The Messenger of Death

Chapter 234: testing milo

Chapter 234: testing milo

"My lady, I was told not to return without the hairpin. If I return empty-handed, they will just send someone stronger." The man pointed out.

"Those old f*cks are smart enough not to throw away the lives of their people. Take the message that I gave to you, back to them and they will know what to do next." Nana began walking towards Xander.

"And also, tell them about this." When Nana reached Xander's side, she unbuttoned his shirt a bit, so that she could show her clan's man that she had given her mark to someone.

The man's mouth opened as he glanced at the mark that was on Xander's neck. "Please, rethink this decision." He bent his head as he pleaded with Nana.

"That is all, return back to the headquarters of our clan, or stay and forfeit your life." She uttered without sparing him a glance.

"Come with me," She held Xander's hand and pulled him along with her.


Nana took them somewhere private before she let go of his hand. "Alexander, let me see the petal." She said excitedly.

['Alex, I think you should be the one in control now. This is not my scene.'] Xander mentioned.


Be didn't even wait for Alex's reply before he did so.

['Wait till I learn how to do that, I will switch with every one of you without asking you first or waiting for your reply.'] Alex grumbled as he spoke.

He was frustrated by that act that Xander and the rest seemed to do whenever they felt like it.

['Sorry, but not sorry.'] Xander responded.

"Come on, don't keep me waiting I really want to see what the petal looks like." Nana urged.

"Well, I don't think every petal looks the same," Alex stated.

"And why do you say so?"

"Well, actually, this isn't the first petal that I've gotten my hands on," Alex confessed.

"What!? How is that possible? The search for petals didn't start until a week ago. Also, if you've gotten one before, your cultivation should have crossed its current state." Nana wondered. She frowned slightly.

"Yeah, the first one that I got was red, like a rose, but it was also big. By the time I got it, it was still in its growing stage and didn't have enough time to grow before I consumed it, so its effects were reduced." 

"What's the color of the one that you got this time?"

"Colorless, like water." He proceeded to remove the jade container that Mr. Guardian gave to him.

He then removed the petal that he rolled and stored into the container.

Just like Alex said earlier, it was like water, colorless. And speaking about water, the petal did look like it had a thin, but yet firm veil on the petal.

This veil had actual water running through it. The mouthwatering aroma and blood-boiling aura of the Midas petal hit her.

Even to Nana, this petal was a cultivation resource that could increase her cultivation quickly and significantly. And this was saying a lot for someone with Nana's level of cultivation.

It takes years for her to make a breakthrough through the ranks of her cultivation realm.

She swallowed a lump of saliva that seemed to have materialized without her knowing.

"Wow, this is how were you able to get your hands on it though? Why did the guardian of the petal let you take it with you?" She questioned.

"He said that I was destined to take the petals, so he let me leave with them. Although he wouldn't tell me where the next one would be appearing though. He said that if it was mine to get, then the strings of fate were going to pull me there." Alex explained.

Nana started to giggle. "I can't think of anything better to gift you, Hahaha." She mentioned in-between her laughter.

Nana looked at the jade container once again. 'This thing was able to keep the aura of the petal from leaking. I couldn't even tell that there was anything in it until he opened it.' She thought to herself.

"Was it the guardian that gave you this jade container too?"


"For free?"

"Not exactly, he asked me to claim ownership of something in return for the jade container."

"And what did you claim ownership of?"

"This," Alex closed his eyes and called out to Milo.

'Come out, Milo.' He thought.

As soon as Alex opened his eyes, Milo literally dripped out of his right hand. It morphed into its humanoid figure, the one that it was using when it saw Alex for the first time.

"What is this?" Nana looked at it with a little vigilance.

"This is Milo, he is a puppet with intelligence and cognitive reasoning," Alex explained.

"So the guardian of the petal gave you a puppet and then the container to carry the petal away, for free?"

"Not really, the puppet chose me and he asked me to accept it in exchange for the container."

Nana placed her hand on Milo, she couldn't tell what materials were used to make such a puppet but she wanted to see what it was made of.

"What is it capable of?" She wondered.

"Well, for starters, it is a whole cultivation realm above mine," When Nana heard, she realized that it was true.

She could sense the cultivation of a Nirvana realm cultivator coming from the puppet.

"Is it capable of increasing its cultivation?" She questioned as she began walking around Milo and sizing it up.

"That I do not know of yet"

"What are these red vein-like things scattered around its body?"

"I'm not sure but it looks and feels like my blood to me. They only appeared after I signed a contract with it."

"And also, it is indestructible," Alex added. "Or so I was told by the guardian."

"Indestructible?" Nana smirked and arched a brow at Alex. She found that hard to believe.

When she touched Milo earlier, she was able to tell that she could easily dismantle it.

"Yeah, indestructible. As long as I am alive and I still have QI in me, it will forever be indestructible. So I was told." He added at the end.

He didn't want it to sound like he was making claims and boasting.

"If so, then you wouldn't mind me testing that indestructibility, do you?" Nana smirked at him.

"Not at all, be my guest." Alex took a few steps backward.

Milo looked at Nana and clapped three times. Alex could tell that Milo was mocking Nana. He chuckled a bit.

"You can understand it?"


The reason why Alex wasn't worried that Nana was going to destroy it, is because Milo could still stand his ground in front of Mr. Guardian.

Even Mr. Guardian said that it was going to be hard to destroy Milo and if a sovereign, someone with prowess above Nana says that, then it is most like the truth.

Nana stretched her hand out in front of Milo.

Milo did the same until its hand came in contact with hers.

"It does have a bit of intelligence." She whispered with a smile on her face.


Suddenly, Milo's wrist exploded. Nana had squeezed it with a little bit of strength behind her grip.

['Damn, he wasn't that easy to cut through when I was battling with him. That woman is a monster.'] Al rambled.

Nana had a triumph smile on her face after that, and she knew how childish it was of her to do that but she didn't care.

The next thing she saw was the part on Milo that exploded, reconstructing itself.

"So this is what you meant by indestructible Hmm, let me try this." She uttered.

When Milo was done reconstructing its hand, Nana caught its hand again. This time she chose to freeze it.

Suddenly, Milo was covered in ice, Nana's ice.

"Nana!!" Alex exclaimed. The things that he saw her freeze the last time all turned to water. He was afraid that she had actually destroyed Milo.

Knowing what Alex was fearful of she decided to calm him down. "Don't worry, I didn't destroy it. My ice couldn't penetrate it. I can't destroy it, but I can restrict it." She informed.

Alex sighed in relief when he heard that.

Suddenly, Milo's body turned red completely. It was melting Nana's ice slowly and steadily.

When Nana saw this, she was put in a daze for a few seconds. "I can sense your flames coming from the puppet." She muttered.

"Me too." Alex concurred.

In a few minutes, Milo freed itself from the ice that it was trapped in.

"This is quite useful." Nana felt a bit down that it came out that early.

"Return, Milo," Alex commanded and it turned into liquid before it shot Alex's hand.

This time, he was ready for the weight that came along with Milo's return. When Milo returned, the right side of his body declined a bit.

Nana noticed but chose not to ask about it

"Why haven't you used the petal?"

"My foundation is still unstable, I have decided to stabilize it first. Instead of just chasing power quickly, I also need to solidify it." He answered.

"Good, I think it's time I teach you some martial skills"

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