The Medieval Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset

Chapter 58

The Medieval-Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset 58

58. Be Filial

July 12, 1212, a time of precarious peace.

When the young boy, who had just come of age, was enthroned as a bishop, people scoffed and doubted him. Everyone in the Duchy of Powys ridiculed King Athelstan, who had granted him the right to be enthroned, and was wary of the intentions of the Papacy.

Half a year. Just half a year was enough.

It didn’t take long for people’s reactions to change.

The most notable place of this dramatic change was the main castle where King Athelstan stayed. The horrific acts that he had vividly experienced just four years ago were being re-evaluated.

The servants and attendants chatted without stopping while sweeping the floor and carrying the laundry.

“Have you heard the story about Lord Narva, no. Bishop?”

“Oh… I’ve heard it over and over again. How could I not have heard it? There are more than one or two monasteries that have been destroyed.”

“Isn’t he crazy? What sins did those priests commit?”

“How would I know? Well, the surrounding estates and serfs seem to like it.”

“Why? Is that something to be happy about?”

Rumors were vague and inaccurate, but sometimes they conveyed the truth. This time was no exception. The servant with a nonchalant expression said as he put firewood into the fireplace.

“The lords who lend their land and receive rent are not much different, but most lords make them work in their own fields. It’s a good thing because there are more people to work with.”

“Huh. I guess so…”

“I heard that the serfs who cultivated the church land instead pay less than a tithe. That’s why everyone is trying to get the lords to mediate for them. They even came to our family to ask for a word.”

The servant deeply, as if he was quite tired. Even though he was a servant of the main castle, he was not of a high rank, but to ordinary serfs, he seemed like an untouchable superior.

Anyway, Bishop Narva’s drastic measures were being received favorably.

In fact, from the serfs’ point of view, they don’t know that most monasteries fall short of the evaluation criteria. All they care about is that their tax burden has been reduced and that they have been given the opportunity to increase their wealth .

To the serfs, Bishop Narva was already a wonderful and great person.

“Why is someone known for being crazy doing this?”

“My, oh my. The outstanding ones are just different, aren’t they?”

“The outstanding ones I’ve seen have always been yellow…”

Even the servants of the royal family who were trembling at the infamous traveler’s tales were shivering. Some of these servants and attendants showed unusual reactions.

John, who happened to be between the two, was a prime example.

His hair, which had been plucked out, had become shiny and bald, but John, who had already occupied himself to it, had sparkling, clear eyes.

“You see. I told you he wasn’t someone I could dare to judge by the standards of a criminal.”

“John… Is that what you meant?”

“Imma, how can you believe a guy who bought hair tonic and ended up bald?”

Of course, there was someone who was the most frightened.


King Athelston.

He was frowning deeply as he listened to the report brought by his spymaster, Sir Overd. King Athelston rubbed his forehead for a while, groaned, and let out a sigh filled with exasperation.

“Sir Overd. I will take the liberty of speaking comfortably because I trust you as my aide.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty.”

“He did much better than expected, but something… something…”


“Yes. Unsightly.”

Unlike the servants who had only heard rumors, King Athelston’s assessment was honest and straightforward after hearing the details.

“I’m proud and pleased. However, ever since I heard that he was selling the right to appoint, I had been determined to scold him someday, but it’s so unsightly that he seems to know everything and does it vaguely.”

King Athelston couldn’t help but sigh as he thought of the main character of the rumor.

Narva Orn Stregos Glerio Powys.

The process of going from a cute and adorable child who was the apple of his eye to a problem child that he wanted to chew on was too dramatic. In the end, Athelston let out a sigh of affection and closed his eyes.

“He was cunning too. He encouraged the knights and lords who had been lukewarm until now to renew their vows of loyalty and postponed the church’s work until I recognized him…”

And when his eyelids opened.

King Athelston’s eyes were filled with a mixture of emotions.

“Isn’t this just a way to postpone it by giving a reason for the administrative vacuum that will be created by the abolition of the monastery?”

“As a result, the knights who have been lukewarm over the years will come to make their vows at once, and it will be a display of authority. I think it will strengthen the control over the lords and give the impression that the church firmly supports Your Majesty. I believe it will solidify Your Majesty’s support base.”

“Sir Overd, my dear friend. Even you can’t defend Narva’s intentions.”


At King Athelston’s sharp wit, Overd touched his bangs and turned his head away. This was what Athelston found annoying.

He clearly had sinister intentions, but he also took care of King Athelston, making it difficult to hate him.

It’s not like he dreams of being a bishop loved by all.

Narva’s swift and decisive actions were based on a thorough distinction between friend and foe. The abolition of the monastery was just the first step. It was clear who and what Narva was targeting.

The forces in the dark that were in league with the monastery that had enjoyed privileges.

Narva’s enemies were vassals who did not recognize the rule of King Athelston. It was a sensitive topic, so he didn’t bring it up, but it was worth a try if it could appeal his lord’s anger.

With that in mind, Overd took his hand away from his bangs.

“Those who refused to be summoned when Yubas recklessly forced a marriage proposal, and the monastery that conspired with Yubas to kill the prince. There is enough reason to suspect a connection. For now, Count Pheasan, Count Oduard, and Count Gaytan all say that they don’t care because it’s an internal matter of the church.”


“Judging by the fact that they are raising some objections to the forced secularization of the monks, it seems certain that their limbs were cut off.”

Even Athelston, the father of the medieval upper 1%, couldn’t help but marvel at the performance of his medieval lower 1% son.

As insignificant and hard to wield as the document was, he had sold his valuable authority to write official letters at the age of twelve. Who knows what he might sell later if left alone?

Before the boy strays further, I must give him a good lashing with a belt.

Ethelstan vowed and called the names of his other two sons.

“This is stifling. Edelred? What does Edelred think of this issue? Terbair?”

He hoped that these two would find the flaws that he could not see.

However, Oberth, who had sensed his lord’s wishes, could not meet his expectations.

“Your Majesty, may I come in?”

It was the eldest son, Edelred, who had knocked on the door of the office, even though he had not been called.

“Edelred? What’s the matter?”

“Our bishop has sent a very precious gift.”

“A gift…?”

King Ethelstan and Lord Oberth looked at each other in wonder. The eccentric Narva had brought a gift for his family?

“Come in.”

Still, it might be a luxurious brooch, a token of his father’s favor. Or perhaps, using his position as a canonized bishop to the fullest, he had sent a blessed rosary.

King Ethelstan felt his heart, which had been frozen for so long, melting away.

“Your Majesty, look! Our precious youngest bishop has been making his rounds and has summarized the decent parts of the customs of various regions, sending us this draft of customary law!”


“Isn’t this incredible?! He did this in just two weeks… Terbair still can’t even write a single line, yet our bishop has accomplished this!”

And the moment Edelred slammed the bundle of papers he had been carrying onto the desk, his father’s heart froze solid once more.

Of course, Narva had not only taken care of Ethelstan and Edelred.

Narva’s gift had also arrived for Terbair, who was staying in a village near the southeastern coast, diligently polishing his sword with his fellow knights.

“A gift? From Narva?”

“Yes. He said it would be a gift that Sir Terbair would definitely need.”

Terbair tilted his head but obediently accepted the box that his fellow knight handed him.

Terbair, a knight who was easily moved.

As soon as he realized what the gift in the box was, his eyes turned red.

From Noble mtl dot com

“That punk… How did he know I’ve been losing sleep lately?”

It was a neat document with the letters arranged in a way that made them easy to read, but the contents were not important to Terbair.

“I’ll take this gift out and look at it whenever I get sleepy.”

Terbair closed the box again, savoring the warm feeling of gratitude over and over.


Sometimes, the lack of communication can make a person feel stiffed.

This is especially true when you can’t communicate with someone who is far away. This was even more so if the other person was Terbair, who couldn’t read a single line. Perhaps it was a reaction to having had so much fun for a while.

I had sent him a letter, but I couldn’t help but tap my desk with my index finger, feeling stiff and impatient.

“But you have a servant who can read to you instead of writing, right?”

“hahahaha, why worry about that when you have this old man stuck here?”

I might have worried about it for a while if our reliable Bishop Ganista had not volunteered himself. I gladly accepted the bishop’s offer to help me.

“I sent a letter to Sir Terbair, and since I will be sending letters frequently in the future, I sent it in a box. I was afraid he might just throw it away and lose it if I sent it normally.”

“Hmph. Your Grace is truly a man of great brotherly love. Here I am, forced to stay by this old man’s side day and night without rest.”

Bishop Ganista could not help but admire my inherent consideration and altruism.

Well, I can certainly understand it. Isn’t it the case that in a place that is still underdeveloped, there are those who would disparage and criticize any show of consideration or warmth as evidence of weakness?

It’s only natural that those men who, fearing such a stigma, seriously acted in a harsh and savage manner, would be astounded when they see the detailed consideration of a truly civilized person. I think I understand what Bishop Ganista is worried about.

With a kind smile, I decided to ease the bishop’s concerns.

“I merely felt sorry to see you spending your time all alone. I personally think of you as a grandfather, so please don’t feel too burdened by this.”

“Indeed… It is truly unfortunate that my late father passed away so early.”

“Thank you for your words of comfort.”

“Heh, heh, heh.”

It is truly a happy thing to have someone to listen to my stories. Even though it was a rather shallow conversation, talking with Bishop Ganista completely washed away my worries and concerns.

The problem was that I was brooding over what might happen after I sent a letter to Terbear.

“Bishop, then I will leave these charts in your care as well.”

“…Yes, Your Grace. Where are you going this time?”

Bishop Ganista was clearly touched by my words about thinking of him as a grandfather.

As soon as he realized that I, his grandson-like figure, would once again be exposed to the uncivilized society of this medieval-like world with a fantasy twist, his face hardened.

“I asked Sir Terbear to provide protection for the Tribunus girl who is supposed to be coming this time, but since he is unlikely to read my letter, I have decided to go myself.”

“Then I shall also…”

“I will also bring some amusements that the Tribunus girl might enjoy.”

“…I will do my best to fulfill my duties until Your Grace returns. Heh, heh, don’t worry about an old man and go have a nice trip.”

I felt a warm and fuzzy feeling as I watched Bishop Ganista avert his gaze, his eyes darting around.

I will have many more opportunities to travel around in the future, but the only people here are gloomy priests and monks who are not at all charming. Even if I try to approach them on a personal level, the vast majority of them will be uncomfortable with me as their superior, the bishop.

This is why I was delighted to hear that a girl from the Tribunus was coming.

My Bishop Ganista, who will be so lonely while I am out and about.

The most pitiful people in the world are gamers who have no one to play with and end up rolling dice and playing board games by themselves. No matter how much fun it is to tinker with charts, there is a limit to how much fun you can have playing by yourself.

What if there was a granddaughter-like girl who could keep him company at such times?

If there wouldn’t have been a cheerful and bright girl who could entertain her grandfather,’t the bishop always be smiling?

“I will return soon, Bishop.”

“Heh, heh, heh… No, you don’t have to hurry back. Just take your time and go.”

Even in a harsh world, there is not only cruelty.

I made up my mind to step on the gas for the sake of the bishop who gave me such considerate words.

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