The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 750

Chapter 750

- Davey, you must come quickly! The disgusting smell of the Abyss is everywhere!

“Are you going now?” Hyun-Ah asked. Instead of responding, Davey remained silent and turned away.

“Hyun-Soo,” she called out calmly. He turned to face her again. She then slowly approached him and said, "Take care of yourself."

"A dead person doesn’t need to take care of themselves. You’re the one who should take care of yourself.”

“But still, be careful,” she insisted, looking at him for a while as if she was contemplating something. She then chuckled and gently pushed him. “I won’t say any more for now.”

“This is your last chance. If there’s anything you want to say, say it.”

"No, it’s okay. I feel like I’ll see you again, Hyun-Soo.”


Davey felt anxious for a second, but he didn’t think of it as a big deal as he thought this might be her casual way of sending him off.

As soon as he could no longer see her, he was in a different space. His whole body was then illuminated with light as he turned back to Davey O’Rowane from Shin Hyun-Soo.

This was the end for the identity of Shin Hyun-Soo. Since he longer existed, he was just Davey now.

He glanced up at the strong windy sky and picked up a branch lying nearby.

"Let's go clean it up.”

His charnel house was originally in the Gyeonggi-do region. Although the region had been occupied by monsters, after docking Asgard in Sokcho and periodically going around the entire country of Korea to clean up monsters, the Awakened were able to recapture most of the region. [1]

- How’d that thing you were doing go?

"It went well. It should be enough.”

- Then I will begin the ritual—it will last approximately three to four days. In the meantime, please block the invasion of the Abyss that will arise at various places on Earth.

Kain and Frelia could handle the ritual on their own, so Davey's only job was to take down anything that came to Earth to disrupt it.

"By the way, have you found out why the Abyss suddenly became traversable?" Davey asked.

There were cracks appearing all over Earth at the same time. If dimensional travel were this easy, it didn’t make sense for Eclipse to be trapped as she was.

- I'm not sure yet... But it seems that the 9th-ranked Malicious Spirit is involved.

“Wasn’t that one dead?”

- That would’ve been nice. But even among the relatively lower-level Malicious Spirits, the 9th ranked one, Rios, has a somewhat unique power.

The Malicious Spirit Rios was known to have the power to transmute things. Davey wasn’t sure about the conditions Rios needed to meet to use his power. Since he rarely saw Rios use his ability, he couldn’t figure out the conditions even with Alf Online's rules. Even Arbit, with his memories of the past, couldn't pinpoint the details. He figured Kain wouldn’t know either.

Davey left Megalodria behind to guard the ritual site and stationed Shandra Minea a bit further away. Despite it being confused, he believed its hostility toward the Abyss was certain, so it should be able to stop them on its own.

Davey clearly remembered how overwhelming the Abyss was when they went for a full-scale offensive. He had no choice but to conduct guerrilla raids across the globe to take care of the gathering Abyss—that way, those building defense lines would feel as little of a burden as possible.

Davey tore apart a monster with a pitch-black slime-like shape and huge eyes that had advanced across the plain, eventually making it disappear. The monsters coming down the Siberian plains brutally tore apart the soldiers and Awakened who stood in their way.

But their attacks didn’t work on the monsters. In the case of monsters, even though firearms didn’t work on them, the Awakened people's attacks clearly had great effects. But these creatures of the Abyss were far more durable than that. They withstood the same attacks for even longer and fought back with even more lethal attacks.

Engaging in close combat with them was also a problem. The problem became more serious as a bizarre creature resembling a giant four-legged elephant appeared.

The creature looked at the people in front of it with the twenty eyes on its forehead. Everyone that met eyes with one of them turned crazy in an instant.

According to Kain, it was a creature from the Abyss named Afpan. He explained that it was a creature that pulled the target's mind into the endless darkness and then released it. Davey knew that human beings wouldn’t be able to withstand the Abyss when even ancient dragons like Eclipse couldn't bear it and went crazy.

Davey could tell that the scent of the Abyss was strongest at the huge fortress built by Russia to block the onslaught of monsters. Even though he hadn't reached the fortress yet, he saw traces of several battles that had taken place.

Davey paused for a moment amidst the remnants of the gutted battlefield, realizing he was already too late. He was currently at the closest battlefield to the fortress. He could tell that there had been a large-scale battle here before the defensive battle at the fortress even began—he couldn’t help but frown at the vast plain that used to be a living hell.

- Kiririk...

Fire Chicken chirped in a low voice and flapped its wings. Davey looked around at the hundreds of corpses lying on the ground, got down on one knee, and reached out to them.


He saw a corpse with a face full of fear. Even the skin was blackened and distorted to the point that he couldn’t tell how they were attacked.

It was surely a terrible death, and most of the corpses appeared to have died under similar circumstances. On the other hand, there were barely any corpses of the monsters from the Abyss. In fact, the ratio was so lopsided that they were almost nonexistent. It looked more as if they had been massacred rather than engaged in a battle. Davey knew that even in a 1v1 fight between a monster and a soldier, it should never have been so one-sided.

“Romanov Dren,” he muttered in a low voice as he took the dog tag off the corpse of the young man in front of him. He then slowly got up and lightly shook the tree branch in his hand.

- Kiririk...

“Fire Chicken. Like I said, take a walk around the area."

- Kiing...

Hearing his subdued voice, Fire Chicken seemed to hesitate for a moment, then turned its whole body into flames and flew up.

Davey knew there weren’t any survivors here, but there must be some elsewhere. He planned on saving the live ones and taking out the damned uninvited guests there as well—he figured they would be close together anyway.

After Fire Chicken left, he ripped off all the dog tags from the nearby corpses and activated the mana in his whole body, taking a quick breath.


He quickly jumped to the space within sight, using Blink, a close-distance spatial jump spell. It was a spell that worked fine once or twice, but if used repeatedly, the difficulty level was bound to increase.


Of course, that wasn’t the case for Davey. He eventually flew above the fortress and saw creatures of the Abyss everywhere surrounding and devouring it. Inside, he saw girls that had already made their way in and were tearing humans apart as if they were playing with toys.

There were countless creatures of the Abyss with bizarre shapes and forms, but there were two girls he presumed to be Princesses of the Abyss. Davey couldn’t help but think how each one of them was a being that could destroy the world.

The fact that Princesses of the Abyss still survived despite sending them gifts through Overmind was not good. But he also realistically didn’t expect to have taken care of the Princesses of the Abyss in one go.

"Ah... Ah... Help me!!!”


The walls of the fortress collapsed. A female Awakener screamed as she saw dozens of tentacles creeping through the gaps. Indifferent to her reaction, the bundle of tentacles instantly grabbed a nearby male Awakener and tore him apart, and he died before he could even let out a death cry. Then the tentacles grabbed the female Awakener’s limbs and lifted her in the air, its mouth opened wide like an endless black void ready to swallow her whole.

Without hesitation, Davey threw the tree branch he was holding at it.


Accompanied by a huge sonic boom, the tree branch flew like a telekinetic blade as it released bright blue sword energy. It eventually pierced the monster's body.

The monster didn’t stop, even after spotting Davey. He figured it was either confident in its defense or using its unique boastful nature. Of course, such careless behavior...

Boom!! Squelch!!!

Soon led to its demise. A huge shock wave and a sharp sword tempest, unimaginable coming from a mere tree branch, tore the creature of Abyss into pieces. The woman, who was tied up by tentacles and crying out for help, fell to the ground and looked at Davey in shock. Now everyone had their eyes on Davey and his sudden intrusion.

"I—Isn’t he...?!”

“It’s the Saint of Tionis!”

People instantly recognized Davey. He ignored them, held Blue Ribbon in one hand and Red Ribbon in another, and lowered the tips of both.

“It would be best for everyone to retreat down this road now.”

As he stood alone to protect those who were retreating, he aimed the tip of Red Ribbon toward the creatures of the Abyss that continued to rush toward him.

Hmm... Is he a new toy? Hey Hera, do you think he’ll be any fun?”

“Probably. Good thing he showed up—I was getting really bored.”

‘They don’t know who I am?’ Davey thought.

The two Princesses of the Abyss, who had been leading the other creatures, stood in front of Davey with confidence.

"Yeah, okay. I want to use him as my toy. I was getting bored because all the toys were so weak.”

The other girl giggled while pointing at the humans running away on the path Davey was blocking. "Do whatever you want, Myu. I'm going to play with them."

Even though the runners didn’t hear them, their faces turned pale as if they could feel the threatening aura—some even wet themselves out of fear of death.

“Well, you two are out of luck. There’s a toll you have to pay to pass through here, and it’s quite expensive.” Davey said in a low voice.

“Toll? Hmm... But Myu’s going to go regardless.”

"She’s right. How dare you block Hera’s path, you puny being?”

The two each displayed their unique powers as they provoked Davey. Once they finished gesturing, the huge elephant-shaped monster behind them came out and met eyes with Davey. It was the monster with the power to throw those who met its eyes into the darkness of the abyss.


As Afpan let out a loud trumpet, they expected Davey to scream and collapse. And yet, he was fine while Afpan let out a scream and collapsed.

“I’m good at mental attacks too, you little girls.”


Of course, they only looked like girls on the outside. In reality, they were monsters. As if she didn't like how Davey reacted, the Princess of the Abyss called Myu began to emit dark power.

“I was planning on playing nice so it wouldn’t hurt for you,” she said with a bright smile, eerie energy radiating off her. “But now, it’s going to hurt a little.”


Davey was now certain that the two had no clue who he was and that their lack of information would soon have consequences. He lightly condensed the air and kicked it toward Myu as she confidently approached him. Myu, who was sure of her own defense ability, did not try any retaliation and simply tried to block it.


But the wind made it through her abdomen. Her body was blown dozens of meters away.

Huh? Myu?"

"How is it? Hurts, doesn’t it? This is the strength of the power your race possesses,” Davey said provocatively. She then widened her eyes, twisted her body, and began to feel pain.

Gaaa?! Ugh... What on earth...?!”

She felt astounding pain—her body couldn’t even properly recover. He hadn't used the power of taboo on her. Instead, he used the Curse of Versha, a spell that a Princess of the Abyss used.

"What.... What is this... Gaaa!?”

“Do you know how many Princesses of the Abyss I’ve taken down? How dare half-assed ones challenge...”

Their physical abilities were incomparable to Urd’s. Their special powers were a joke compared to Versha’s or Sleesia’s.

In his current state, Davey could even defeat Sleesia. He couldn’t believe they tried to stop him with just these two. The results were predetermined from the start—they had no chance.

"You've had enough fun. Now, it’s my turn.”

"Shut up!!"

She began attacking again with her eyes widened in terror. But as she noticed that her attacks weren’t working on Davey, her face twisted with a terrifying expression.

"How... How is a human blocking my attacks?”

"Ask your seniors about that."

‘Sleesia’s at least a senior to you,’ Davey thought.

Myu tried to beat a flustered retreat. Davey let out blue sword energy from Blue Ribbon and infused the power of taboo.

Sensing danger, Myu’s eyes widened as she distorted and transformed into a huge monster. She tried to crush his head, but he had already swung Blue Ribbon when she reached for him. He tore her apart along with nearly hundreds of other creatures of the Abyss behind her.

Silence fell.

As Myu was torn to pieces, Hera looked at Davey with wide, shocked eyes. As a Princess of the Abyss, she might not have died, but it would still take a long time for her to recover from her current state.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to attack?"

Hera's expression turned demonic at Davey's provocation.

1. Gyeonggi-do is one of the nine provinces in South Korea, and one of the two closest provinces to the capital, Seoul. ☜

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