The Messenger of Death

Chapter 155: hassan and hussein ii

Chapter 155: hassan and hussein ii

A few minutes before midnight, Hassan and Hussein arrived at the front of their clan's home. The place looked like a fortress as it was surrounded by huge and thick wooden fences that had sharp, pointed tips.

Male guards were standing at the front of the gate. The guards were all dumbfounded when they saw the favored grandson of their clan's chief with a woman in his arms.

If it was Hassan that they saw carrying this woman they wouldn't have reacted the way they were now.

"By the gods,"

Some of them exclaimed. Although they couldn't see the face of this woman because Hussein used his long hair to cover her face, they could still tell that she was a foreigner because of her hair color.

Nonetheless, they were all smitten by her hair and features. Even in her injured state, she had a natural demeanor that attracted people to her.

"Young master Hussein, you have a woman in your arms." The guard in charge blurted out.

"I know, I picked her up myself. Is grandfather still fuming about my elder brother's disappearance?" Hussein asked.

"It appears so, young master." The guard looked at Hassan with an expression of disdain present on his face.

Hassan noticed this but acted like he didn't care.

"The next time you look at my elder brother with such an expression on your face, will be the last time you ever have an expression, do you understand?" Hussein threatened the guard and was about to release his aura but stopped when he remembered that it could affect the lady in his arms.

Since he couldn't release his aura, he glared at the guard with the intent to kill in his gaze. When the guard saw this, he fell to his knees. "Young master Hussein, I was wrong, please forgive me." The guard pleaded.

"I am not the one that you are meant to be apologizing to, you disrespected the heir to the chieftaincy of our clan and this whole village. Apologize to the heir and if he doesn't forgive you, I will end your measly life." Hussein's rage started to surface as his words grew colder.

'I was right, they do have a good sibling relationship. But still, why did the two of them act like they were about to kill themselves over this woman.' Alex wondered as he watched the person he was in, defend his brother.

'This Hussein person loves and adores his elder brother Hassan, I could sense the change in his emotions when he noticed how the guard looked at his brother. He wasn't giving empty threats. But why did the guard do that? If this Hassan is the heir to their clan's chieftaincy, why did the guard respect and fear Hussein but was indifferent and disrespectful to Hassan? Is there a personal feud between Hassan and the guard?' Alex began asking himself questions.

'Ahh, I feel like I just started watching a movie from the middle.' He brushed his curiosity to the side.

"Forgive me young master Hassan, I was foolish and impudent, I deserve to be punished." The guard placed his forehead on the floor, kowtowing to Hassan.

"Let's go inside brother, she needs treatment. We can't waste time on this funny guy." Hassan ignored the guard and started walking.

Hussein looked at the guard whose head was still on the ground, he was about to order another guard there to kill him.

"Let him be, Hussein, respect can't afford lives nor can disrespect be worth taking lives for," Hassan uttered as he stepped past the wooden gates.

Hussein looked at his brother's back as he was walking away.

'I knew that you weren't going to let the man die, but still, I can't let him go unpunished for disrespecting you.' Hussein thought.

"Take this man to the den and make sure that he gets flogged a thousand times, with his cultivation sealed," Hussein ordered one of the guards there.

"Yes sir." The guard responded and ran towards his college that was still kowtowing.

"Thank you, young master, for showing me mercy." The guard thanked him before he stood up and left with the guard that was ordered to take him to the den.

Hussein went after his brother

"Where is that foolish grandson of mine!!?" An old man with a lot of vigor, bellowed as he was pacing around a hall.

"Chief, Hussein has gone to look for Hassan. I'm very sure that they'll be back very soon so please stop getting angry. You might harm your cultivation again." A middle-aged man walked behind the old man as he was walking back and forth with an angry expression on his face.

"I swear if that boy hasn't broken through and reached the same level of cultivation that Hussein is in, I will break his useless limbs!!" The old man shouted and saliva flew out of his mouth as he spoke. His lips were twitching aggressively.

Hassan and Hussein were just by the corner, listening to what their grandfather was saying.

"Hussein, take her to the clinic. I'll go and say hello to our raging grandfather." Hassan said to his brother.

"If you go without me explaining anything to him then he might really break your limbs," Hussein stated as he frowned at his brother's idea.

"Don't worry, my cultivation has already caught up with yours. I don't need you to cover for me, just go there and stay with the girl till I'm done with our grandfather." Hassan started walking forward then paused after he had covered a bit of distance. "And Hussein, don't let anyone touch her as they please." He turned back as he said that to his brother.

Hassan took a turn and was out of Hussein's view.

"You insolent, ungrateful grandson, is your life's dream to embarrass me to death!? Get down on your knees when I'm talking to you." Hussein heard his grandfather shout angrily at his elder brother.

'Come on, why aren't you going to peep? I want to see what this grandfather of yours looks like.' Alex stated eagerly, but unfortunately for his curiosity, Hussein had no intentions of getting closer to that room.

He turned and made his way out of that building. He was heading for the clinic. As he approached the clinic, he could feel the temperature of the girl in his arms, drop.

'Her breathing is unsteady and her skin, pale. If he wastes any more time she might die before he arrives at the clinic.' Alex observed.

"No," He whispered and hastened his steps.

'You better hurry Hussein, it will be a waste for a beauty like her to die all because you were distracted.' Alex commented as he watched Hussein rush to the clinic.


Hussein charged through the door of the clinic.

"Mamma!! Mamma!!" He called out and a middle-aged woman with white muslin on her face rushed out from the inner part of the clinic.

"What is it?! What is the emergency!?" She asked as soon as she saw that it was Hussein that was there.

"She's dying," Hussein uttered as he placed her on a stretcher that was on a table.

When Mamma, the head of the clinic, saw the features of the girl that Hussein placed on a, her face wore an expression of shock, and then it changed to doubt when her attention was drawn to the peculiar hair color of this young lady.

"She is a foreigner, I will not treat an outsider." Mamma frowned and turned her back on Hussein.

She started heading back to where she ran out of.

"Mamma, she's my woman," Hussein uttered in a low and grieved tone. Hearing this, Mamma was put to an abrupt stop.

'What, since when!!??' Alex exclaimed.

A white light covered Alex's sight and the next thing he knew he was back in the treasure room.

'Huh!? Why am I back here?' Alex thought and stood up from the position that his body froze in. He looked behind him and he saw that his teammates were still gathering the treasures that they could gather.

['Alex!'] Al called out.

['What!?'] Alex responded with the same tone that Al used to call him.

['You froze and blanked out for like 10 seconds after touching the glass.'] Al pointed out.

['Is everything alright?'] Lex asked.

['Yeah, everything is fine. You guys weren't able to see what I saw?'] He questioned.

['Apart from the glowing glass, we haven't seen anything else.'] Xander replied.

['After I touched the glass, my consciousness transferred into another person's body. I could only watch, hear, and know what the person was feeling. It was like I watching the world from the person's perspective. I couldn't set myself free so I decided to watch what was going to happen. For the duration of time, I spent in that person, I am very sure that hours went by. But you said that I've been out for like 10 seconds?'] Alex briefly relayed to them what he experienced.

['Yes.'] Al answered.

Alex looked back at the mountain of gold jewelry and coins.

"Those designs, the coins, they look exactly like the ones I saw when my consciousness was in Hussein's body."

['Who's Hussein?'] Al asked but Alex ignored him.

"What is this glass?"

Alex looked at the piece of glass that was in his hand, now the glass had stopped glowing. He looked at the remaining three that were still glowing on the floor.

"Now I really want to know what happens next, and if these are the treasures of those people." Alex squatted and uttered. He proceeded to randomly touch another glowing glass

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