The Messenger of Death

Chapter 276: the seer

Chapter 276: the seer


"Have you found the seer?" Within a deep and darker cave, a raspy voice echoed and shook the mountains around.

At the entrance of this cave, a handsome man with silver hair stood, unfazed by this voice that shook the mountains around. His robe, colored white and silver, shining bright even under the scorching sun.

"I have found one, a strong one. My underling is bringing her here as we speak. Lord Kamish, what if your brothers have given their bloodlines out?" The man with silver hair questioned.

"Simon, what you say is almost akin to blasphemy to us Dragons, if we weren't working together, I would have ripped you apart" The raspy voice answered.

"With how much pride we have in us we rather die with regrets that pass our Noble blood to anyone. Hmph!! Although I betrayed my brothers, I will not soil our pride." He added.

"Lord Kamish," Simon, the man with silver hair began with a smile on his face. "What if there's proof that your brothers have already bestowed their bloodlines to someone else and it was successful.

How do you plan on taking it away from that person? Isn't it a known fact that it would have already merged with the person's blood?" The man with the silver hair asked.

"What proof!?" Although the tone Lord Kamish used to answer didn't change, the aura that came with it was terrifying.

'If I didn't have the Silver Fox bloodline running through my veins, I would have died from just hearing that, scary.' Simon thought.

"I asked the seer to get answers to that for me. She confirmed that your brothers had given their bloodlines out to a human with no cultivation."


A purple hue began shinning from within the cave.

In a flash, a young man with purple hair appeared next to Simon with an angry expression.

"Of all beings, a human!? Is it the truth that you speak!?" Lord Kamish asked.

"I have no reason to lie to you Lord Kamish."

"If you already have this answer, then why are you calling the seer over, you should have asked him to find the human with my brothers' blood!!" Lord Kamish bellowed.

"Calm down, I would have done that already, but she said that she needs a drop of your blood to find the human-"

"Preposterous!!" Lord Kamish interrupted. "My blood will not be soiled by anyone!" He declared.

"Lord Kamish!! If a human possesses the bloodline of a dragon, do you think a seer would be able to peep into a string of fate connected to this individual!?

Compared to someone that has 3 Dragon bloodlines flowing in his or her veins.

Do you think you would be able to sacrifice a drop of your blood to find who this individual is? If you can't then there's no use calling the seer over." Simon finished.

Lord Kamish kept quiet and pondered on what Simon said. It was true that seers couldn't peep into the fate of such individuals. They were naturally protected by the universe.

"Forget it, I will spare a drop, but I will have to watch the whole process." Lord Kamish compromised.

"Of course." Simon sighed and shook his head.

'Too much pride is really not good for the mental health.' Simon thought.

Not long after their conversation, two individuals appeared at the entrance of the cave.

"My Lord, I have brought the seer over." A man with grey hair and in silver armor fell on one of his knees as he spoke.

Beside this man was in woman clad in black cloth. She had an eyepatch on both of her eyes. This eyepatch was black and it had some intricate blue runic designs engraved on it.

This runic design acted as a seal.

"You said that you need my blood to complete the process and find who we are looking for?" Lord Kamish asked to confirm once again.

He was really against giving his blood out or even letting them see it. To him, they weren't worthy enough.

"Yes, Sir Dragon." The woman answered lightly. Her voice carried no emotion in it.

Lord Kamish looked at the man in silver armor, "Leave us." He ordered but the man didn't move.

Lord Simon was his master, not Lord Kamish. He wasn't going to take orders from Lord Kamish when his Lord Simon is present, even though he was aware that he is a Dragon.

"Leave us." Lord Simon uttered.

"I will be taking my leave now." The in silver armor bowed before he left.

This made Lord Kamish sneer at the man.

"A seer that is blind, that's an irony you don't come across frequently." Lord Kamish mocked.

"I am not blind." She replied shortly.

"Then what are the eyepatches for, fashion?"

"They are covered for the safety of others." She replied.

"Do you need any preparations before we begin?" Lord Simon chipped in.

"No, we can begin now." The lady seer removed the eyepatches that covered her eyes. Her eyelids were down, still hiding her eyes.

"The blood." She requested.

Lord Kamish sneered as he raised his thumb and light bit into it. After piercing his skin with his teeth he went forward and stood in front of the seer.

The seer brought her palm forward, asking Lord Kamish to drop the blood onto her palm. Lord Kamish did just that and stood back.

"What devastating pressure." She whispered.

When the drop of blood fell onto her palm, she felt as if a heavy boulder was weighing on her shoulder.

Lord Kamish smirked. "That's just a spec of the nature of Dragons." He uttered.

The seer bobbed her head, acknowledging what he said. She took in deep breaths before she began.

She began reciting spells that made the temperature of the area drop with each word she uttered. It was as if the day turned to night and many blue-like threads coursed through the air, heading in random directions.

"What I seek, I wish to find." She turned around slowly as if she searching for something in particular.

"What I find, I yearn to see." The seer caught a thread in-between her thumb and index finger.

"What I see, I want to know. Fate's clairvoyance." The seer stated before she began raising her eyelids slowly.

When her eyelids were fully raised, her eyes were revealed. A blue light shone brightly from her eyes.

It was as of her eyes balls were energy balls, that burned brightly.

Lord Kamish and Lord Simon felt as if those eyes could reveal every secret that they had hidden.

Instinctively, the two of them frowned and took a step back.

The seer brought her palm closer to her mouth and like the drop of blood that was there.


The thread in the seer's hand exploded and then suddenly, it was as if they were rapidly traveling through space.

Lord Kamish and Lord Simon were intrigued by this scene.

"A seer can only peek at the fate of a person, our divinations are only predictions made from deductions. Do remember that it is not always accurate because a person's fate can change at any moment.

Luckily, we are looking for a person, not the person's fate." The seer lectured.

Suddenly, everything around them paused.

"What's that?" Lord Simon pointed at a murky figure that looked like a hologram standing a few meters away from them.

"That's the person that we're looking for." The seer raised her hand as she answered. A slim blue thread appeared on her palm.

"We can't discern his or her face. Can't you do something about it?" Lord Kamish complained.

"I'm trying to at the moment." The seer replied, for the first time since her arrival, with frustration in her voice.


Meanwhile, back in the Lower Plain Realm, Alex was watching the courier write down some information and also contemplate the answer he received from the other courier about who gave missions in the Kawataro family.

['A heaven realm cultivator is above my abilities. This is might be harder than I thought.'] Alex thought.

Suddenly, he felt as if someone was watching him from every corner, like every secret of his was about to be exposed to this person.

He frowned and looked around cautiously.

['What's wrong?'] Lex questioned.

['Someone is watching me and trying to pry into my head.'] He answered warily.

Suddenly, unintentionally, Alex's innate bloodline started to stir. The color of his pupils changed, turning into red and black.

He tilted his head a bit and shifted his gaze to the left as if he was looking at someone.


Seconds before Alex's innate bloodline began moving and before his eyes changed color, the seer was trying her best to make the murky image clearer.

"It's getting better now." Lord Simon muttered.

Alex's forehead now became visible, but before his image became any clearer, Within the murkiness, his eyes opened.

The mysterious red eyes changed the whole atmosphere in where the seer and Lords were

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