The Messenger of Death

Chapter 160: a memory fragment

Chapter 160: a memory fragment

['What, rubbish are you going on about now? Women are the most lovable creatures alive.'] Al couldn't agree with what he said.

Alex ignored Al and looked at the two remaining glowing shards of glass. ['Alex, quit ignoring me!!!'] Al complained.

Despite his complaint, Alex still ignored Al.

"Alex," Adrian called and went over to where he was. "You been in this spot for a while, is anything wrong?" Adrian arrived at his side and saw the glowing shards of glass.

"You found memory fragments?!" He exclaimed in excitement.

Everyone in the treasure room heard what Adrian said, they all rushed to where Alex and Adrian were.

"A memory fragment eh, I had a feeling that this was it." Alex blurted out as he put the shards that he had touched on the ground. They had stopped glowing.

"You already looked into 2, tell me, did you find any cultivation techniques or martial skills?" Adrian asked.

"Whoa!" Drake was excited to see a memory fragment. He bent down and was about to touch one of the remaining two that were still glowing.

"Stop!!" Alex tried to stop him but it was too late. Drake had already touched it, the one that he touched was the biggest piece of the memory fragments. "F*cking retard, I was just getting to the part of Hassan and Hussein's story." Alex fumed.

The same thing that happened to Alex when he touched the memory fragment happened to Drake, his eyes started giving out the same shade of faint glow that the fragments gave as he froze up.

"Who are those," Camron asked Alex after he observed Drake's reaction after touching the memory fragment.

"I'm not sure, but I do know that they have a connection with this tomb. I think their ancestors were buried here. And no, there were no cultivation techniques or martial skills in the ones that I've checked. I guess I'll have to do with the last one, this stupid worm over here already f*cked one part of it for me."

Alex felt like he should kick Drake as he was in his frozen state but decided against it as he didn't know what was going to happen if he moved his body.

"How long is he going to be like that? And can I beat him up while he's in this state?" Katherine asked with a wicked smile on her face, she felt like this was her chance to get Drake.

"Unfortunately I don't know what will happen if you did that, wait till he wakes up and then you can surprise him with a whooping kick," Alex advised with a similar wicked grin on his face.

He bent down and touched the last fragment

"What do we do, Lilith!?" Alex heard a familiar voice ask, yet he couldn't tell whose voice it was.

'That sounds like Hassan.' Alex thought.

Hussein turned and Alex got a good look at the person that spoke and it was indeed Hassan. But Hassan looked different. He had full beards and had grown bigger, unlike before, there were scars on his upper body gruesome scars.

'Damn! I don't know what's going on because of that fool named Drake.' Alex complained. 'Now they all grown up, sh*t.' He cursed.

Hassan waited and didn't get an answer from Lilith.

"The war would be ending sooner than we want it to. They have found out the truth and they are coming for us, if Lilith isn't done before they get here then it might as well be the last day of our lives, brother." Hussein mentioned.

He looked at Lilith who was seating in the air with her eyes closed. There was a red like smoke gathering towards.

'Sh*t a war? I really missed a lot, damn that Drake!' Alex cursed at Drake. 'Wait, this place looks familiar, Alex thought.

'It's the treasure room, without the treasures.' He realized where he was.

"I hope that this is enough life force for her to be able to recover her previous cultivation." Hassan thought out loud.

'Lifeforce? The red smoke is lifeforce. Hold on, war, life force, the succubus. Did they help this woman start a war so that she could absorb the lifeforce of the dying participants of the war? If so why doesn't she just do the killing herself?' Alex started connecting some dots.

'Damn, if they really did that then I am disappointed.' Alex said.

"It is almost enough. Just a few more and I would be able to reach my previous cultivation." She descended from where she was seated in the air. There was a man that was tied up on the floor next to where she landed. She bent and placed her lips on the man's lips.

Within a second the man turned into a corpse that looked like the one that Alex saw in the treasure room, the one that told him to run.

'Did that man survive from that time till the time we arrived in the cave?' Alex hoped that it was so.

"We should leave this place, I can sense someone ominous amongst the people coming here," Lilith uttered.

"But first, let me lay a trap for the greedy people. I will give them all that has been given to me by the men in this plain realm." She waved her hand everything in her storage filled the room.

The contents of her ring were the mountains of treasures that Alex and his teammates were hoarding in the treasure room.

Lilith began inscribing on the air. The runes that she inscribed floated until they touched a mountain of treasure then they disappeared.

"What is the inscription for?" Hussein asked.

"A booby trap, when they remove a certain amount of treasure from each mountain the rune will activate and take their lives."

'Hell!!! Did anyone fall for the trap, after it activates does the treasure rearrange its self? If so, how else can it happen, when we arrived in the treasure room, the treasures we're neatly arranged as no one had touched them. Sh*t!! I can't snap myself out of this memory fragment.' Alex started to panic.

"To make things trickier for them, I'll leave this behind too." A chest that looked like it was made from white jade stones appeared. She opened the jade chest and 4 fruits that looked like they were oranges shone from within.

The color of these fruits was ash.

She proceeded to inscribe a rune on the white jade chest.

"What's that inscription for?" Hassan asked.

"If anyone tries to take more than one of this for their own consumption that person will die. A person can only take one of these away from the chest." She sent the chest to the furthest part of the treasure room.

"Let's go," Lilith said and they started walking towards the opposite direction that Alex and the rest of his team came from. At one point they disappeared from the room.

The treasure room that looked like it had no end actually had a hidden exit in its vast space.

'Evil woman.' Alex thought.

Later on, they arrived in an open space that had a weird ceiling. This ceiling was higher than the other ceilings of the tomb. It was shaped like a pyramid.

"We might have to leave this plain realm sooner than we planned. The person I'm sensing is beyond my capabilities." Lilith started to get agitated as time went by.

"We'll leave when you are ready to leave," Hussein said.

Lilith smiled at them.

She has been with them for over 300 years and their love and loyalty towards her didn't falter. They all that she asked for, even betraying their own village.

Over the years, she has come to love the two brothers, but not the type of love that a woman would have for a man. It was like the love that a sister would have for her brothers.

This was one of the major reasons why she let them stick around her, despite their love for her. She had promised them that after she had taken her revenge on the man that betrayed her, she was going to explore the universe with them.

Hassan and Hussein saw this as their opportunity to hopefully find a way to break the walls that surrounded her heart, so they were eager to help her get the revenge that she wanted. They orchestrated wars between many villages and tribes, and they also took part in some of the wars their selves.

"I have requested a lot from the two of." She shook her head. "Let's be on our way then." The space in front of them started to distort and crumble.

"Leaving so soon, Lilith?" A voice that Lilith was familiar with, spoke.

Lilith froze for a second. She was about to tell the brothers to jump into the crumbled space, but she realized that they wouldn't be able to survive in there without her powers protecting them.

"Shellie," Lilith answered.

"Oh, I'm surprised that you can still remember my voice, I'm honored." Shellie appeared out of thin air.

As soon as she did, Lilith took a few steps backward. "Your aura, how strong did you get in just a few hundreds of years?" She exclaimed and cursed her luck in her mind.

Hassan and Hussein couldn't see Shellie properly, she was like a blurred figure in their eyes.

"Don't get involved in this Shellie, it is between me and that bastard called a King. I have nothing against you." Lilith pleaded.

"I'm sorry Lilith, I also have nothing against you. But the King has something I want and your core is the only thing that he can be used as a bargaining chip." Shellie gave a sorry smile.

"Give up on your revenge. Don't worry, I won't kill these men that are with you. I can tell that they were smitten by your beauty." Shellie promised.

She didn't wait for Lilith to say anything before she appeared before her. Shellie used her hand to penetrate Lilith's abdomen and removed her core.

Her core was the same color as her eyes, emerald green. It looked like a tennis ball.


Shellie disappeared.

"Lilith!!!" Hassan and Hussein shouted and ran to her side. They caught her before she fell to the ground.

"I guess this is the end of the road, I wasn't able to achieve my revenge despite all that we have done to make it come true. Hassan, Hussein, thank you for sticking with me." She started to lose consciousness.

Alex saw Hassan do something unexpected. He kissed Lilith and transferred his lifeforce to her. His body started to shrink and slim down.

Seeing his brother sacrifice himself, Hussein chose to do the same too, he penetrated his stomach with his hand and removed his core.

He placed it over Lilith's abdomen and began inscribing a rune on her. He used everything in him to make that inscription. Hussein's core merged with Lilith.

Hassan gave his lifeforce and Hussein gave his core. The two brothers died side by side on the same day, just like they were born on the same day

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