The Messenger of Death

Chapter 151: the sheldon woman again

Chapter 151: the sheldon woman again

Just like the first two halls that they explored, they found nothing but dust and dead rats in this third one. Now they were taking a break in a huge room that had multiple gigantic pillars that extended from the ground to the ceiling of the tomb.

All of them were disheartened that they couldn't find anything, especially Katherine.

Alex was bummed out that the system couldn't track any QI energy in the tomb. They sat in a circle and wallowed in their disappointment.

He looked at the walls of the room that they were sitting in. "I feel like I should try breaking the walls." Alex disclosed his intention.

"It's useless, many people stronger than nirvana realm cultivators tried to do the same but they couldn't even leave a scratch on the walls of the tomb," Camron uttered lazily.

"I don't believe that these walls don't have a weak spot after standing under a mountain for over a million years." Alex refused to give in and stood up.

He walked closer to the wall nearest to him. He placed his hands on the wall and knocked it.

-Thud! Thud!!

['Sounds like titanium to me.'] Al commented. He also thought that it was a waste of time and energy to attempt what Alex wanted to do.

"System, analysis of the endoskeleton structure of these walls," Alex whispered.

*Preparing results of the analysis, please stand by till the analysis has been completed.

Alex took several steps backward and stared at the wall.

"Alex, what are doing standing and staring at the wall like that?" Drake asked but he was ignored. "Alex, you are scaring me." He called out again and received no reply.

Drake instinctively grabbed Katherine's hand and held it in his.

"Let go of my hand you pussy!!" Katherine raised her hand and was about to slap Drake on his cheek. Drake was able to see the hand coming and dodged it just in time

"Argh!" Katherine exclaimed in frustration. She really hated the fact that she couldn't hit Drake the way she wanted to because he was stronger than she was now. She pulled her hand out of his grip.

Camron looked at how focused Alex was and thought that he had seen something that they couldn't see, after all, he had seen when they couldn't see. "Alex, have you seen something?" He asked.

Alex only raised one of his hands in response to Camron's question. Camron kept his curiosity at bay and stayed silent. The rest did the same, they stayed silent and waited for Alex to finish whatever he was doing.


*Results of analysis is ready.

The system notified him.

"Show it to me," Alex commanded.

"What?" Drake shrieked. "He's talking to himself again, see? See? I told you that there are ghosts around here." He moved closer to Katherine as he panicked.

"Who are you talking to Alex?" Katherine asked this time. Everyone but Camron started to feel uneasy because of Alex's attitude.

Alex ignored their question and focused on the result that the system was showing him.

His view of the wall started to change and what he saw was something that he wasn't expecting at all. What he was expecting to see was a place on the wall that had gone weak, however, that wasn't what he saw. On the wall that he was staring at now, there were runes inscribed on every part of the wall.

He frowned at what he was seeing.

The runes that were inscribed on the walls were invisible to the human eyes.

"But I can't see any weak parts on the walls. What was used in the making of these walls?" Alex thought out loud.

"System, can you analyze the runes on the wall using the records you have as a reference and simplify them for me? I can't understand all of this." He said.

*Affirmative, please wait a moment. This might take a while.

The system began doing as Alex asked it to.

"Alex, who are you talking to?" Drake asked.

"The ghost of your great grandfather, he says that you were adopted and I asked him to show me proof," Alex answered nonchalantly.

"My, my, my great grandfather said I'm adopted?" Drake's already pale complexion started turning white as he raised his hand to cover his mouth, he was on the verge of crying now. "Wait, my great grandfather is still alive." He uttered when it hit him, he realized that Alex was messing with him.

"You just realized that your own great grandfather is still alive, what a filial great-grandson that you are." Katherine mocked.

Emma laughed at Drake's reaction to Alex's joke.

Camron went forward and stopped beside Alex. "What did you see?" He asked.

"There are runes inscribed on the wall, everywhere." Alex disclosed.

"Runes?" Camron was stunned to hear that. Out of everything that he was expecting to hear from Alex, that wasn't even on his list.

"Is that why the walls won't break and are still firm after all these years?" Adrian wondered.

"I don't know, I'm trying to understand what I'm seeing too," Alex replied them without moving his gaze from the wall.

"Well, you should have said that in the first place, instead of scaring us like that," Drake complained.

"Hey, worm! Speak for yourself." Katherine retorted.

"What do you have against me!?" Drake asked, wondering why Katherine was so irritated with him today.

"Your existence." She muttered and ignored him.

Katherine knew why she was being mean to Drake but she didn't want to admit it herself. She was still hung up on the fact that he was in a different cultivation realm than she was, she was very much jealous of Drake, so she couldn't tolerate him and the attitude he was displaying in the tomb.


*After using the hundreds of books about runes that were scanned in the school's library as a reference in the system's analysis, only one of the books contributed to the analysis. The one that was written by Sheldon Shellie.

The system announced.

['The Sheldon woman again, seems like she is not someone to be taken lightly.'] Lex stated.

['What makes you think that Sheldon Shellie is a woman?'] Alex asked.

['Hahaha, I don't know. That was how it registered in my thoughts.']Lex responded.

*With the help of her book I was able to come up with 3 possible meanings of the runes inscribed on the walls.

['Even the skin crawler registered Sheldon as a female, Hahaha.'] Al laughed at Alex.

*The possibility of the runes on the wall being inscribed by a lunatic that was just intent on inscribing gibberish is, 89%.

['That's just insane. If the first possibility is this useless what might the rest be?'] Alex thought.

*Second, the possibility of the runes on the wall being a piece of detailed information is, 8%.

['Very encouraging.'] Alex sighed.

*Finally, the possibility that everything inscribed on the wall forms a single word is, 3%.

"And what word is that?" Alex asked.

*This word;

The system displayed a single rune alphabet that looked like a cup with the knob of a door as its handle, to Alex.

This word Alex could understand.

"Open," He recited.


The runes inscribed on the walls of the room that they were in, began to glow, and became visible to their eyes.

"Alex, what did you do?" Camron questioned. To him, they were just standing there waiting for Alex to explain whatever he had deciphered to them, then suddenly the walls started to glow. He did not see Alex's lips move, nor did he hear any sound from him.

"I only said open, didn't you hear me?" He turned and faced Camron.

"No, I didn't, you didn't even move." He answered.

['Was that some kind of security measures? Only those that can decipher the rune can know about it?'] Alex wondered.

The room started to shake and gusts of dust-covered all of them.

"An earthquake!!" Drake screamed out. "We have gained the wrath of the souls that are resting here, please O'dead ones, forgive us for intruding. We were stingy and greedy, forgive us." Drake started to cry.

When the room stopped shaking, the wall that Alex was standing in front of vanished. Now in the position that wall was, was another hallway.

Alex's sight wasn't affected by the dust that dawned upon them when the room was shaking, he watched as the torches by the sides of the hall, started to ignite on their own

"Forgive us!!" Drake shouted again.

"Someone shut that b*tch up!!" Alex was frustrated by his cry.

Katherine quickly stuffed her shoe in his mouth and only muffled sounds were coming out of him.

"It's another hall," Adrian observed.

"Andrea said that it wouldn't be wise to explore unmapped places." Emma looked into the hall as she spoke.


*System has found multiple results that match the search that the user commenced earlier. Would the user like to have a GPS guide?

['Finally, it found something.']

"Yes," Alex responded.

*Activating GPS. Activated.

"You guys don't need to go in with me, I will go in by myself. There are treasures down this hall." Alex smiled as he proceeded to walk towards the entrance of the new hall that appeared in the place of the wall with runes.

Camron grabbed his hand. "Wait, what if there are traps?" He voiced his concern.

"I can see the traps even when I don't want to. It won't be a problem for me." He gently removed Camron's hand from his and continued to walk forward.

Camron looked at the rest behind him then looked ahead again. He started walking too, following behind Alex.

Drake removed the show in his mouth and threw it at its owner. He started spitting the dirt from the shoe that remained in his mouth.

Adrian, Katherine, Drake, and Emma looked at each other before they also decided to follow behind Alex too

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