The Messenger of Death

Chapter 231: the furious prince

Chapter 231: the furious prince

"Finally, I've passed my own test." The prince that was going to battle with Al appeared in the grassy plain that was beside the pond.

'Oh ho, he arrived 2 minutes earlier than my calculation. He is quite capable.' Mr. Guardian thought.

The prince's hair was disheveled and some parts of his cloth had little holes in them. When he saw a person standing not far away from him, he wanted to attack. His cultivation had returned after he passed the test.

He noticed that the person standing not far away from him looked exactly like him. Only difference was that this person's hair was not disheveled like his and the cloth that he had on was in perfect condition.

He paused and held his attack back. Before he came here, he heard from other people that the guardian of the petal was like a mirror. Whoever was looking at him will see their image instead, even if there were many people looking at him at the same time.

"Forgive me for my abruptness, guardian of the Midas petal." The prince stated. He had also heard rumors of how strong the guardian is. He didn't want to say anything that might make him mad at him.

The prince apologized, but he didn't show any courtesy. He is a prince and the only people he bows to are his elder brothers, sister, mother, and most especially, the Emperor his father. This was an attitude that had been imbued in him and so he didn't feel obligated to bow to a guard.

"No problem." Mr. Guardian dismissed his apology.

"If I may ask, where is the petal? Since I am the first one here, I should be the one to get the petal, right?" He questioned impatiently.

The prince needed the Midas petal direly. Without it, his plans would be futile.

"The petal is inside that pond," Mr. Guardian pointed at the same pond that he pushed Alex into. "But you are not the first one here, you are the second." He added.

When his words hit the ears of the prince, his eyes opened wide in disbelief. That feeling lasted only for a few seconds before it changed into pure hostility for whoever beat him to the petal.

He released his aura and quickly made his way towards the pond, his intention was to use his status to make the person that beat him to the petal, hand it over to him.

When he was in front of the pond, he raised a hand that he had wrapped with his flame and used his consciousness to locate the person that was in the pond. The prince was about to hit the pond with his flame-covered hand when he wasn't able to move anymore.

"You were not the first here, what are you trying to do in front of me?" Mr. Guardian's voice reached his ears.

"I'm sorry, I was too emotional and let it affect my decisions. I will wait for the person to come out so that I can make negotiations for the petal with him." He apologized immediately.

Although he couldn't sense anything from Mr. Guardian, he could tell that-that aura of nothingness was terrifying.

'If he doesn't agree to negotiate with me, then I will kill him and take the petal from him.' The prince thought sinisterly.

Mr. Guardian shook his head at the thoughts of the prince. 'Alexander, let me give you a helping hand again since my calculation was off by 2 minutes, I will make it up to you by covering up for you.' He thought to himself. He raised a hand and flicked it


Alex who had just touched the petal was very excited and happy that he was able to get his hands on another one. The temptation and urge to eat the petal hit him but he shook his head to stop himself from thinking about that.

"Patience now, I need to solidify my foundation before eating it." He whispered to himself.

Alex quickly rolled the petal and brought out the jade container that Mr. Guardian gave to him to store the petal in. He gently pushed the petal into the jade container.

"Huh?" He exclaimed when he noticed that the water was moving on its own.

Alex started swimming to the top as fast as he could, but his attempt was futile.

['Sh*t, I'm being flushed.'] Alex thought as he watched himself being pulled into the deepest part of the pond


The prince stood beside the pond, waiting patiently for Alex to come out of there. While he was waiting, other people that had completed their tests started arriving in the grassy plain.

They all saw their images when they gazed at Mr. Guardian, and all of them could tell that he was the guardian of the petal when they saw that.

They all started to ask for the petal, but all of them got the same answer that the prince got when he arrived here.

Mr. Guardian pointed at the pond and told them the position they got.

Seeing the prince standing by the pond, they thought that he was the first here and was waiting for something before he jumps into the pond and gets the petal.

While waiting, the prince was staring into the water, as he had already used his consciousness to lock on the person that was in there.

While he was staring into the water, the prince noticed that the level of water in the pond was reducing gradually.

He frowned when he saw that. He also noticed the person that he had locked on with his consciousness was retreating deeper into the water. Soon his consciousness wasn't able to stretch that far into the water.

"What is happening?" He stated as he tried to jump into the water but was stopped by an unknown force.


The water in the pond drained quickly and in an instant the pond became empty, there was no water in there, nor was there anyone in the empty hole where the pond was previously.


Mr. Guardian left the area too

The prince looked behind and saw that Mr. Guardian was nowhere to be seen. "Noo!!" He bellowed in anger.

He was about to release his full power and use it to destroy the area, but he stopped when he recalled that he was in the ordain plain realm and the rules that the first Emperor placed.

He held his anger back as much as he could, but his aura was still sipping out.

Suddenly, the Midas seeds that were in their abdomens came out of there. It hovered in front of them and soon it shot out into the distance, taking them to the next place that the Midas petal is supposed to be.

The prince was furious, but he couldn't stay in the ordain plain realm to search for Alex, if he did he might lose another petal to another person.

"I will remember you, the boy from the Claus clan." The prince muttered before he left to follow his Midas seed.


"Ahhh!!!!" Alex cried out as he was still being drawn by the water from the pond. At the moment he didn't even know where he was.

Suddenly, a hole opened up and swallowed him up. "Ahhh!!!"


"Ouff!!" Alex crashed on the floor. "Freaking hell!!" He exclaimed.

"Where am I?" He wondered as he tried to remove the dirt that got stuck on his face.

"Young master, you are alright," Klein and Bobby appeared in front of Alex. "And wet," Bobby added.

"Oh, it's the two of you," Alex uttered when he heard their voices.

They helped him to clean the dirt that was on his face.

"Young master, what you did was dangerous, moreover, how did you get here from out of nowhere?" Klein questioned.

"I wish I knew too. I went for a swim and then the next thing I know, I find myself here, on the ground." Alex lied.

"Let's head back to the Sword Heaven, I don't want to explore this place anymore." He stood up and started walking towards the direction of the Sword Heaven.

"Wait, young master." Klein stopped him before he could take another step.

"Yes?" Alex questioned.

"We can't take you back like this." Bobby pointed out.

"Why not?"

The two of them looked at him weirdly, and he understood why they were looking at him like that. Because of the dirt that was on his clothes.

If he went back to the Sword Heaven like this and Nana saw him dirty, she is likely to start another trouble. She might even kill all the members of the sect and destroy their headquarters.

"Oh," Alex uttered. "I guess I'll have to get myself cleaned first."

Alex removed his clothes and the brothers were stunned to see the scars that were on his body.

They started to think that Nana was the one that caused the scars on his body. The two of them looked at him with a little bit of pity now.

Not long later, they were done cleaning his clothes for him

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