The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 753. The Noble Slayer of the Six Wings. The Queen of Endless Darkness

Chapter 753. The Noble Slayer of the Six Wings. The Queen of Endless Darkness


The ground twisted and sunk.

Davey crushed the creature of the Abyss in his hand which hadn't even been able to properly resist.


Davey was currently on the outskirts of Austria. He wasn’t wasting any time taking out the creatures of the Abyss and tearing them apart—he had already moved from country to country several times. Not only that, he even prevented more of them from coming by destroying all the passages that connected back to the Abyss.

He had only recently discovered that the power of taboo, which had grown stronger due to contact with Arbit, was able to interfere with dimensional rifts.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The Austrian commander-in-chief ran to Davey as he was leaving the battlefield, shaking off the blood on his hands from creatures of the Abyss. He took the opportunity before Davey departed, holding Davey's hand and thanking him profusely.

"Thank you so much. Even though there was nothing our country could do for you in return...”

“Think of it as your country winning a game event,” Davey responded calmly. He then whistled lightly, and the divine blue dragon Rumble slowly began to descend from where it had been waiting in the sky.

“Let’s see, who’s next...”

Davey figured that the ritual would continue uninterrupted so long as he successfully blocked the attacks of the Abyss, which was why he did his best to kill those who crawled out of the ground. To be frank, he was getting a bit worried when the attack from the Abyss was stronger than he had expected. Fortunately, he was able to relax slightly as the situations seemed to be resolved relatively easily and simply.

‘There won’t be any problems as long as I keep doing things this way. Once the problem of the Abyss is resolved, Perserque will be safe, and it’ll just be Katshi left,’ Davey thought.

He assumed there was one more Malicious Spirit still alive besides Katshi, but he figured she probably wouldn’t be too much of a problem. However, a lapse in focus could possibly lead to problems arising.


"Are... Are you okay?”

When Davey suddenly stumbled, people around him gasped in surprise.

"Ah... I'm okay."

“We’ve heard about what you’ve been through—you’ve been traveling nonstop across many countries to take care of problems. It’s an act worthy of praise, but if you fight without resting then your body won’t be able to withstand it. It would be better to get some rest. We’ll treat you with everything we have.”

Davey shook his head at the words of the Austrian commander-in-chief, knowing that the stumbling wasn’t due to fatigue.

“Rumble, stay here and sort out the rest. You’ll be able to handle things on your own.”

“Prince Davey?”

“I’m going back to Korea for a while.”

“Ko...Korea, sir?”

Davey noticed that Perserque’s vitality had diminished significantly—he knew exactly what this meant. Then the blue dragon Rumble took flight again.

- Grrr.

“Don’t overdo yourself. You can just run away if you think it’s too dangerous.”

- Kaaa!!

Rumble roared with confidence as if to say that there was no way it would flee from a fight.

‘Please. I hope nothing happened to her,’ Davey thought.

When Davey married Perserque, he used the power of the Vampire Lord Josiah Frances to connect her vitality with his. Although they couldn’t interfere with one another, at the very least he would be the first to know if there was a major problem with Perserque and her body.

And now, that connection was sending out a warning signal.

“Damn it.”

Davey's expression slowly began to harden.



Katshi stumbled and fell to one knee. He was suffering not from another's ability but his own: complete hallucination, struck with illusions indistinguishable from reality. He was overwhelmed by his own power. This made him extremely confused.

“Damn it...”

“You have some pretty interesting abilities,” Perserque said with a cold face while waving her hands toward him. Black spear-like objects appeared out of thin air and went flying toward him. This was also his power, the power he used when fighting Eclipse.

Perserque was currently using his power, just like him.

Clank! Clank!!

In response, Katshi also pulled out black spears and counterattacked.

Clank! Clank!!

Every time the black spears collided, a tremendous roar and shockwave would spread out.

“No matter how much you take and use other people’s power, there are limits so long as it’s not yours... What?!”

When the same forces collide, the original owner of the power should naturally have an advantage. But Katshi's logic was wrong from the start.

“You seem to have underestimated divine authority,” Perserque said, smiling calmly. She then gracefully spread one hand in front of her, palm facing the sky. Small black spears appeared and began to spin around, completely surrounding her as if safeguarding her.

"All the skills you have mastered and the enlightenment of how to wield your power have already become part of me."

The fundamental authority of the god of the Abyss, Thanatos, allowed her to look into another person's soul and make them gaze into the Abyss as well. While this may not seem like a big deal, the implications were too harsh for ordinary living beings to endure.

A being of the Abyss could look into their opponent, from head to toe and from their appearance to their fundamentals. Perserque could look into everything he had and use them as she pleased.

Conversely, the one who looked into the Abyss could not do the same. In fact, if they couldn’t endure the endless Abyss, they couldn’t survive—the end result for those who gazed into it would be to go mad like Eclipse.

The stronger the opponent, the stronger Perserque's authority became. But this wasn’t the only problem for Katshi. The reason her strength surpassed Katshi, despite having the same power and skill level, was because...

“Damn it... The power you're using right now... You’re using my fundamentals to use them.”

“Because I am looking at you.”

The origin of her power—in other words, the roots of her strength—came from forcibly taking Katshi’s power in its entirety and using it against him. It was a completely unfair fight for Katshi.

He had previously only heard about the god of the Abyss, but now he deeply felt that the power of Thanatos, which symbolized twilight, was more terrible and frightening than he had ever imagined.

Ugh, ahhh!

Katshi screamed and lunged at her. As soon as he managed to grasp a black spear, he threw it toward Perserque’s heart—she walked toward him at a leisurely pace, her red eyes shining.

“Move back.”

With that, an intangible force made him fly backwards.

“Damn... it.”

He gritted his teeth as the repulsive force, different from telekinesis, sent him flying. He could tell what she was thinking—he figured he could look into the Abyss and take back the power she took away. But if he did that, he knew he would surely be destroyed as no being could gaze into the end of the Abyss and remain unscathed. In the end, he had no choice but to lose everything to Perserque.

"It seems you still have the capacity to focus on other things."

Clank! Clank!!

The moment Katshi was startled by a hallucination that momentarily pressured him, he tilted his body to break free. Perserque then lunged at him.

“Since you are interfering with Davey’s path, I must get rid of you.”

She had also made up her mind about something. But even an incarnation wouldn't be able to keep using this amount of authority forever.


"Hmm. I see. Have you... given up on yourself?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

"Hmph, there’s no use in trying to deceive me. If not, just kill me already.”

Perserque frowned at his words.

Imitating all of Katshi's powers while fighting with the same level of skill and experience as him, while simultaneously drawing the source of that power from Katshi, made it impossible for him to win. At first glance, the almighty authority of Thanatos seemed to have no weaknesses... But she was just an incarnation of Thanatos, not Thanatos herself.


Perserque continued to use Katshi's abilities, seemingly without limit, but the tables turned when Katshi made his next move. His body instantly transformed into a monstrous form and the atmosphere began to change, having a tangible impact on the power Perserque was using.

“Are you starting to feel it?”


The moment she was taken aback and tried to distance herself from Katshi...


Not one to let an opportunity pass, Katshi lunged at, snatched, and slammed Perserque to the ground without hesitation.


Her eyes widened in terrible pain.

“The divine authority you wield is incredibly strong—if you use your power properly, no being could defeat you. However, there's no way you can use that power properly yet—it's not like you're a god.

As Katshi mocked her, she coughed up a handful of blood. She then dispersed like black smoke and reappeared in the distance.

“Go ahead, try using my power again.”

Even though she knew he was provoking her, Perserque couldn’t do anything about it. Simply by looking at Katshi and forcibly using his power, her body was almost completely destroyed.

Rinne was no different—her entire body was beaten up and broken to the point that she couldn't move properly. Even so, she opened her mouth and tried to stretch her arms toward Perserque. The most important thing for Rinne was to protect Davey, but according to Davey's orders, she had to protect Perserque at all costs.

Phew... You sure made me struggle, but in the end it doesn't even matter. If I kill you right here, removing a pivotal figure of that damned Abyss, it'd be fascinating to see what would happen to it.”



He stomped on Perserque’s arm, breaking it.

“If you had gone all out from the start, things could’ve been different,” he said, smiling grimly.



He trampled on her other arm too, then gritted his teeth and continued assaulting her.

Ugh! Ahhh...

Her body fell apart without being able to scream or resist as he frenziedly trampled on her. But when his foot hit Perserk's stomach, her eyes widened and she curled her body, covering it protectively.

Cough... No... Not here...”

Katshi kicked her several more times with a cold expression as she desperately clutched at her stomach.

Each kick sent shockwaves of pain through her body. Perserque couldn’t manage to fight back—completely neutralized, same as the utterly broken Rinne. Katshi continued to kick Perserque without mercy.

"A soul that is not originally a demon, placed in an artificial body! There's nothing proper about you!"

Although her arm was broken and its nerves were screaming at her in resistance, she suppressed the pain and forced her broken arm to move, covering and protecting her stomach.


"Hmph! You want to keep resisting? Alright then,” he spoke coldly. He then pulled out a black spear from the air and pointed the tip at her.

"Rinne warns... you to stop.”

From afar, Rinne desperately crawled over to protect Perserque, but Katshi showed no hesitation in his actions.

“Do you think I would miss this opportunity when there’s no horne Davey O’Rowane around? I’m sorry, but you, traitor Rinne, and you, the incarnation of Thanatos, must both die here.”

At his words, Rinne’s expressionless face slowly began to twitch. At the same time, her mechanical heart started to slow down, causing her vision to blur—her death was imminent. Even though Davey had probably noticed Perserque’s decreasing vitality and was likely on his way, he wasn’t coming fast enough.

She knew she was the only one here who could protect Perserque. It was only right in the first place, as Perserque had even risked herself to save her.

“Rinne... Defective... A failed biolog... golem."

“You're defective. A subject who used to be the symbol of the execution unit, who betrayed her creator!!”

Katshi was for some reason so angry that he screamed at Rinne.

“Stay there and watch carefully as the person you’re trying to protect gets helplessly crushed!”


Perserque, who was bleeding on the ground, stretched out her hand in a dying voice.

“Run away...”

Despite slowly dying herself, Rinnie’s eyes widened as she heard Perserque telling her to run away. Perserque was the one she was supposed to protect, yet now she was the one being protected. Her mechanical heart slowly stopped beating, and her consciousness began to fade.

Rinne knew this shouldn’t be happening. Davey had clearly instructed her to protect Perserque and stop anyone who interfered with the ritual. She wondered why she had broken down so helplessly, became angry at the fact she was not helpful during times when it actually mattered.


"No... No, Rinne! You can’t die!”

Her mechanical heart thumped one last time in farewell to Perserque. It then stopped completely, all the forces circulating in her vigorously pulsating mechanical heart disappearing. No matter how good one’s heart was, once it stopped, there was no way to bring it back alive. This marked the death of the biological golem Rinne.

"No!!!" Perseque cried pitifully. Her cry echoed throughout the surrounding area.

She tried to drive out Katshi by momentarily unleashing her repulsive power, but it wasn't enough to affect Katshi, the king of Atlantis and the number one Malicious Spirit.

"Now then... It’s your turn."

After confirming Rinne’s death, Katshi tried to pierce Perserque’s heart with a black spear. But then, despite Rinne’s heart having stopped, her eyes opened mechanically.

[Protocol offline.]

[Confirm operation stoppage.]

[Biological Golem White Wing Rinne. Limit breaker activated.]

A faint light flowed from the dark motionless heart.


At the same time...


She released an enormous amount of energy, powerful waves and strong winds pulsing from her several times.


Surprised, Katshi started to retreat while Perserque looked blankly at Rinne. The freshly awakened eyes exuded a vibrant blue glow as the wings on her back slowly began to grow.


Then, the wings glowed and began multiplying—from one pair to two pairs, then from two pairs to three pairs.

There were now six wings in total.

She rose in the air as she spread her gigantic wings. Her mechanical heart began beating once more as if it were about to explode.

Then a mechanical voice flowed out.

[Protocol online.]

[Check energy inflow.]

[White Wing Sephiroth. Continue.]

[Operate Goddess of Battle.]

A disk appeared above Runne's head and rotated rapidly, soon beginning to change into an unusual shape—from a simple circular pattern to something more like a complex geometric pattern.

"Uh... How?!" Katshi muttered in a startled tone. Rinne then slowly turned her gaze toward him.

Before he knew it, she was wielding a spear that had turned pure white from the extremely high heat.

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