The Messenger of Death

Chapter 254: reunion i

Chapter 254: reunion i

"Ahh." Alex gave a sigh of relief when he stepped out of the bathroom. "Finally, I feel clean." He rejoiced. He strolled around the room a bit, using a towel to dry his hair.

Alex could use his flames to complete this task in a few seconds, but at the moment he felt like acting like a normal person. It had its own charms and it was a bit calming to him.

"Damn, I just remembered, I don't have a uniform anymore. Well, I do have one, but it's a brown badge." He stated.

['You can either wear that or wear the clothe that you have been wearing for the past few weeks.'] Lex suggested, already knowing what decision Alex was going to make.

"No thank you, the brown uniform is the better choice at the moment. That other clothe probably stinks of sweat." He answered.

['Thought so.'] Lex chuckled at his reaction.

By the time Alex removed the towel that he had been using to dry his hair, from his view, he saw that there were folded clothes on his bed. He looked at the clothe with suspicion.

Alex looked around his room, searching for the traces of the intruder. After checking for a while, he wasn't able to find anything useful. Alex walked towards the bed and saw a note beside the clothe.

It was from Nana, and on it was written;

"I took the liberty of getting you a black uniform. Now that you are a nirvana realm cultivator, Black really fits you.

Anyways, you might not see me for a while, I'm going to the celestial plain realm to find out what your heist has caused. And also to find out how much my clan's men despise you.

Keep on wearing the hairpin that I gave you, and don't lose it.

Don't forget to use the talisman that I left for you. Use it when you are in trouble or you know the drill. See you when I'm back, my weak disciple."

Alex read the note and frowned a bit before he smiled. He frowned because Nana called him weak. Alex knows that he is weak, he just didn't like that it was being rubbed in his face.

Alex picked the uniform off the bed and began dressing up. When he was done, he picked the hairpin that Nana gave to him and rolled his hair, using the pin to hold his hair in position.

"Now, time to find those teammates of mine." He uttered as he strolled to the door of his room. As his hand touched the knob of the door, Alex's ears moved.

He was hearing sounds coming from the living room of the suite. A smile crawled up his lips, the only people that could access his suite that easily were his teammates. "I guess I don't need to search for them anymore."

Opening the door, Alex stepped out of the room and moderately made his way to the living room

"If we don't start taking missions then we wouldn't be able to qualify for the continental competition," Katherine said with a heavy voice.

"Wait guys, can you hear that?" Adrian whispered. He could hear the footsteps of someone approaching them.

"Yeah." Drake frowned when he heard the footsteps.

They looked at each other, wondering who the person was. They all knew that the only people that could come into the suite and roam about freely were Alex and Camron, and according to what they know, Alex and Camron were unavailable.

"Your ears are sharper than I remember, Adrian," Alex stated when he was just a corner away from the living room.

"Alex?" Emma exclaimed, unsure of what she heard.

Stepping out of the corner, Alex came into their sights.

"Alex!!!" Katherine cried as she rushed towards him. She jumped and embraced Alex, he could dodge her, nonetheless, he chose not to.

"Oouf." A sound forcefully escaped from his mouth. "Someone has clearly gotten heavier than I remember." He uttered and Katherine heard what he said but she was too emotional to care about that at the moment.

"Alex!!" The rest of his teammates called out as they rushed and hugged him.

"I've missed your overbearing presence," Drake mentioned.

"How have you been?" Emma asked.

"Welcome back," Adrian said. "It has been a month but it feels like years to me." He added.

Being embraced by his teammates made Alex feel loved and good about himself. He felt the urge to hug them back but he held it back.

"Alright, get off me." He stated. If one wasn't able to see the expression that was on Alex's face now, they would have thought that he was being heartless. Even his teammates thought the same at first.

Until they saw his expression, Alex was flashing a blinding smile at them, clearly, he also was happy to meet his teammates.

Alex looked left and right, searching for the only living person he could call his best friend. Contrary to his expectation, Camron was nowhere to be seen and this made Alex frown.

The last time he saw Camron was the same day he left for the ordain plain realm. On that day, Alex could vividly remember the expression that Camron had before he left. He didn't even tell Alex anything before he left.

Then, at the time when Camron was leaving, Alex felt hurt that his friend wasn't going to tell him what was troubling him so he didn't make any attempt to stop him. But after being apart for a while, Alex just wanted to know if he was alright.

Seeing the expression that Alex was making, almost every member of the seraphim team knew the cause of this expression, all but Gustavo, the newest member of the Seraphim team.

"Where is Camron?" Alex questioned.

He could feel the coming of an ominous fate and he hated this particular feeling.

"He hasn't been on the school grounds since the day you saw him leave," Adrian answered.

"Why? What's holding him back?" Alex asked.

"We we don't know. We tried looking for his siblings too, but word has it that they all got a letter from home and since then, they have been away from school." Katherine answered.

When they spoke, they also sounded worried. Although it was normal for the offsprings of wealthy people to be called home because of one or two reasons, for example, security reasons, etc.

If the reason why the Avanti siblings left the school, was for security reasons, wouldn't the school be the safest place for them? If the school wasn't safe for them, then what kind of situation were they in?

This question ran through their minds. What made them worry the more was the fact that the Avanti family weren't a family of cultivators, they were bonafide merchants. 

They all felt as if something was wrong. Camron would have sent word to them letting them know of his wellbeing, yet, he hasn't done anything like that.

['Why am I getting this bad feeling?'] Alex thought and pinched his nose lightly.

['Calm down Alex, it's just a feeling, it doesn't necessarily mean that something bad is going to happen.'] Lex tried to console him.

['There's an 80% chance that something bad is going to happen.'] Alex pessimistic side surfaced.

['And 20% chance that nothing is going to happen.'] Xander interjected.

['You guys seem to have forgotten that the universe takes pleasure in making us suffer.'] Alex argued.

Al had been listening to their conversation but stayed silent because he and Alex had been fighting for a while, he didn't want to speak to Alex nicely. However, he has experienced enough to know that Alex is a misfortune detector.

He wasn't exactly the superstitious type of person, but he couldn't help but take Alex seriously whenever he had such feelings. When he decided to say something, Gustavo interrupted him.

"Woah!! You are wearing a black badge." Gustavo pointed out.

After hearing Gustavo talk about Alex's uniform, the rest noticed the black uniform that he had on.

"Wait, weren't you wearing a blue badge before you left with the psychopathic I mean, your master?" Drake mentioned with his eyes wide open. He thought he had gone color blind and so he looked at the uniform that the rest were wearing.

Gustavo's uniform was still brown, and the rest of them still had blue uniforms on. This confirmed to Drake that he wasn't color blind.

"Don't tell me that it only took you a month to reach the nirvana cultivation realm?" He uttered in disbelief.

"This isn't a prank right?" Katherine whispered.

"Congratulation Alex," Emma said.

"I wonder how strong you are now." Adrian blurted out.

All of them knew how strong Alex was even when his cultivation realm was below theirs, they couldn't match-up to him even then, and now, he has reached the nirvana realm. They couldn't help but wonder how strong he has become.

Alex finally noticed Gustavo's presence, "Oh, it's you." He uttered without any emotion.

Emma chuckled at the way Alex acknowledged Gustavo. "Don't worry Gus, he was like that to us too. With time he will warm up to you." She said to console him.

"I need to get to the Avanti manor," Alex muttered.

"But we can't leave the school without permission." Drake reminded.

"At the moment, I couldn't care less about that rule. I want to know what's going on." Alex dismissed Drake.

"I think I might know what is going on outside of the school. Perhaps it might be the reason why the Avanti siblings left for the capital city." Gustavo spoke.

This caught Alex's attention. He turned and faced him with sharp eyes. "I'm listening, tell me," Alex demanded.

"Well, this might or might not be accurate, but a little birdie that I know says, that the capital city is in turmoil now and the Avanti family are being caught in a troublesome spider web.

The class-3 ancient bloodline families, the criminal syndicate of exiled soldiers, and, this last part I still doubt, a foreign organization.

It is said that this foreign organization stemmed from the central continent and they are here for God knows what." Gustavo revealed

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