The Messenger of Death

Chapter 259: space: distortion

Chapter 259: space: distortion

The informants thought that Alex had an ego problem, that his pride was too big to let him believe that they were stronger than him.

They decided to take Alex and his teammates to a caf, and also to not let go of that anger that they had for Alex. The two of them decided to have their revenge when they were in a private place.

"Follow us." The blonde informant mentioned as she leads the way to the caf.

Alex and his teammates quietly and obediently followed the girls.

Now Alex wasn't nave enough to believe that the informants were just going to let him get away with what he did, even if they are on the same side, it doesn't change the fact that they believe that he has disrespected them.

['I should take countermeasures.'] He thought.

['Nothing too serious. If they are on the same side as us, then they wouldn't do anything fatal to you.'] Lex chipped in.

['How about I try using one of the skills that I learned during training?'] Alex wondered.

['Which one?'] Lex inquired.

['Space: Distortion.']

During the time that Alex was in the library training with Nana, amongst the many things that Alex learned, he learned how to tap into his spatial bloodline.

Although it didn't last long nor is his control as good as Lex's, Alex could perform somethings moderately.

Space: Distortion, this is one of the skills that popped into Lex's mind after he made a breakthrough in his bloodline purification.

['You realize that the rest of the team still don't know that we have the ability to control space.'] Lex reminded.

['I know that, if they ask me for some explanation I can take a few things off what Nana taught me. I can use the water element to some extent even when I have little to no affinity with the element.'] 

['Alright.'] Lex agreed. Al and Xander had nothing against what Alex said. Even if Al had anything to say, he wasn't going to speak, he and Alex were still not on speaking terms.

As they walked around the Poduct village, Alex kept on noticing how filled up the shops were. Most of them that they saw were filled up with tourists.

He kept on wondering what was being sold in all these shops that managed to get this much patronage from tourists.

After walking behind the informants for a while, they arrived in front of a three-story caf.

Alex made sure to scan the surrounding of the caf as he followed behind the informants. He wasn't the only one that didn't trust what was going on.

Even his teammates scanned their surroundings.

They went through the first and second floor and arrived on the third. This part of the caf was empty and well equipped with expensive-looking couches and tableware like it was a private area meant for VIPs.

As soon as they stepped on the third floor, Alex prepared for any unforeseen attack. He didn't activate his bloodline ability because he felt as if it was going to be overkill.

If he did activate it, the gap between his cultivation and the informants' own would be too much.

"Help yourselves to a chair." They offered while they left to prepare some beverages.

There was a round table in the middle of the room and it was big enough to contain all of them.

['Are they waiting for the perfect time or trying to poison me?'] Alex wondered as he took his seat.

['It is highly unlikely that they want to poison you. The two of them believe that they are stronger than you, they wouldn't have to resort to poison if they want to end you.'] Lex mentioned.

['True, but I don't still believe that they have forgiven me for the intrusion. Nonetheless, I'll stay at alert.']

The informants came back with a tray, a kettle, and teacups.

The blonde informant began arranging the teacups in front of all of them. When she reached Alex's side, she hesitated a bit before she proceeded to place the cup on the table.

Alex noticed this hesitation and smiled.

['I guess she's about to attack.']

He closed his eyes and proceeded to use the skill that he had in mind

['Space: Distortion.'] He stated inwardly.

Immediately Alex mentioned that in his mind, the blonde hair informant changed the direction of the cup that was meant for Alex.

Now the cup wasn't heading for the table but his head.


She moved too fast for the rest of the Seraphim team to react. By the time that they noticed that Alex was attacked, they became vigilant and also confused.

Instead of the cup making contact with Alex's face, it passed through his face.

This abnormality stunned everyone there and left them in a state of confusion.

The blonde informant refused to believe what she just saw, she was certain that she aimed at Alex's head and yet she missed. Even after she attacked from a position that it was impossible to miss.

She decided to attack again, aiming at his head again.


The teacup passed through again.

Still not accepting the reality that the cup she wanted to use and hit Alex wasn't hitting her target, she chose to attack again and this time she was aiming at his shoulder.


The cup passed through his shoulder and exited from his elbow.


The blonde informant let go of the teacup and left it to the hands of gravity. It fell to the floor and broke.

Everyone in the room looked at Alex like he wasn't real.

He opened his eyes and wore a neutral expression. "Are you done or do you still need to throw a tantrum?" He asked lazily. "I won't take offense because you didn't know what or who you are up against. Now I hope that you are smart enough to know." He added.

Alex chuckled inwardly.

['If only she was smart enough to notice that the only part of my body that wasn't distorted were my legs.'] He reasoned.

The reason why Alex had to close his eyes before he proceeded to use this skill was that it required him to concentrate.

If he slipped, even for a second, that teacup could have been stuck in his brain or something of the sort.

Although he could use the spatial element now, his control over it wasn't anything to boast about.

Unlike Lex, this was draining for Alex. If the informant was still planning on attacking, he had made up his mind to activate his bloodline and use the boost from it to deal with her.

"Are you even real?" The blonde informant blurted out, still shocked at what transpired.

"Yes I am, and I don't have time to play around with you. Sit or stand, just tell me what I want to know. What's going on? What exactly does the academy expect us to do in this village? Or should I say city?"

He asked, dismissing the looks that he was getting from everyone else.

The brunette informant cleared her throat and went to take a seat far away from Alex, thanking her stars that she didn't attack Alex and that he didn't choose to attack them.

Her blonde companion also took a seat, far away from Alex.

"My name is Gwen and my companion over here is Janet." The brunette began introducing herself. "The two of us used to be students of the academy, but after we reached the requirements to graduate we decided to work for the academy-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm not interested in your story. Get right to the point, what is going on here? From the information that I got, this place is meant to be a village and not a hotspot for tourists." Alex interrupted rudely.

"Well then, sorry for telling you about that indeed, what you heard about the Poduct village is true. Well except for the village part.

This place has been developing on its own for the last 6 years. They have been trying to get people to tour their city and learn about their cultures and religion.

Because they haven't had a good reputation and relationship with other cities in the Western continent in the past, their efforts were to no avail, right until 3 months ago." Gwen, the brunette began explaining.

"The leaders and the powerful people of the Poduct village got an offer from a powerful family in the capital city, although we don't know the kind of offer that they got, we do know that they got one.

We weren't allowed to carry out the investigation in the capital city so that we don't alert them.

We are aware that the deal that made wouldn't bring about anything good to the capital city, or many other cities on the Western continent, but we can't take them down without any evidence." Janet added.

"If I might ask, which family made this offer?" Alex questioned.

"We don't know yet and we can't afford to make guesses because if we are wrong, things wouldn't just be bad, it would be catastrophic," Gwen answered.

['I bet everything in my ring that Duna's family is in on this.'] Alex thought.

['Don't jump to conclusions or gamble with this. As they said, if you are wrong, things can get really bad.'] Xander advised.

"The tourists, 95% of them are here because of that family's influence. We don't know how exactly, but many of them are not from the western continent." Gwen mentioned

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