The Mech Touch

Chapter 5838 The Spark

Chapter 5838 The Spark

5838 The Spark

The three possible solutions that Ves had dropped onto the lap of Dread Captain Volkert Argile were so impactful that the meeting ended shortly afterwards.

It couldn't be helped. Not only did Ves present three very different approaches to resolve the same problem that had plagued the crew of the dreadnought, but he also claimed he could produce results that far exceeded what the fleeters expected from the eccentric mech designer!

Perhaps they should have known better. Ves had a well-known track record for consistently exceeding people's expectations.

The problem right now was that Ves had given the captain of the Dominion of Man a choice rather than a solution.

There was so much riding over this affair that not even the designated commander of this powerful dreadnought dared to make a choice!

This matter was too sensitive for Volkert Argile to share with his command staff. He trusted many of his subordinates, but the Dominion of Man was not an exclusive possession of the Second Main Fleet or the Argile Spaceborn Clan. Who knew what sort of secrets might get passed on to his rivals within the Red Fleet.

This was why Dread Captain Argile quickly suspended the meeting and retreated so that he could confer with Fleet Admiral Argile over a secure communication channel.

Before the old man left so that he could request the input of his even older father, Volkert Argile issued an instruction to Sigrund.

"Captain Reze, please give Professor Larkinson a tour of our Spark Reactor and Rubicon Spatial Transfer System. He is not allowed to access any technical data, but you can let him take a look at our most powerful systems. Perhaps his observations will help him refine his ideas. If we proceed with his second or third proposal, then it is essential for us to determine whether our primary power source and vital teleportation system are at risk."

That was a sensible idea.

This was how Ves and Sigrund found themselves before the guarded entrance that led to the compartment where the Rubicon Spatial Transfer System was located.

As one of the most powerful and effective transportation devices developed by the Red Fleet, the security measures here were no weaker than at the Brain Trust!

Fortunately, the authority of Dread Captain Argile was so strong that both of the visitors were permitted entry despite the fact that it was not customary for people like them to gain access to such a critical system.

In truth, the visit was much less exciting than Ves thought. The Rubicon Spatial Transfer System actually consisted of an integrated network of different modules that all happened to fit together to produce powerful results.

Each module and sub-module was wrapped up in many layers of metal. The largest ones were the size of frigates. They looked both imposing and frustratingly indecipherable as their gunmetal gray surfaces betrayed nothing about their specific functions.

The engineer assigned to serve as a guide did not help much either. The man clearly objected to the need to divulge any information about the Rubicon and consistently refused to answer any questions.

It was of little concern. Ves did not visit this place in order to decipher the principles of this amazing technology. He was not capable enough to steal the Red Fleet's most cherished trade secrets.

His true motive for visiting this highly protected bay was to get close to whatever module contained the super-class alloy known as EE-343F-00334R.

Ves hoped that he would be able to sense this extraordinary material if he came in close proximity to it. Perhaps the Mech Designer System might react to its presence and transmit a signal.

Nothing happened. Much to his disappointment, Ves and Blinky failed to sense anything that immediately stood out to them. The top-class modules contained plenty of powerful hyper materials and energetic exotics, so much so that Lucky would probably be driven mad if he had the luxury of visiting this section of the Dominion of Man.

Alas, the location of EE-343F-00334R remained elusive. Ves could not even confirm whether the dreadnought contained a single gram of this material.

There was no hope of him gaining access to this exceedingly rare and precious alloy until he had concluded his deal with the Red Fleet or rather the Argiles.

A part of him regretted the decision to present multiple solutions to the Dread Captain of the Dominion of Man.

If Ves had managed to restrain himself and only share his first plan, he would have received permission to sever the possibility of life from forming in the Brain Trust and work towards completing his end of the agreement by the end of the day!

The probability that he would receive the promised amount of EE-343F-00334R in exchange was almost assured.

The only possibility that the transaction would get botched was if the fleeters broke their agreement and refused to honor their commitment, either because they did not have it in the first place or because they intended to screw him over from the beginning.

Neither of these scenarios seem likely. Ves was way too important nowadays, and he was not as vulnerable as before.

There was no obvious benefit for the Argiles to turn hostile against him. Doing so would only further the interests of their rivals within the Red Fleet.

Aside from that, Ves was pretty sure that if anything happened to him, the Destroyer of Worlds and the Evolution Witch would most certainly raise hell on his behalf!

Both god pilots had made it clear in their own ways that he enjoyed their backing and protection.

Few people should be stupid enough to challenge their commitment.

In any case, there was nothing more for Ves to explore in this guarded chamber.

"I suggest we depart since none of the scientists and engineers are willing to answer our questions." Sigrund advised.

"Good idea. I think I will be able to make a lot of important observations once I get close to the legendary Spark Reactor."

Ves came up with a lot of theories on the nature of the Spark Reactor ever since he first learned about it. Now that he had stepped aboard the Dominion of Man, a few of them became a lot more plausible than before.

However, Ves refrained from forming a definite conclusion until he came close enough to get a much better look at the true nature of this highly potent power source.

For whatever reason, Ves started to feel more apprehensive as the floater platform brought him closer to the center of the dreadnought.

It did not escape his notice that there were fewer personnel around him as he neared this all-important section.

The amount of Dread Marines on patrol and on guard increased by a noticeable degree. They all kept a close eye on Ves and Sigrund.

Unlike the Rubicon Spatial Transfer System, Ves could clearly feel the presence and the might of the Spark Reactor.

In fact, it was so strong that he and Blinky actively had to hunker down and raise their spiritual guards in order to withstand the growing pressure!

It was as if Ves willingly walked up to a blazing inferno! Anyone sane would have turned around and run away a long time ago, but he refused to do so because he wanted to figure out the true nature of the Spark Reactor!

"Are you well, professor?" Sigrund asked with clear concern.

"Ah, I'm okay. It is just that the Spark Reactor is making me feel a lot hotter than normal." Ves said. "Does it have this effect on every mech designer?"

"I am not privy to the answer. I advise you to retreat if you are unable to cope with the conditions. It would not serve any of us if you become sick or injured because you happen to be susceptible to the invisible radiation produced by the Spark Reactor."

"No! I am not retreating!" Ves firmly spoke! "This super duper reactor is an unavoidable variable in both my second and third plan. I cannot ignore it if I want to implement any of my more ambitious ideas. Besides, the Spark Reactor is not actively seeking to burn me down. I just happen to be more sensitive to its energies. I think I can employ a few measures that can mitigate its harmful effects. It would be helpful if you can inform the Dread Marines not to do anything drastic."

Ves did not do anything foolish like activate his spatial barrier or call down one of his design spirits. Both of them had a good chance of getting burned if he brought them closer to the powerful spark that kept the Dominion of Man running.

He instead tried to rein in his spiritual senses and compress his Spirituality as much as possible.

This was difficult to pull off since he was not accustomed to doing this. Blinky especially struggled to close off his senses since he often tried to do the opposite. Ves had always benefited a lot from his companion spirit's powerful sensitivity towards spiritual energy.

Though Ves did not look like he had done anything on the surface, he somewhat managed to decrease his sensitivity to the point where it became significantly more tolerable for him to remain in the presence of the Spark Reactor.

"Okay. I am alright now. Let's pass through the remaining gates. This should better be worth it. I don't think I will come close to another Spark Reactor anytime soon."

It took a lot more time than Ves wanted for the pair to get past the final security checkpoints.

Dread Marines and a multitude of fixed defensive hardpoints guarded the main entrance that led to the Spark Chamber, as it was called.

By the time the Dread Marines finally became satisfied that Ves and Sigrund could pose no conceivable threat towards the main power source of their dreadnought, they were finally allowed inside, though a squad of Medium and Heavy Dread Marines shadowed them on a constant basis.

Annoyances aside, Ves immediately felt it was worth all of the hassle for him to enter the Spark Chamber.

The massive reinforced bulkheads encompassed a chamber that was large enough to fit an entire destroyer with plenty of room to spare!

All of this room was clearly necessary because the main components of the Spark Reactor required this much space in order to fit inside the Dominion of Man!

"It's… it's huge!" Ves gasped in genuine amazement.

"It is hot as well, even though the temperature inside this compartment is only 0.2 degrees Celsius higher than the standard ship temperature setting."

That surprised Ves. Sigrund's spirituality was much weaker and less developed. For him to be able to experience the metaphysical heat radiated by the powerful spark of flame that was locked inside the starship-sized Spark Reactor was remarkable!

Sigrund was clearly not the only individual who became affected by the extraordinary spark of flame.

The Dread Marines betrayed no signs of discomfort, but the engineers who all wore hazard suits for whatever reasons occasionally behaved as if they were working on a particularly hot day.

At this point, Ves did not dare to stare too directly at the spark that was buried inside the massive layers of metal and components.

He tried to study this extraordinarily powerful phenomenon with only a fraction of his normal sense.

It was just enough for him to perceive more details about the spark that he would have otherwise missed if he was further away.

Ves froze.

If his diminished senses did not deceive him, the spark did not take on the shape of a star, a burning candle or a simple round circle.

Instead, it took on the shape of a human figure that consisted entirely of flame!

Ves had no idea what this remarkably powerful entity was supposed to be, but he had a strong feeling that it was alive!

The discovery that the Spark Reactor was actually powered by a living entity of sorts was so massive that he almost lost his restraint!

What was going on?! Who or what was he looking at?! Was it even safe for the Spark Reactor to draw power from this mysterious entity?!

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