thing that is left in this lab. Every one of us has been blinded by our own greed, but you Elena. You are as pure as the white on your hair." Shellie used her hand to place a strand of white hair behind Elena's ear.

"Would you come with me and my brother as I continue to search the cruel world for a cure for him?" Shellie asked.

Elena began shedding tears, "Just a little more time Shellie." She whispered.

"I'm sorry for asking that question, you're too nice and you deserve better than me or your grandfather even at this moment, as you are asking me to give the professor more time, the moment I look at my brother, I find it hard to agree to that.

Look, he is so infatuated by the recording crystal that he created that he doesn't even know what privacy is anymore." Shellie pointed at the window where pointed at earlier.

"Charlie, it's wrong to invade people's privacy," Shellie uttered softly.

Suddenly a light passed through Lex and the figure of the tall man appeared, Charlie.

"I know, that's why I left the crystal there on the window, I've been seating on the floor so I didn't look." Charlie sounded like a child as he spoke.

"I know Charlie you're a good big brother, the best in the world. You always listen to what this foolish little sister of yours say." Shellie's voice cracked as she spoke.

"How can look at my brother and still want me to give the professor more time? His brain, his mentality has regressed to that of a little child. This is the present state of my big brother, my elder brother." Shellie said as her body trembled.

['Is he developing autism as time passes?'] Alex wondered.

['But that's not right, autism shows from a young age, not as you grow. This is certainly a special case of neurological disorder, but it's not autism.'] Xander said.

"Charlie, please can you stop recording, I think you have enough to look at, right?" Shellie said softly.

"Hmm, I do." Charlie bobbed his head.


Charlie's head hit his head on the ceiling, causing him to fall to the floor.

"Oh my Charlie, are you alright?" Shellie rushed to her brother's side placed his head on her lap. "Does it hurt?" She whispered.

"Ye" Charlie was about to reply, but he looked into his sister's eyes and saw that tears were on the verge of bursting out.

"No, it doesn't." He said with a smile as tears fell out of his own eyes, he was in pain but didn't want to worry his sister.

"It happened again, didn't it Shellie," Charlie spoke, but this time he sounded mature.

"Don't cry Shellie, I will protect you from anything bad in this world," Charlie said with a smile and tears still falling out of his eyes, obviously in pain too.

He stretched his hand out and the crystal flew to him. Charlie touched the crystal on a spot and the whole room went dark.

The projection ended there

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