The Messenger of Death

Chapter 262: arugu tribe

Chapter 262: arugu tribe

Venturing into the buried structure, the Seraphim team was on alert, except for Alex. The system had already marked their enemies when he was counting with the X-ray vision.

"How do we even know that we are going to the right place?" Drake asked.

"We just head to wherever we see the guards. There are bound to be important things wherever there are guards." Adrian replied.

"In the next 2 corners, there are 4 guards there. They are oblivious to our presence and have their guards down. Who wants to take them?" Alex revealed as they were heading there.

"Me!" Drake, Adrian, Emma, And Katherine pitched out at the same time. They wanted to show Alex how strong they have become in his absence.

Alex chuckled upon seeing their eagerness, like kids that had just learned something new and wanted to show it off, so that they could be praised. "Well then, show me what you guys can do. Just don't forget to finish them within 2 seconds." Alex stated.

Gustavo stayed silent, he too wanted to join in on the fun, but he didn't know the range of cultivation level that their enemies possess. He is still the weakest in the team and he didn't want to hold them back, so he had to sit tight and watch the rest of his teammates do the work.

When he said that, they were just a corner away from the guards.

Adrian was the first to disappear from the group. By the time they made the corner, Adrian was standing behind one of the guards with a short sword in his hands. He thrust the sword at the guard and aimed for his heart.

"Oouuff!!" The guard cried out in pain and confusion, oblivious to how or when a sword pierced his heart.

The cry of the first guard garnered the attention of the remaining 3 guards. They turned and saw that a comrade of theirs was on the ground, bleeding, but no culprit.

"Argh!" Another guard cried out in pain. Adrian had appeared behind another guard pierced her heart with his sword.

Within 3 seconds, Adrian had taken 2 guards down.

"Hey!" Emma called out when she arrived beside a guard. She placed her hand on the abdomen of the guard and suddenly, the shape and size of the guard started to change. She was absorbing the QI that was in his core and body, and at the same time destroying the core of the guard.

Emma's method of killing her enemies was more brutal and terrifying. The QI that she absorbed from the guard could not be kept in her body or core, so she directed the QI to the floor of the building and something unexpected happened.

Lush, green grass started to grow around her and continue to do so until the QI that she absorbed from the guard had been expended. Emma then raised her hand, commanding the grass to grow to vines, and used them to wrap the last guard.

But before she could complete her attack, Adrian's blade got to the guy's heart first

Silence filled the hallway that they were standing in. Alex was just as speechless as the rest of his teammates.

"C'mon!! Adrian, you already dealt with 2, why couldn't you leave that guy for me." Emma voiced her complaint.

"Your 2 seconds were up, so I decided to put in the extra effort," Adrian said with a smile, acting like he did a good thing.

"The two of you didn't even give us the chance to do shit," Drake complained. He then turned to Alex. "I blame you."

"Huh? Me? What did I do?" Alex asked in confusion.

"You made the two of them monsters. Make me a monster too." Drake demanded.

Clearly, he was jealous of what Emma and Adrian were capable of just as much as he was happy for them.

"I didn't do that. This is just the tip of the iceberg, with more practice and innovations, they should be able to do more than this." Alex mentioned. "Nonetheless, the sort of strength and speed, at this stage is more than enough. The two of you exceeded my expectations." Alex complimented.

"Ahh, it wasn't much. Just wait until I can focus more on multiple sound waves, my speed will definitely increase. I might even be faster than you are." Adrian uttered cheerfully.

"Dream on, cowboy. It will take you years before you can catch up to me." Alex smirked at him.

"How am I meant to show off when the two of you wouldn't even let us do anything?" Katherine sighed.

"Sorry about that. I got a little bit carried away. Next time, we would leave some bad guys for the two of you." Adrian apologized.

Alex took another glance at the grass that was in the hallway now, he moved his gaze to the body whose QI was absorbed. The body had shrined and shriveled, looking like a dried-up grape.

['Emma's ability is scary as ever. I should make that I have less body contact with her.'] Alex thought as he gulped down his saliva.

"Where to next?" Gustavo interjected, reminding everyone there that they had more work to do.

"Straight down the hall, then we take the third left." Alex directed and they took off.

None of them asked Alex how he knew of their positions, they knew that he was filled with surprises and they also knew that he wasn't going to tell them how he could tell.

Alex and his teammates continued killing the people that they found in the buried structure. Katherine and Drake got the chance to show how much they had improved and Alex was equally impressed with their improvement.

Although he gave them little and vital corrections in their way of battle.

Even Gustavo surprised Alex. He could battle cultivators a whole realm above his. Alex noticed that when Gustavo was fighting, his skin changes and looked as if it had hardened.

When the blade of the enemy came in contact with his skin, it wasn't able to cut through his skin.

['This Gustavo wasn't lying when he said that his body was special. Now that I think about it before we left for the Ordain plain realm, Nana said something to him and spoke like she knew who he was. Since when did she act familiar with people?'] Alex wondered.

['He might even be more special than we think. It wasn't a wrong decision to let him join the team.'] Xander thought.

['Maybe, I still have to get even with him for threatening me in that underground bunker in the school.'] Alex thought.

Roughly 30 minutes had gone by the time they were done killing everyone that the skin crawler marked.

Alex sniffed in the air sharply. He was quite sensitive to the smell of blood and death. They had gone deep into the buried structure, and if it wasn't for the skin crawler, Alex was sure that he would be lost in this place.

Where they were in now, was a room that looked like an office. There were a few documents there that looked important. Alex ordered his teammates to gather them and store them in their storage devices.

At the end of the room, there were drawings and inscriptions on it, it looked like it was telling a story.

Alex became curious about what the drawings and inscriptions could mean. 'Perhaps it could tell us something about these weird structures.' He thought.

"System, analyze and translate the figures and inscription on the wall." He ordered.


*Analyzing, please stand by and wait for the scan to be completed.

The system responded.

"Wow, this looks intricate." Emma joined Alex and studied what was on the wall.

While the system was analyzing, Alex came across a familiar mark, one that he saw on the bones of the guards that were here.

"Ogun's mark?" He blurted out.

*Analysis complete.

*This is the odyssey of the Arugu tribe, a tribe of unique people that were born with the ability to use the Darkness element.

The system began explaining to Alex.

"Arugu tribe?" Alex interrupted.

"Really, is that what it says?" Emma asked. "You can read what is on the wall?"

"Uhh, yeah, kind of." He began relaying to them what the system translated to him.

*Despite their uniqueness, just like many other tribes and communities in the galaxy, they were destined to be destroyed as it was the wish of the universe. The tribe's people knew that their demise was near and they wished to save their selves from destruction.

So they sought out different ways until they stumbled upon a tabloid that was not of this world. It was the tabloid of a god, Ogun's or so they claimed. This tabloid showed them a way to get stronger.

It taught them that the mark of Ogun would help them get stronger if it is inscribed on their bones.

Eager and desperate to try this, the Arugu people willing did this and after seeing that it worked, they began worshipping Ogun. They prayed to him to save them from their destruction and in return, they would do whatever he asks.

Ogun heard their plea and told them that he would save them if they perform a ritual and make sacrifices. If they please him, he would show up himself and help them with whatever problem that they.

They were asked to perform a summoning ritual by sacrificing 5 humans with high affinity with the darkness element

"Are they trying to summon a god to the lower plain realm?" Alex frowned as he thought of the possibility.

"Things might have just gotten worse, beyond our wildest imagination." Adrian shivered in fear.

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