The Messenger of Death

Chapter 242: mess in the library

Chapter 242: mess in the library

Alex picked his pace up and caught up with Nana. They walked side by side and entered the library together.

When they stepped into the library, the first thing that they saw was a green hardcover textbook being thrown like it was a weapon. The book flew past Alex and Nana.

Nana stood where she was, looking around at her library and what it has turned into in her absence.

Students of the academy were running around, playing, shouting. Some had the guts to flirt and make out there, openly, for anyone to see.


Nana's right brow started to twitch as she was holding herself back from beating the hell out of everyone in the library at the moment.

Alex whistled at the sight of everything that was going down in the library. "The infirmary might have a lot to do in the next few days." He commented and put his hands in his pockets.

Right now, Alex was still in his assassin's attire. He didn't look like a student of the academy.

"It seems like the lot of you boys and girls have forgotten whose turf you are on. Misbehaving, flirting, kissing, and even throwing my books around.

How about I remind you guys and help you children calm down?" Nana's voice reached everyone's ears in the library.

Many of the students there recognized the all too familiar and scary voice that gave their nightmares a nightmare.

They wanted to bail and running to safety, somewhere had instinctively chosen the windows of the library as their escape route.

Unfortunately for them, Nana beat them to it, her ice-covered everywhere in the library. Both inside and outside. She froze every person that was inside there, except for Alex.

Her ice was strong enough to restrict the movement of everyone, but it wasn't cold enough to stop the beating of their hearts. It didn't matter if they were close or not, whether they were misbehaving or not, Nana froze them all.

Now the library was as quiet as a graveyard. Nothing made a sound but the sound of Alex breathing.

"Let's go." She stated and began walking towards her residence in the library and Alex followed behind her

As they walked, Alex kept admiring her ability. ['How awesome would it be if I could use this element too?'] He wondered.

['That would have been crazy, but you know, it's like this because it's Nana, right? I don't think every water elemental user can manipulate ice the way she does.'] Al pointed out.

['I know, but still damn. It's OP,'] Alex said.

It didn't take long for them to reach Nana's residence. When they got in Nana started to undressing.

She had been wearing the clothes that she changed into when they arrived in the ordain plain realm. Now that they were in the lower plain realm, she wanted to change back to her nightgown.

Alex quickly closed his eyes, he had no intention to peek at her while she was changing.

Nana chuckled, "I didn't expect you to close your eyes. I even made sure that I did it unexpectedly.

Take a peek, I won't hurt you. After all, we might as well be considered a married couple after I put my mark on you." She uttered flirtatiously.

Alex swallowed hard.

['Don't fall for her bait rabbit, if you do, it's your death. The moment your eyelids raise, your balls might break.'] Al cautioned.

"I don't remember getting married to anyone," Alex stated coldly.

"Really? Are you sure that you don't want me? Why don't you take a look and then make your decision after you've seen me?" She kept on tempting him.

Maybe because Nana had already crossed that wall that Alex had around his heart, she was affecting him more than he thought that she could.

['This is my problem with virgins, they have no control over their libidos!'] Al complained.

['Shut the fuck up mutt, pot calling the kettle black. You have no control too, I'm doing much better than you.']

['You think I have no control!? Ha!! Jokes on you fool. I only indulge when I want to indulge, my decisions can't be easily influenced.']

Alex ignored Al and focused on ignoring Nana's temptation.

"You can open your eyes now, I'm dressed."

Alex didn't do as she said immediately, he raised his left eyelid slowly and peeked.

Alex sighed. Nana had already gotten dressed and she was seated on one of the sofas in the room.

He almost gave in to the temptation of peeking at her and he was relieved that he didn't.

"Back to the nightgown," he muttered. "And shoeless." He face palmed himself.

"Hey it's comfortable, try it," Nana said in her defense.

"No thank you, I already have my own signature crazy, I don't need to add more spice to it." He uttered before taking a seat opposite her.

"So, what do I need to do first?"

Alex went right down to business, he knew that his master could mess around until she was in the mood to train him.

"First things first, you need to reach the nirvana cultivation realm. So get down to cultivating with the Midas petal."

"Alright," he said as he removed the jade container from his storage ring.

"Just need to get to the nirvana realm,"

"Don't absorb the whole thing, just until you reach the nirvana realm. You need to stabilize your foundation frequently, it might feel like stress to you but in the long run, it will be beneficial to you."

Alex nodded and opened the lid of the jade container. As soon as he did that, the aroma and QI from petal permeated the whole library.

Everyone in the library could perceive and sense the aroma and QI of the petal. This made everyone salivate, even in their frozen state.

The QI radiating from the petal was perceived by few cultivators in the academy, and those cultivators were; Xiao En, Tsukishima, the steward, and Argus.

If the principal was on the school ground, he too will be able to sense the QI that was coming off the Midas petal.

Upon noticing this QI, all of them appeared in front of the library one after the other. 

"The whole place is frozen Nana is back." Xiao En frowned.

The aroma that was coming off the petal made cultivators salivate and it was hard for many to resist.

Xiao En was a victim, unable to resist the urge to follow the scent.

She stepped forward and was about to break the ice that had covered the door of the library.

"Stay away from the library for a few days." Nana's voice reached their ears.

"Nana, can I take a look at whatever is making that aroma? Just a peek." Xiao En requested.

Although she was eager to see whatever was creating such a mouth-watering aroma, she couldn't afford to offend Nana.

"No." Nana refused her request.

Xiao En wasn't the type that took rejection well, she frowned and stumped her feet, creating a landslide not far away from the library, subsequently causing cracks to appear on the floor.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me what exactly brought about this?" The steward spoke.

"A Midas petal," Nana responded.

"What!?" They all exclaimed.

"How did you get your hands on a Midas petal?" The steward was dumbfounded.

All of them there know what the Midas petal is and they all know that the only way that it could be gotten is if you become a Midas seed carrier.

"I didn't get my hands on it, my disciple did, Alexander." She answered.

"He's a Midas seed carrier??" Xiao En blurted out.


"Then how?" Tsukishima thought out loud.

"That I'm not sure of at the moment, just leave us be for now. We are busy." Nana ended the conversation there


Meanwhile, Alex was preparing to consume the petal.

He unfolded it and held it in his hands.

['If I consume the whole petal, I'm likely to surpass the nirvana cultivation realm. If I tear this in half, will the water in it spill?

I mean it's solid now, what will happen if tear off a piece?'] Alex pondered.

['Try it first, if it looks like it's not going to hold after tearing a piece off, then just eat the whole thing.'] Al advised.

"What are you waiting for?" Nana questioned.

She didn't know that Alex was planning to eat the petal, instead of absorbing it.

"On it," He quickly tore a piece off and threw it in his mouth.

Nana wasn't expecting that all, her mouth gaped open.

"Why did you do that!?" She held the sides of his cheek with pressure, forcing his mouth open.

"Spit it out,"

Alex had already swallowed it. "The guardian said that I can take the petal this way, this was how I took the first one." He explained.

He quickly looked at the petal in his hand and checked if it has been destroyed.

Luckily for him, nothing happened to it. Apart from the part that he tore off, it was still exuding the same aroma and QI.

Suddenly, he felt a burst of energy explode in his abdomen. A feeling of Dj vu hit him

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