The Messenger of Death

Chapter 143: impatient emma

Chapter 143: impatient emma

"We need another tub, I'm not sure if it's going to work without water though," Alex stated.

"I'll go get another one." Adrian left before Alex could object. He wanted to attempt it without any tub while another person heads out to get another tub

Later on, Adrian came back with another wooden tub, he quickly filled it with water and jumped into it. That's how excited Adrian was.

"Adrian, come out of the tub for a minute, I want to try doing something," Alex said.

He wanted to try reinforcing the wooden tub with rune inscription. The only rune that he knew how to inscribe.

He started to write in the air slowly and a blue neon-like light followed behind his hand movement. If Alex was proficient in rune inscriptions, he wouldn't need to repeat the same thing he wrote in the air over and over. Nonetheless, his teammates were stunned by this, all but Camron. He already knew more than they did about Alex.

Adrian walked towards Camron. "He's an Etruscan runemaster too?" He wanted to make sure that he wasn't making a mistake. The difference between the Etruscan rune mastery level and those below it, it that those level below cannot inscribe without using their blood or the blood of another as the primary source of power. From the Etruscan level, the individual will be able to inscribe without using blood as its medium.

"Yes he is, isn't he amazing?" Camron answered like a proud father.

"Wow, now I'm getting more optimistic about my situation." Adrian voiced out.

"Enforce," Alex uttered when the rune that he was inscribing was almost ready.


The rune that he wrote on the air, laid itself on the side of the wooden tub, and disappeared. If they looked closer at the wooden tub, they would have noticed that the wood didn't look like a wood anymore. Now it looked like a rock that was painted to look like wood.

"You can get in now," Alex said.

['It feels different from the first two times that I did it. I don't feel drained, although I do feel weaker than I was before I inscribed.'] Alex commented.

['That's a good thing, maybe you can ask Nana later when you meet her if she can teach us rune mastery too.'] Lex stated.

['Maybe, or I secretly find someone to teach me runes.'] Alex thought.

['It's your funeral, rabbit.'] Al chirped in.

Adrian got into the tub and they used the bell to cover him again.

"Are you ready?" Drake picked the chain up and asked.

"Yeah!" Adrian sounded excited, forgetting the pain that the bell caused to his ears the first time.

Drake pulled the chain.


"Harder Drake!!" This time it was Adrian that requested it. That sound wasn't enough to do anything to him this time. Inside the darkness of the bell, he was smiling at the difference that he noticed.

"He seems to be enjoying himself," Alex Commented and went ahead to pick his spear that he dropped a while ago.

"Do as he says Drake, I'll assist from this side," Alex said.


Drake rang the bell as hard as he could while Alex amplified the sound by hitting the bell with his spear again.

Just like the first time, the rest had to use their hands to shield their ears from the sound.


Unexpectedly, Adrian was falling from the sky. He had left the insides of the bell again, the same way that he left the first time, by riding the sound waves.


He crashed, back first on the ground.

"Hahaha." Adrian started to laugh like a mad person. He was so overjoyed that the pain from his fall didn't faze him.

"It happened again," Emma whispered. Although she was the one that said that she was going to wait till they were done with Adrian before they start hers, she was starting to get impatient.

"Adrian, do you have a feel of how to move along with the waves?" Alex questioned.

"Yeah, kind of. But I can't pick the direction that I want to go in, yet."

"How about we try something smaller, we used the sound waves from the bell to stimulate and awaken the ability, now that we have done that let us try other methods and find out the limits of your ability," Alex suggested.


"What you've been doing, is to travel with sound. It doesn't have to be a loud one, it's just that it is easier for you when it's loud. So, instead of using the bell, you can try riding the waves of any type of sound. For instance, ride the sound waves that come out of these weapons."

Alex brought out the black knife in his ring and used the blunt aged to hit the blade of his spear.


"Can you try it?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I will try whatever you ask me to," Adrian replied.

['Ough, that was so cringing to me.'] Al commented.

Alex handed the spear and blade over to Drake. "You help him while I try to figure something out for Emma."

As Drake held Alex's weapons in his hands, his eyes had a glint of delight and desire in them. "These weapons, they are beyond anything I've held. They look normal to my eyes, but why do I feel like there's so much more to them when they are in my hands." Drake thought out loud.

"Alex, can you give me one of these weapons?" He asked.

"No," Alex replied immediately.

"Alright, sell one to me."

"Nooo." Alex rejected as soon as he heard that. Drake kept quiet and frowned his face.

After holding a weapon like that, he could tell that they were not your average weapons.

['At least he knows good things when sees one. But unfortunately for him, he can't have those good things if they are already mine. Sell? Even his life is not worthy of these weapons that we got from the Dragnel brothers.'] Al stated.

Ale who was already in his thoughts snapped out of it. "You know what? Drake, hand my weapons over." He collected them back.

"Katherine, you help Adrian with this." He handed the weapons over to her.

"Huh, why her?" Drake was obviously not satisfied with that. He still wanted to hold those weapons for a little longer.

"Because I don't trust your ass, that's why," Alex answered truthfully.

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed at what Alex said.

"It is true though," Katherine uttered when she was done laughing. "These weapons, they are not average. I can't even tell what type of metal was used to make them."

"Don't ask me to give you or sell it to you." Alex blurted out and frowned at her comment.

She chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not Drake. I won't ask for something this amazing."


Drake scoffed at them and went to sit alone in the distance. He brought the primrose pill and was about to consume it.

"Wait!" Camron saw this and stopped him.

"Why don't you wait and take it at the same time, with me and Alex?" He asked.

"Seems like everyone is busy and I have nothing to do. I don't want to wait anymore." Drake threw the pill into his mouth in annoyance and swallowed it. As soon as it dropped into his stomach, Drake could feel a magnanimous amount of QI burst from within his stomach. This QI wasn't hard to absorb or digest at all. Slowly but steadily, his cultivation started increasing.

Camron shook his head and looked at Alex. "Before you help Emma, why don't we join him? That's if you are okay with it." He looked at Emma to see if she was against his suggestion.

"It's fine. I can wait a bit longer." She forced a smile onto her face as she replied. Although she was impatient, she didn't want to impose on Alex.

"Alright, this might take a while though." Alex agreed.

['Nice going Camron, this will help me buy more time to think of a way to help Emma.'] Alex thought.

['Thinking about your image now aren't you? You don't want to disappoint your loyal subject. Hahahaha!!'] Al put emphasis on the 'loyal subject'. Alex could imagine Al smirking at him at the moment.

['I wish I could punch your face right now.'] Alex commented.

['Haha, very easy. Punch your face. Hahaha!!'] Al mocked.

Alex ignored Al and went to sit beside Camron who was already sitting next to Drake. After sitting down, he brought his primrose pill out and put it in his mouth the same time that Camron did.

Just like what Drake experienced when he swallowed the pill, Alex and Camron experienced the same. They began absorbing all that they could, at their own pace.

Katherine looked at the 3 of them as they were cultivating. 'Everyone seems to be getting stronger, and I'm being left behind.' Her eyes and heart were filled with jealousy.


She hit the knife and the spear together, while Adrian had his eyes closed. Trying to do the same thing that he had done when he was in the tub, under the bell. He was attempting to ride the sound waves created by the weapons.

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