The Messenger of Death

Chapter 223: turned tables

Chapter 223: turned tables

It didn't take long for Al to reach the area where the 45 carriers of the Midas seed were.

When they were within Al's sight, he reduced his speed and slowed down, steadily.

Al could sense the difference between him and those carriers of the Midas seed. All of them were in realms that he couldn't match even if he added the realms of both Bobby and Klein.

When he was just a few meters away from them, he started walking slowly.

Al noticed the way that they were standing, most of them put a lot of space between their selves. Some of them stood close to each other.

['Seems like some of them are hostile to each other.'] Xander noticed.

['All of them look so expensive'] Al commented.

['I didn't think that we would be lucky enough to garner their attention.'] Alex wondered.

He kept looking at his competition, sizing them up with his eyes.

Al wanted to probe into their core and know what their cultivation was like, even if he wouldn't be able to tell what cultivation stage they are in, he wanted to know the difference between his core and theirs.

['What do you guys think? I want to probe into the core of at least, one of them. This is an opportunity that I might not get in a long while.'] Al asked the rest.

['That's just plain suicide!!'] Alex stated.

['But every one of them probed into our core and they know our cultivation stage, doing the same to one of them wouldn't hurt.'] He insisted.

Al is smart enough to know that those powerful people have pride that comes with that strength, and if that pride is about to be stepped on, they will protect it.

He was smart enough to know that, but at the moment, he just wanted to do that.

['And so!? Don't do anything of the sort!'] Alex warned.

"Hey, kid! Leave this place before we make you do so. This place is reserved for the chosen ones." One of the Midas seed carriers, with a huge crystal-like mallet in his hands, said.

The handle and head of the crystal-like mallet were green and the face of the mallet was like that of stainless steel.

This Midas seed carrier was good looking with green hair that resembled seaweed. His hair extended down to his shoulders.

He had a few jade earrings on, sharp and thick eyebrows that are also the same color as his hair.

"You mean the Midas seed carriers, not chosen ones." Al corrected immediately without looking at who spoke, and continued his argument with Alex, in his head.

['Even if anything is going to happen, we have Mr. Guardian by our side. I have a feeling that he's got our back.'] Al argued.

['You have a feeling!? You want to gamble my life on a feeling!?] Alex bellowed.

['Hey, I just want the knowledge, I want to know.'] Al stated in his defense.

['Then ask Nana for it.']

['Why should I rely on others?']

['What the f*ck!? Weren't you just relying on Mr. Guardian a few seconds ago!?']

['Point of correction, I was relying on my feelings, not him.']

['F*cking hypocrite.'] Alex cursed and sighed.

"Oh, so you know who we are and you still came here?" The guy with the crystal-like mallet spoke to him once again.

"What's there to fear, we are all here for the same thing," Al answered curtly.

Even when Al knows that he couldn't match them, his cocky and rude attitude still remained.

The guy with a mallet in his hand, probed into Alex's core once more to confirm if he was actually speaking to someone with lower cultivation.

He didn't believe that someone with lower cultivation will be able to talk back at him, with a rude tone for that matter.

Al felt his consciousness in him, probing his core once again.

['You see that!? It's being done again, without any Shame.'] Al fumed. ['Now I know why they say that it's offensive to probe into another person's core without their permission.'] He added.

"A weakling like you here for the Midas petal, wanting to compete with us for it. Hahaha, you must be high off some drug."

"Shut up, I'm trying to prove a point to myself." Al dismissed the guy.

['Alex, are you still going to say that I shouldn't probe into this guy's core?'] Al was referring to the guy that he told to shut up.

['Don't do it.'] Alex stood his ground.

"You insolent weakling, you must have been sucking on your mother's breast for many years. Are you dumb, confident, or delusional?" The guy asked.

He wanted to end Al, but he was hesitating because he wasn't sure of who or what Al was capable of.

So were most of them there. All of them are aware of the barrier that was surrounding this place and they could tell that there were still two people outside the barrier that are still trying to get in.

They also knew that Alex was with those people outside the barrier not long ago, and he was able to cross the barrier.

This was the cause of their hesitation. Only those with the Midas seed could cross the barrier and yet, someone with a cultivation that some of them here didn't experience, as they were born with cultivation that was higher than the disaster realm.

Someone like that crossed the barrier. They were wondering if he was the so-called guardian of the Midas petal.

But after probing his cultivation, they didn't know what to think.

Suddenly, the Midas seeds came out against the wills of their owners and started to shine brightly.

The seeds flew close to the navels of their carriers. After a few seconds of levitating in front of their navel, the seed entered into their stomachs.

They felt a little bit of discomfort but after the light that has been shining dimmed down, the discomfort left with it.

"What did you do to us?" One of the Midas seed carriers asked. She was part of the few that believed that Al was the guardian of the petal.

Seeing a beautiful lady speak to him, Al partially forgot why he was there. "I didn't do anything, but if you want me to do something to you, then I would be very obliged to do many things to you." He winked at her.

Al started to use his eyes to undress the girl, and he was doing so shamelessly. When he was done, he licked his lips.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows at Al's perverseness.

"Stupid pervert." She blurted out.

"I'm glad that you noticed." Al smiled as if he had just been complimented.

"You lack manners, let me teach you some." The guy with a mallet in his hand wanted to play the hero, so he decided to test Al a bit.

As he was about to make his move, he could feel some abnormality happening in his core. He could feel his cultivation strength reducing.

This wasn't happening to only him, it was happening to the rest too. All of them could feel their cultivation prowess reduce exponentially.

In a second, every Midas seed carrier cultivation had been sealed by the Midas seed.

'My cultivation is sealed.' The son of the Emperor thought to himself. He arched a brow and brought out a pendant from his storage ring. He then put it on his neck.

This pendant was a rare one, and it was exclusively made for the royal family. It was a protective charm that could protect it's wearer from any physical, mental, and spiritual attacks.

It could only do this for three times though. After that, it would crumble to dust.

'The first one happened when the disaster realm cultivator was insulted by that brute, and our cultivation was sealed right after the disaster realm cultivator was threatened. Is he actually the guardian of the petal?' He thought as he looked at Al for the first time since he arrived there.

The first thing he noticed was the blue hairpin in his head.

'Huh? I recognize that hairpin. What is that clan's heritage doing with this person?' The prince wondered.

Al, who was already ready to be attacked, noticed that the person that was going to attack him still hasn't done anything.

He really wanted to find out if Mr. Guardian was going to stand up for him.

"My cultivation has been sealed." The guy that claimed that he was going to teach Al manners, said.

At that moment, the same thing that went through the prince's mind went through the minds of the rest.

They too started to think that Al was the guardian.

Al's eyes opened wide in shock when he heard that their cultivation had been sealed. He saw many of them bring out talismans, charms and pendants.

He frowned and checked if his cultivation had also been sealed.

A mischievous smile appeared on his face when he found out that his cultivation hasn't been sealed.

"Hahahahaha!!!" He started laughing like a maniac. "The tables are turned now. You are the weakling and I am the omnipotent one here."

['I told you that Mr. Guardian was going to help us.'] Al threw at Alex.

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