The Messenger of Death

Chapter 281: crisis in the capital city iii

Chapter 281: crisis in the capital city iii

Desire and Saram are both nirvana realm cultivators. Alex could gauge their realms but couldn't pinpoint the rank.

All he knew was that he could deal with cultivators in the same cultivation realm as him.

Seeing the silver flying knives head for him at a speed faster than a bullet, Alex contemplated distorting space to avoid the attack.

['Using the Space: Distortion requires me to focus. It would be risky to use here.'] he thought.

After deciding, little sparks of lightning flashed around his eyes.

He dodged the knives quickly.

Right at that moment, the rest began battling with the opponents they chose.

Although the sparks of lightning caught the attention of the members of the syndicate, however, they had their plate full at the moment.

"Young friend, you are even capable of using the lightning element. You are like a Pandora box, filled with mysteries." Saram's expression changed for the first since arriving in the capital city.

"The silver, it has blood in it inscribed." Alex's head tilted to the side as he thought about what he deduced.

He couldn't understand how the monk was able to do that.

['That's pure silver, but I could smell blood in it. Could it be that it contains blood? But that's not possible, is it? I mean even if they did forge the staff with blood it shouldn't smell of blood like this.'] Alex thought.

['We don't really know what's possible what isn't anymore.'] Xander reminded.

['True.'] Lex concurred. ['Even if you can increase your cultivation prowess, don't underestimate him. He is weird.']

"Ohh!! You have keen senses too. You are correct, there is blood coursing within the silver spear. My blood that is.

When the staff was being forged my blood was forged alongside it. During its final moments, before it was completed, I drew inscriptions on the rings and staff." The monk revealed with a wicked grin on his face.

['I guess you guessed right.'] Lex uttered.

"I will take my time dealing with you. Even if my cultivation rank is higher than yours, I should still be able to have some fun with you."

As Saram was speaking, he turned every bit of the spear and rings on it into a thousand sewing needles.

"Show me how fast a lightning elemental user can get," Saram mentioned before sending a thousand needles at Alex.

"Fine, I'll play with you a bit," Alex replied with an equally wicked grin.

['But a bit of distance between you and the rest of the team. We wouldn't want to make a friendly fire.'] Lex suggested

Listening to Lex, Alex ran towards a place far from the market square and free of people. As he made his there the monk and his thousand silver needles followed behind him.

After making sure that he was in a place free of casualties, Alex stopped running and faced the monk.

"Was that the limits of your speed? According to the records of the holy temple that I hail from, lightning elemental users possessed speed far greater than that what their cultivation realm would allow.

Don't tell me that it was a lie." Saram complained.

Alex scoffed and let the lightning around him run amok.


The sparks got bigger and stronger.

"Woah!!!-" The monk lost his composure for few seconds excited to see that what he knew about lightning elemental users.

"Forgive me, I got too excited." Saram recovered his composure.

Alex twirled his spear, "Let us begin and also, give me everything you've got from the get-go, I don't want to kill you by mistake."

"Arrogance is a sin. Let me help you cleanse your sins." Saram uttered before attacking Alex.

Alex stood where he was and let the needles approach him. He used the spear the hit any needle that had a possibility of touching him and then dodged the ones that he couldn't hit.

He moved too fast for someone at the second rank of the nirvana cultivation realm.

"Marvelous, splendid, Amitabha!!!" He exclaimed as he watched Alex surpass the speed of his rank by far.

Alex decided to turn up the notch a bit, he went for Saram himself whilst he was still rambling.

When Saram was within range Alex jabbed the blade of his spear at him, aiming for his forehead.

This attack was faster than what Saram thought Alex was capable of and also unexpected.

It almost landed on him. His eyes opened wide in shock and fear as he quickly made an attempt to dodge the attack doing so, almost escaping completely unscathed.

The sharp edge of the spear drew a line on the bald head of the monk. The slash wasn't a fatal one, but it did make Saram bleed.

The scariest thing for the monk is the way Alex attacked. Without releasing any killing intent, as if he didn't plan on ending his life.

But if he didn't move as he did and successfully escape almost unscathed, the spear would have pierced through his skull and ended his life.

['He is quick on his feet, I'll give him that. I almost had him.'] Alex thought to himself.

['I wonder how the rest are doing against their own opponents. Ahhh!! Now I'm bored, I thought this was going to be an interesting fight, at least intriguing.'] Alex added.

['Then end the fucking fight if you feel so, trying to act all cool and powerful pathetic.'] Al muttered angrily.

['Ah, he speaks'] Alex said apathetically.

"The records from the temple didn't lie about lightning elemental users. Buddha has blessed the wrong child with such unique abilities.

You have succeeded in making me jealous, and as a monk, I can not achieve true Nirvana if I do not dispel and let go of such emotions. Killing you slowly will be a step to-"

"Do you know how hot a fire has to be to melt silver?" Alex interrupted the monk with his question.

This threw Saram off-balance, "What?" He uttered.

"System, an answer to my previous statement please."


*The melting point for silver 961.8 degrees Celsius.

The system replied shortly and Alex read out loud.

"You think you make your flames hot enough to burn my silver?" Saram made a calculated guess as to where Alex was heading with all he had been saying.

"No I don't think so I know so. Let me apologize before killing you, I never had the intention of bullying you but you're just so weak and basic that the game got too boring for me to continue pretending."

"I haven't been insulted like this for years. I am called Saram, the silver monk, let me show you why." Saram released his killing intent once again. But this time he called his silver needles to his side.

Making every single needle pierce through his skin. The needles then melted and coated Saram's body, making him look like a man-made of silver.

Every single inch of his body was silver now, including his eyes. He somewhat resembled a statue.

"I take it back, you're not completely basic. But still, this doesn't change much, monk."

Alex smirk and let the lightning around him settle. Since he had grasped a fundamental nature of lightning, he could use the element but still couldn't activate the dragon lightning bloodline.

And at the moment, he wanted to end things quickly and head back to check on his teammates.


Alex activated his fire bloodline and his entire body was covered by dragon flames. His cultivation rose from the second rank of the nirvana realm to the ninth rank.

Saram couldn't tell that Alex's cultivation had risen. His mind was clouded with the thought of killing Alex painfully.

"Covering yourself in fire will not help you much, my silver is not the usual-"

Alex suddenly appeared in front of Saram, and it took him 2 seconds before he could make any kind of reaction.

Every fiber of his instincts told him to put some distance between him and the burning teenager. Even while he was covered in silver he could feel the heat coming from the flames on Alex's body.

Unfortunately for Saram, before he could move his legs, Alex caught his neck in his palm.

Saram felt Alex's fingers as they melted his silver skin. The pain from the burn was quite unimaginable for Saram.

"Ahhh!!" He cried out in pain and tried to escape Alex's grip.

He folded his fist and scored a punch at Alex's jaw, causing his fiery to tilt to the side a bit.

Annoyed by Saram's struggling, Alex raised him into the air smashed his body ground. Immediately after doing that, he opened his mouth and breathed dragon flames directly on Saram's head.

This all happened within a few seconds, and at the end of it, there laid a silver headless body on the ground next to the fiery Alexander.

"Do I clean up the corpse or leave it be?" Alex wondered.

He decided to leave the corpse there and head back to the market square to check on his teammates

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