The Messenger of Death

Chapter 199: the underground bunker ii

Chapter 199: the underground bunker ii

"Very busy indeed," Xander whispered.

The whole bunker was being illuminated by independent bodies of light. Little balls, hovering above several parts of the bunker and illuminating the whole place.

['I'm guessing runes again.'] Xander thought.

['Yeah, the lights were made with runes.'] Lex responded.

There were utility boxes around the bunker, it looked like a place that was fully stocked and ready to storm through an apocalypse.

['What the hell is that Gastovo or whatever his name is, up to?'] Al reasoned.

['Gustavo, do you have a problem with remembering people's names?'] Alex corrected.

['Whatever, I don't care.'] Al dismissed his correction.

['We'll just have to find out from him on our own.'] Xander mentioned and proceeded to erase his presence.

As he took the first step, after his leg made contact with the metallic floor, it didn't create any kind of sound. With his presence erased, Xander was like a ghost moving around.

He went around the bunker, searching for where Gustavo was. An hour later, after walking through halls and taking different corners, Xander still hasn't found him. That was just how wide the bunker was. It was like a secret base.

-Crushh! Crusshh!!

Unexpectedly, the sound of something being crushed reached Xander's ears, it was coming from a few corners way. It sounded like someone was eating something.

Xander approached the place from which the sound was coming from. When he was just a turn away from there, he leaned on the wall and peeped into the room.

He saw Gustavo sitting comfortably in front of a table that had a pen and several pieces of paper, scattered on the table. There were a few paintings on the table too.

By Gustavo's right-hand side, there was a light-blue bowl that was filled with a snack that looked like potato chips. He placed his hand into the bowl and grabbed a few of the chips before sending them into his mouth.

Gustavo picked his pen and started to write in a book that looked like a diary. "I met with Alexander today, and I have to admit, he is a very scary guy. Even when his face is devoid of any emotion, his eyes carry an aura in them, an aura that can make you piss your pants." He mumbled as he jotted down on his diary.

['At least he knows to be scared of us.'] Al uttered.

"When I approached him in class today, although I had already made plans to tell him of what I knew anonymously, I thought that it was the perfect place to inform him that I saw him kill xxx. I thought that he wouldn't do anything to me in the eyes of so many people, but I was wrong.

After he pretended to be oblivious of what I was trying to say, after I spelled it out to him openly, he immediately made an attempt to take my life.

He was so fast and decisive that, if teacher Tsukishima wasn't there to stop him before he stabbed me, I wouldn't have known that I have been killed by the time I was killed." Gustavo paused and stopped writing.

He chewed the bottom of the pen in his hand for a while before using it to hit the side of his head. "Remember to get something nice for teacher Tsukishima for saving me my life." Gustavo made a mental note.

He put the pen back on his jotter and continued to write. "After I was saved by our scary, new homeroom teacher, Naomi chose to duel with Alexander, and let's just say that she got taught a lesson that she will never forget.

Alexander wasn't even willing to let her give up, if not for the scary homeroom teacher of ours coming into the picture to save the day again, I reckon that Naomi would still be struggling to admit defeat by this time.

Teacher Tsukishima told everyone to disperse within 10 seconds, I had to leave quickly because I was scared that Alexander was going to come after me.

He was able to kill Miss. Hinata, a staff in the academy I don't think he'll have an issue killing me." Gustavo sighed and leaned back on his chair.

"Ahh, I f*cked up big time." He said lightly as he facepalmed himself.

He continued to write. "At least I have this whole bunker to run to, Alexander wouldn't be able to find me here." He jotted down before grabbed a few more chips and placed them in his mouth.

['Too late motherf*cker, we already here.'] Al said.

['No curse words in my mind for the time being, please.'] Xander expressed his displeasure at what Al said.

['Yeah, yeah.'] Al mumbled.

Xander silently walked into the room and went to stand behind Gustavo's chair.

Gustavo didn't notice or sense that anything was amiss, he continued to munch on his chips.

['Do we kill him now?'] Alex asked.

['No.'] His alters responded at the same time.

['Why not? I mean this is a secretive place and no one saw us follow him here. If we kill him here and then leave as silently as we came, no one will be able to find his body, and even if they do, it will take a long time before that happens.'] Alex disclosed his thoughts to them.

['We already know what you were thinking about, the idea also crossed our minds. The reason why we decided against it is that we don't know if he has a partner nor do we know the person that he told about what we did.

If we can get their names then we can track them down and kill them together with the stalker.

After what you did in class, if we kill him and his partner finds him, it won't be hard to put two and two together, and then what next? Another trouble in front of our doorstep.'] Al explained to him why they were against killing him at the moment.

['We have to know how much he saw and since when had he been watching us? And if he knows any other secrets of ours. Those have to be met before we end him.'] Xander added.

['Hmm, I understand.'] Alex muttered.

['Let's get down to business now.'] Xander thought.

He had been standing behind Gustavo for a while now and Gustavo still hasn't noticed that there was someone behind him.

Suddenly, Gustavo felt the sensation of something thick going round his head. He was about to use his hand to touch his head and find out what it was that was on his head when he felt the cold sensation of sharp metal against his neck.

He stood immediately and wanted to escape, but Xander was faster and stronger than he was. He pulled Gustavo closer to him and let the sword in his hand pierce itself a bit into his skin.

A little blood flowed out of his neck and stained the sword. Gustavo broke into a cold sweat.

"Who are you? How did you get here? When did you get here? Where did you come from?" Gustavo questioned as sweat slid down the side of his face.

He swallowed hard.

"If you try to scream, I'll cut your throat. If you try to escape, I'll cut your throat. If you try anything funny, it will be the last time that you try anything at all." Xander threatened.

Hearing the calm, but the chilly and yet familiar voice of Xander, Gustavo recognized who he was and felt like he was going to sh*t his pants.

"It's you." He whispered, feeling more frightened than he was, initially. His body began shaking due to the fear that he had in his heart.

"How d-did y-you g-get h-here," Gustavo stuttered as his mouth went dry.

"Shut up, I'm the one that will be asking the questions and all you need to do is to give me satisfactory answers, so only speak after you have been asked a question. Do you understand?" Xander ordered.


Gustavo being scared sh*tless of Xander, did as he was asked to do.

'I didn't hear him come in, nor did I notice that there was another human behind me. I couldn't even tell that it was an arm that wrapped around my head. I only knew that I was in danger when I felt the cold touch of his sword. What is he?' He wondered.

"First question, who owns this bunker?" Xander asked.

"N-nobody, I stumbled upon it a long time ago and have been using it as my secret hideout ever since," Gustavo answered truthfully.

"You better not be lying to me," Xander pressed his sword closer to his neck.

"I swear, I'm not lying to you. That is the honest truth." Gustavo said.

"How many people know about this place?"

"I would have said that I was the only one that knows about this place but after seeing you here with me, I cannot make such a bold claim. I have been staying here for a long time and I consider it to be my home, look, that is where I sleep most of the time." He pointed at a mattress at the corner of the room.

Xander looked over and saw that the mattress had a roughed blanket and a pillow on it

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