The Messenger of Death

Chapter 193: the duel with naomi

Chapter 193: the duel with naomi

Gustavo wasted no time in doing as Tsukishima directed, mostly because he wanted to get Alex's sight as soon as possible. Everyone else that was standing also took their seats without wasting time.

Before Alex was respected by his classmates because of his lightning elemental ability, now there was a tinge of fear mixed in with that respect because of the pressure that they felt from his killing intent.

A killing intent like his wasn't something that you could come across easily.

'This kid, no wonder he's good in battle. He has killed a lot of people before, not a few times but repeatedly. If his killing intent wasn't that terrifying, I wouldn't have been prompted to rush to the class. I thought it was the assassin that killed Hinata that returned to kill more students.' Tsukishima thought as he stood on the podium in front of the class, watching the students organize their selves.

He took one last glance at Alex and saw that he still had a frown on his face. He looked like he was deep in his thoughts. 'What did this kid say to him that made him this angry?' Tsukishima wondered.

['Why didn't any of us notice that stalker last night, I thought you ditched him Al?'] Alex thought.

['I did ditch him for good and then I changed my looks. I don't know if he was using something to track me. And then the whole Hinata thing happened and we were too occupied to notice our surroundings.'] Al responded.

['Just how much did he see and who else has he told? Was he the one that started the rumor that the killer is from amongst the students?'] Alex wondered.

His killing intent was about to slip out of his control but he held it back by closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in.

['If I still decide to kill him later, with what everyone here has witnessed, I will surely be the first and prime suspect. Unless I have a concrete alibi, do I still kill him? Everything in the school is still hot due to what we did last night if another person dies'] Alex paused...

['That guy will have to die.'] Xander stated. ['Don't worry about how we do it, we'll figure something out later, he just has to die. But first, we have to figure out what he wants in return for his silence for the time being. I know for a fact that he still hasn't told the authorities what he saw, meaning that he wants something.'] He added.

['I agree with you on that.'] Lex interjected.

"For the time being, I am going to be your homeroom teacher. Most of you already know what I like and what I dislike, do not make me repeat it myself." Tsukishima said briefly. "Are there any questions?" He asked the first person to raise his hand was Gustavo.

Tsukishima looked at him and said; "If your question isn't related to anything that I'm about to teach, then you might begin to hate your curiosity after I'm done with you."

Gustavo quickly dropped his hands. "We haven't even started the class and I don't know what you plan to teach." He whispered.

"Let us begin, no side talks when I'm teaching." Tsukishima ignored Gustavo and started teaching.

What Tsukishima said, Alex wasn't listening, he was still deep in his thoughts. Thinking of a suitable way to kill Gustavo. His finger kept on drumming on the table, his index finger first, then his middle finger, and then the next finger after that, and finally his pinky. This continued for a while.

Camron and Katherine who were seated beside Alex were wondering what Gustavo said to him that was making him feel anxious. Alex didn't even know when the class was over.

Camron held his hand and stopped his drumming fingers, snapping Alex out of his thoughts.

He looked at Camron and nodded at him.

"Sir," Naomi called out to Tsukishima.

"What is it?"

"Can I make a request?" She asked.

"And what might the request be?"

Everyone in the class turned and looked at her, waiting to hear what she wanted from him. Maybe it would also be beneficial to them.

['Let me guess, it has something to do with me.'] Alex thought.

He sensed that her eyes were on him. If she could shoot laser beams out of her eyes, then she would have bored a hole through Alex's head. He leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes.

"I want to have a duel with Alexander and I hope that you could officiate the match for us." She revealed her request.

Tsukishima raised one of his brows and looked at Alex. "You want to battle Alexander?" He asked again to confirm.

"Yes, I want to fight him." She clarified.

"I can officiate the match if it is okay with the person you want to fight against," He looked at Alex and saw that he had changed his position.

Alex was no longer leaning on his chair, he sat up and looked at Tsukishima. "I don't mind battling her." He responded.

"Okay, when do you plan on having this duel?" Tsukishima asked.

"Today, now," Naomi answered as quickly as she could.

"What type of duel would you like to have? Do you want your cultivation sealed or you want to battle with your cultivation?" He asked.

Before Naomi could speak, Alex beat her to it. "To make things fair for her, we should fight with our cultivation prowess unsealed. If it is sealed, then beating her will be too easy for my taste." Alex stated arrogantly.

Although he was arrogant, in this case, he could afford to be arrogant.

"A mere rank-1 disaster realm cultivator, challenging me? Just because you are a lightning elemental user you think that you are making it fair for me by picking this format. Fine, it doesn't matter to me which format we battle in, just as long as I have the opportunity to beat the sh*t out of you." Naomi nodded her as she spoke.

Alex's arrogance kept on poking her and that only made her angrier.

'I've never seen this kid fight with his cultivation, he was spectacular last time I watched him battle, and that was with his cultivation sealed. Last time he fought against two people at the same time, now he wants to battle someone 2 ranks above his.' Tsukishima thought as he started anticipating the fight a little bit.

"Woah!! He actually chose to fight with their cultivation unsealed." A student exclaimed.

"Isn't that suicide?" Another one said.

The members of the Seraphim team were worried about the decision that Alex made, all of them but Camron. He already knows that Alex had the bloodline of a class-1 primordial beast, he could fight with those that were 4 ranks above his. So he wasn't worried.

"Alex, wouldn't it be better if you fought her with your cultivations sealed?" Emma's concern could be heard in her voice.

"Doesn't matter which format I pick, in the end, it is her that will lose." Alex stood up from his seat. "Off we go then,"

"Let's go to the training area." Tsukishima directed and they all went after him.

The word traveled fast that the treasure seeker was going to battle someone. Now people didn't come out because they wanted to see him fight, no. Most of them were out because they had never seen who this treasure seeker was.

They wanted to know what he looked like.

After they arrived in the training area, Alex and Naomi went directly to the place that they will battle.

"Since you are dueling with your cultivation unsealed, you can both use your weapons. This fight will end when your opponent surrenders or passes out. Since this is not a deathmatch, no killing shall be permitted. You can use runes to boost your cultivation, but you are not allowed to use pills that will momentarily make you stronger. Do you understand?" Tsukishima laid down his rules.

"Yes," Alex and Naomi responded at the same.

['Alex, I think you should let Al take care of this fight?'] Lex suggested.

['Why should I do that?'] Alex was against that suggestion.

['Because your control over the fire element is not enough to be sure that you wouldn't burn the girl to death.'] Lex pointed out.

['That's'] Alex paused. He too knew that what Lex said indeed the truth, and with everything that is going on, he should avoid bringing any more attention to himself. ['Even if I'm going to switch, it won't be with Al.']

['Huh, Why!?'] Al questioned.

['Because you won't punish her the right way. I feel like you're going to turn this into something else and make her fall for you, instead of beating her senseless.'] Alex replied.

['If not me, then who? Lex? He is worse than me, he will scar the girl's mind.'] Al mentioned.

['Xander, what do you say, are down for this?'] Alex ignored Al and asked Xander.

['Sure, I don't mind it at all.'] Xander answered.


Alex and Xander switched.

"Without further ado, let the match begin," Tsukishima stated

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