The Messenger of Death

Chapter 238: bloodline purification iv

Chapter 238: bloodline purification iv


Alex's roar was so loud and powerful that it shook half of the ordain plain realm. The volcano that they were in, started to collapse.

Nana was still there watching Alex, she didn't expect this to happen. He was supposed to use the natural anomaly for his cultivation and not his bloodline.

But as fate would have it, it was his bloodline that assimilated the violent QI of the fiery natural anomaly.

She watched as Alex transformed into a humanoid reptile

Alex started to grow a tail as his eyes turned into slits. He started to rise into the sky slowly.

'It seems like he's about to make another breakthrough in his bloodline purification but this is

I haven't heard of a Blood Awakening Stage bloodline bearer that is able to transform. That is only meant to happen when they are at the third level of the Blood Resonance Stage.

And even then they can only transform for a few moments. Transformation can only last this long when they are in the Blood Transformation Stage.

Unless he's about to lose control of his power.' Panic struck Nana.

The commotion that was going on in the volcano didn't concern Nana, her only worry was that Alex didn't lose control.


Alex shot out of the enclosed space of the volcano and was still rising higher into the sky. His body was glowing red as if he was some kind of energy generator.

Nana followed behind him.


He raised his head and roared once again, and this time a terrifyingly strong and hot fire burst forth from his mouth along with the roar.

This roar lit up the night sky and made the surroundings of the volcano bright as day.

Alex was still conscious and aware of what he was doing, but he couldn't explain why he was roaring. To him, he felt like he needed to let every beast and man know that he was there.

As if he was challenging them.



Every beast and monster that heard Alex's roar, cried out the loudest that they could. They all rejected his challenge, and they sounded like they were scared of him.

After hearing the submissive cries of monsters, Alex closed his mouth, stopping the terrifying flames that had been pouring out from his mouth.

The red scales on his body slowly started to retract. His eyes too started to return to normal.

When his skin and eyes returned to normal, only his horn remained. While it was still there, Alex felt his cultivation increasing.

The commotion that his transformation was causing started to subside.

He was breaking through from the third rank of the disaster realm to the fourth rank

When he was through, the horns on the sides of his head retracted.

Alex breathed out and thick steam escaped from his nose.

"Ahh!!" Suddenly, he had lost his ability to fly and he began falling, fast.

Nana rushed and caught him while he was still miles away from the ground. "You Alexander, never cease to amaze me. You made 3 breakthroughs.

Two breakthroughs, from the first level of the Blood Awakening Stage to the third. And then another breakthrough in your cultivation." She mentioned, feeling happy for Alex.

Alex, who had used a lot of energy when he was roaring, was otherwise feeling famished. Like he didn't use any QI.


Unexpectedly he burped in her face. He quickly used his hands to cover his mouth, expecting Nana to punish him for his bad manners.

"Hahaha," She laughed. "How do you feel now?"

"I feel good and stronger way stronger than before." He replied, unable to hide the joy that he was feeling.

"And not just because I'm holding you close to my body?" She uttered playfully.

Suddenly Alex frowned. "Why do I also feel naked?" He wondered. Alex had forgotten that the magma had burnt his clothes.

Nana blew a subtle breeze on his chest and that was when Alex realized that he was naked. It was at this moment that his sensitivity returned to him.

He noticed that Nana was pressing him against her chest, against her soft, plush, and round breasts.

Alex's eyes opened wide in shock as his face started turning red. Alex could feel an unbridled steer building up in his nether region.

A feeling of Dj vu hit him like a truck. Something similar happened years ago when Sheila was helping him bathe, and he got a boner.

"Put me down, quickly!" Alex placed his hands on her shoulders and tried to push himself out of her hands.

Nana started giggling, seeing Alex blush was a rare sight. "Okay," She stated and let him go.

"Ahhh!!" Alex resumed falling but he wasn't concerned about that, he was thinking of how to put his clothes on, midair.

Before he could crash on the ground, just inches away from the floor, Nana used her telekinesis to stop his fall. Then she let him go again.

He fell to the ground without sustaining any injuries. Alex quickly got on his feet and removed the attire that he used to wear back when he was on mars.

When he was in the severance academy, he had this particular cloth cleaned properly.

Before he could start wearing his new set of clothes, Alex smelt the familiar fragrance of Nana and felt the warmth of her body behind him.

Alex froze in his tracks.

"Don't worry, I'm not looking. Get dressed and let's go to the next site." She said from behind him.

Alex did as she said unhesitatingly and got dressed as fast as he could.

['Hahaha!!!'] Al had been laughing enjoying every bit of embarrassment that Alex was facing at the moment.

He was glad that he wasn't triggered to switch with Alex, if he had, Al wouldn't have had the chance to witness this scene.

['Collateral damage for the virgin boy,'] He continued to laugh.

['Shut your fucking mind up, pussy!!'] Alex cursed at him and frowned his face.

['You cursing a lot now, Alex.'] Xander pointed out.

['Tell that fuc- fool to be silent.'] He was about to curse again but for some reason he changed his mind.

['That's enough, Al.']

['If you say so, big brother.'] Al cackled before he kept quiet.

While Alex was dressing, he looked around at the destruction that he had unintentionally caused.

For someone that loved nature, he was feeling guilty. The volcano had collapsed to the ground and there was a huge pond of magma, opened for any weak and unfortunate being to encounter.

The parts of the volcano that remained standing, made the whole topography look like there was a huge fountain of magma there.

['I caused this?'] He thought to himself, finding it hard to believe that he was capable of something like this

Soon Alex was done dressing, he was about to tell Nana that he was done, but she beat him to it.

"You are done. Alright, let's go." She uttered.

"Wait, how did you know that I was done? I thought that you weren't looking?" Alex was dumbfounded.

"Someone with my strength doesn't need to use their eyes before they are able to see. All we need to use is our consciousness. By the way, black is definitely your color." She chuckled after she explained to him.


"Next up, lightning swamp."


Nana interrupted and dragged him along as she made their way to the site where she believes would be able to help in Alex's bloodline purification.

Roughly 3 minutes had passed before Nana and Alex arrived at their destination.

"Nana, please give me a heads-up before you drag me along like that. I can't seem to get used to being dragged like that." Alex looked elsewhere when he was saying that.

He was still too embarrassed to look her in the face.

"Alright, alright, next time I'll give you a heads-up. Look at where I brought you to, schoolgirl." She chuckled.

Alex ignored what she called him and looked below him. He and Nana were standing midair and below them was a swamp, with a lot of greenery.

It had tall trees and, few solid grounds that one could land on. When he looked closely at the swamp, Alex noticed that there was green lightning flashing everywhere.

In the water, on the trees, even the few solid grounds. It was like everything here had lightning running through them.

What surprised him was the fact that there were living animals in the lightning water. He could sight eels, crocodiles, and many other amphibian species in the water. All of them looked like they weren't hurt or even perturbed by the lightning.

['Well, this is new.'] Al thought. ['Not my problem though, sort this one out with Xander.'] He added.

"What do you think?" Nana questioned.

"This is going to hurt, that's what I think. I better remove my cloth before I damage this one. Turn around." He said to Nana before he began undressing.

She willingly complied and turned around.

When all that was left on his body was his underwear, Alex took in a deep breath and looked at the water.


['Ready when you are.']


"Drop me" Xander requested immediately he took over.

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