The Messenger of Death

Chapter 162: meeting lilith

Chapter 162: meeting lilith

"You freaking rat, stay and fight us like a man!!" Andrea shouted as they were chasing after the Luxure occult head.

"Mistress! Mistress!!" The occult head called out as he ran towards the dark side of the open space.

Hearing the occult head call for someone, Andrea and Arabella became cautious of their surroundings.

"Help me please, Mistress!!" He continued to ask for help as he ran.

Seeing that no one was coming to help the Luxure occult head, Andrea and Arabella were relieved. They thought that the head was trying to make them back away by bluffing.

Suddenly, the dark part of the open underground space had light. It was so sudden that it put the girls chasing the occult head to an abrupt stop.

They brought out their weapons and took their battle stance.

When they looked at the part of the underground space that was previously dark, they saw a stone-like throne placed in the middle. Sitting on that stone-like throne was a woman. This woman's head was leaning on her left hand, and she had her eyes closed.

Nonetheless, when Andrea and Arabella saw this woman, they were awestruck by her beauty and the serene aura that she was emanating. They didn't know what to do after seeing the woman.

"Mistress! Thank you for coming to my rescue. These girls came from the severance academy, the ones that sent a warning to us. They came here to destroy the occult that you set up." The Luxure occult head said. He was still running towards the woman that was seated on the stone-like throne.

The woman didn't move an inch when the occult head was explaining who and why Andrea was here. It looked like she was asleep.

Andrea didn't see information on this woman when she got her intel. She looked at Arabella and then looked at the woman again. Andrea tried to probe into the woman's core so that she could tell her cultivation level.

When she did that, she couldn't find anything. It was like the woman in front of them was nothing but an illusion or a very realistic statue.

The woman arched one of her thin pink eyebrows when she sensed Andrea's consciousness approach her.

Andrea gulped when she saw the woman's eyebrow move.

The woman seated on the stone-like throne stretched her right hand out and the Luxure occult head was pulled towards her by a force that he couldn't possibly resist.

"Ahh" He shouted when this happened to him. He had an expression of fear on his face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought them here. I wasn't thinking properly, I'll take them out of place as soon as you release me!" The occult head began to shed tears as he said this. He was still being pulled by the irresistible force.

Even when he was speaking, the woman didn't respond or open her eyes.


The Luxure occult head was caught by this woman. She held him by his neck effortlessly.

The occult head struggled to get out of her grip but his attempts were futile. The woman's hand didn't budge one bit.

"Have mercy mistress! Please forgive me!!" The occult head pleaded.

The woman brought the occult head closer and for the first time since they arrived here, she moved her head.

She turned her head and faced the occult head, but she didn't open her eyes yet.

"Noo, spare me please!!" The occult head continued to plead for his life, he knew what she wanted to do.

The woman brought her lips close to his and stopped when it was just inches away from his. She parted them slightly and inhaled through her mouth.

A cloud of red smoke was being drawn from the mouth of the Luxure occult head. It was his lifeforce that was being drawn away from his body. The occult head's body started to slim down and shrink rapidly.

This continued until the occult head's body crumpled to the floor and turned to dust.

Andrea and Arabella were frightened by what they saw. The occult head had the same cultivation as Andrea but he was killed so easily and without an intact corpse at that. They started to back away but stopped when the woman smiled at them.

Her smile was so enchanting that they momentarily forgot about their fears and blushed furiously at her smile.

The woman stood up from her stone chair.

"Seems like I'll have to leave this plain realm today. Almost 70,000 years have gone by since the deaths of Hassan and Hussein. I am a lot stronger than the previous me, Shellie, if you are dead already I will look for your descendants and destroy them. And I will do the same thing to that bastard king's descendants." She muttered to herself with no emotion in her tone.

The woman in the underground open space was Lilith.

"Who who are you?" Andrea felt her throat go dry as she asked that.

"Who do I look like to you, little girl?" Lilith asked. She could tell the age of both Andrea and Arabella.

She smiled at them once more.

"You are beautiful." Arabella blurted out as her face got redder.

'What's going on, why am I attracted to this lady? Sure she's beautiful but she's still a woman.' Arabella shook her head to rid herself of the thought of being attracted to Lilith.

Even Andrea was being enchanted by Lilith's beauty.

She pinched her cheeks hard. It was her attempt to try and snap herself of the thought of being attracted to a female.

"The two of you are very young and cute. If it was the old me, I wouldn't even consider taking your lifeforce. But now it's kind of an addiction, how about this. I'll take half of your lifeforce, from the two of you. You will only be sick for a few months." Lilith said gently like she wasn't talking about something important.

Andrea and Arabella started to shake in fear.

"Don't be afraid, I always keep my word. Huh," Lilith paused when she noticed the red gourds that were tied around Andrea's waist. She could notice them even with her eyes closed.

They were the lifeforce that the members of the occult had gathered before Andrea's team arrived in their headquarters.

Lilith used her telekinesis ability to restrain the two of them. She brought them closer to her.

"The two of you are quite lucky, how did you know to come along with these gourds. You can use those to buy your freedom." Lilith chuckled.

"I didn't I didn't know to come with them. I was just curious about them so I brought everyone that I could find, with me." Andrea said truthfully.

"I know," Lilith stated as she used her telekinetic ability to remove the 5 red gourds that Andrea had on her. "And they say that curiosity kills, it just saved the two of you from being sick for some months." She added and released them from her restraint.

Right at this moment, the seraphim team members arrived where Lilith and Andrea were...

"Finally, we're out of that eerie place. I never thought that I would say this, but I'm glad to see a different part of this tomb." Drake rejoiced as soon as he saw that they weren't in the treasure room anymore.

"Where we now?" Emma asked.

"Camron," Arabella called out.

That was when the seraphim team members noticed the people that were present in this part of the tomb.

"Arabella." Camron saw that his sister looked flustered. "Andrea," He called out when he noticed her standing next to his sister.

Then his gaze traveled to the last person there. She had long pink hair with a little of white on some parts of her hair. Camron was left speechless, he could feel himself getting hotter. Blood began trickling down his nose.

The same thing happened to Adrian and the girls there. Only Drake and Alex knew who she was. Drake was lost for words, so he stood there frozen when he saw her.

While the rest were blushing and being enchanted by her beauty, Alex had an expression of fear.

"Lilith," He blurted out.

['That's Lilith? Damn, she's hot. No, that demeaning to her beauty. She's sublime.'] Al commented.

['She's dangerous.'] Alex reminded.

['And thousands of years old.'] Lex added.

Hearing her name, Lilith almost flinched but held herself back when she noticed Alex's cultivation.

She decided to finds out how Alex knew her name. "How do you know my name?" Everyone but Drake turned and faced Alex.

Lost for what to do, Alex decided to say the truth.

"Memory fragments." He replied shortly.

"Who's memory fragment?" Lilith asked.

"Hassan's," Drake answered.

"Hussein's," Alex answered at the same time that Drake did.

Lilith was surprised to hear this. "So they left fragments behind." She whispered.

"There are 5 gourds and 8 people here, meaning that I'll have to absorb the lifeforce of 3 people here. Don't worry I'll only take half, you can decide who." Lilith announced.

She was about to sit on her stone chair but stopped when her nose picked up a scent that was terrifying to her.

She sniffed the air and looked at Alex.

"What's a class-1 primordial bloodline bearer doing here?" Lilith asked.

This conversation was only audible to Alex because Lilith had conveyed the information telepathically.

Alex's eyes opened wide. ['Am I hearing things?'] He asked his alters but received no reply from them.

"No, you are not." Lilith answered him telepathically

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