The Messenger of Death

Chapter 267: the world of black and white

Chapter 267: the world of black and white

Alex began hearing cries of people that he didn't know, and as seconds passed, these voices became louder.

Suddenly, amidst the black and white world, several images of the people he didn't know surfaced in front of him.

He felt a migraine coming as these images appeared. While the world was black and white in his view, these images contained colors.

Alex held his head in his hands and closed his eyes tight, trying to stop these images and sounds from invading his senses.

"Please, I beg you, don't kill me." Alex heard a woman cry out and he opened his eyes to look at her. When he did, he felt as if she was looking at him, as if he was the one that she was begging not to kill her.

"I will do anything, anything that you want. I could be your sla-" Before she could finish speaking, her head separated from her neck.

['What is this, I didn't have any intention to kill her, why did I kill her?'] Alex thought in trepidation.

He then looked to his side and saw a woman, wickedly smiling at the head that was separated from its neck. This woman was holding a sword, the sword that was used to decapitate the woman on the floor.

"Hey, did you do this?" Alex asked, he needed clarifications as he couldn't tell what was happening to him.

The woman frowned and looked in the direction that Alex was. Unexpectedly, she dropped to the ground, bottom first, and threw her weapon away. This woman looked terrified, so terrified that her blue hair began turning white.

Alex was wondering what she saw that made her like that. "Hey, I'm asking you a question." He raised his hand with the intention of grabbing this woman. And as his hand got closer, the woman began aging rapidly

"Tell my children of the person that caused my death, tell them to seek revenge for me." Before Alex's hand could touch the woman, the sound of a raspy voice reached his ears. He turned and looked to his right and saw a wretched old man in torn clothes.

This old man was laying on top straws of hays that have been dyed by blood, and he was surrounded by 2 men. The three of them were in a cell, with hungry rats that were waiting by the side for the old man to die before they munch on him.

"I have been wronged too many times by these people, tell them to avenge me." At this point, Alex felt as if the man was talking to him, so he frowned and said; "But I don't even know who you are nor do I know who your children are. I have no intention of helping you."

When Alex replied, the dying old man and the 2 men that were by his side stared in his direction in utter despair.

Before Alex could say what was in his mind again, these 3 men died at the same time. They all wore a heavy expression of fear on their faces as they passed away.

This stunned Alex, he couldn't understand why they all look terrified whenever he spoke.

"Please, help me. Brother, pull me up, please I beg of you!!" Just like the first and second time, Alex heard another voice. This time, it was the voice of a young man, but this person sounded like he was scared.

Alex looked below and he saw the owner of the voice. This young man was hanging by the side of a cliff, and below him was an endless abyss. His death is assured if he was to fall in there.

Alex wanted to speak, but he kept quiet, not wanting to scare this person too. Alex decided to help this person first, maybe out of gratitude, this man was going to answer his questions.

He proceeded to squat and then stretch a handout. Before his hand could reach the young man, the young man let go of the cliff by himself. While he was falling to his demise, he kept on looking at Alex with fear written all over his face.

It was as if he was saying that it is better for him to fall into the abyss than for him to be touched by Alex.

This further made Alex confused, he couldn't understand why all these people all died.

This continued to happen, Alex visited so many people, some he attempted to assist, but they all refused his help by choosing death first. Those that he stayed by the side and watched, died differently from how the ones he spoke to or wanted to help, died.

One thing that was common in every image that he visited was that someone amongst the images was about to die.

'I remember now. I had these visions too, the first time that I activated my bloodline, in the Agelong forest. It was the golden wisp that helped me that time. Are these visions a result of my bloodline?

But if it is, why don't I feel the deathly pain that came along with it the first time?' Alex closed his eyes and looked within himself.

His bloodline didn't activate, but there were clear signs of it boiling. It suppressed his dragon bloodlines to some extent.

'Is the pain absent because I haven't activated the bloodline?' He wondered.

Alex didn't know that his eyes had turned red and there were several runic circles, layers upon layers, hovering over his head and in front of his eyes.

'I don't have time for this, I need to find Camron, quickly.' Alex thought and shook his head.

When he opened his eyes he saw Camron, laid down on the floor, in the middle of a circle filled with runes. Alex was happy and then shocked by this, he just thought of Camron and then he saw him.

His joy and shock then turned to worry, Camron was unconscious and Alex could tell that he was still alive, he didn't know how he could tell though, he just knew that there was no doubt for that intuition.

Alex raised his hand and wanted to pick Camron up, but he froze, scared that what happened to those that he tried to touch might happen to Camron. He began thinking of a solution for this matter.

While he was doing so, he saw a weapon that looked like the tusk of an elephant, it was huge and it had the mark of Ogun inscribed boldly on its body. The tusk-like weapon was slowly heading for Camron.

Suddenly, rage hit his heart. "You dare to?!" Alex voiced out angrily as he watched the tusk-like weapon approach Camron.

He stretched out his hand, and unknowingly to him, a spatial hole opened up in front of his hand. Through the spatial hole, Alex stretched his hand and grabbed the tusk.


Almost simultaneously, his body moved from where he was, to where the tusk was. With his grip, firm and tight on the tusk, Alex squeezed and the tusk began to rot at a visible rate.

At this moment, Alex still hadn't noticed that he was in a shrine, in an independent artificial dimension. Surrounding him in thousands, were Ogun worshippers, they all had a black robe on and they were all barefooted.

Every one of them had the mark of Ogun inscribed on their bones. The only person that stood out amongst them was a man who had the mark of Ogun inscribed on his forehead. He had a white dirty beard that extended to his neck.

While the rest of the Ogun worshippers here looked pale, this man's complexion was red.

None of them could explain what they were seeing, but the pressure that they felt from Alex broke their minds. Some of them passed out.

Some shook in utter and raw fear, some found it hard to breathe, holding their necks and gasping for air. Only a few of them could barely resist it, and even so, they wear bleeding from their orifice. Those that gazed into his eyes began aging rapidly.

Alex was oblivious to this, his thoughts were fleeting and random at the moment, he was trying not to lose his mind. He shook his head and his fleeting random thoughts ceased to exist.


The tusk kept on rotting until it couldn't anymore. It crumbled and turned into dust.

Alex glanced at Camron and saw that his friend was still alive. He sighed in relief.

"Aarrggghhh!!!" Alex heard someone cry out in agony. He turned and looked at the person.

It was the Ogun worshipper that was holding the tusk and was about to use it to stab Camron. The woman's hands were rotting, just like the tusk. But that was not the cause of her agony, her soul was crumbling also.

As Alex didn't have any pity for this woman, he ignored her existence and looked around. He could see that many, out of the thousands of Ogun worshippers that were present here, many of them were on the verge of dying. It was at this moment he realized that his bloodline activated on its own.

That's why he was having random and fleeting thoughts, that was why he almost lost control.

And then instinctively, Alex looked up.

The rate at which his heart was beating slowed down, beating once every 5 seconds. He had found the cause of the pressure he had been feeling, the being that forcefully made his bloodline active.

He glanced into the eyes of this being that were looking down on him in disdain.

Strangely, what he was feeling at the moment wasn't fear, it was rage. "I don't like the way you're looking at me." As Alex spoke, it came out as a whisper.

Everything he was doing at the moment came to him instinctively.

To the ears of everyone that was listening, it was as if a thousand people whispered the same thing at the same time.

"Correct yourself." Alex raised a hand and opened his palm

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