The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 144.2

Chapter 144.2

The only trace of war damage she found was the gray and black collapsed ruins she saw across the Luo River when she passed by the rumored Lotus Terrace.

She hadnt seen how tall buildings in jade beams had stood on top of the ruins just a short time ago.

She did not care about these things. The first thing she did when she entered Luoyang was take Qiao Ci to Wei Liang.

When she entered the city, Gongsun Yang sent someone to meet her.

She learned a piece of gospel-like news. A few days ago, Wei Liang, who had been in a coma, had finally awakened.

The one who saved him was a wandering healer, White Stone Old Man.

Qiao Ci sprinted in and arrived at Wei Liangs couch without a word, knelt. Wei Liang is a hardy man. Although his body is weak, he immediately gets up to help Qiao Ci.

But Xiao Qiao stopped him.

Qiao Ci said shamefully: General Wei, please accept my obeisance. My father initially wanted to come personally to plead guilty. But he had trouble traveling, so I came on his behalf. Because of my Qiao family, General Wei and your 16 fellow soldiers suffered a great calamity. Even if I died, it would not be enough to compensate! He bowed deeply.

Wei Liang was shocked and said, Get up, Young Master Qiao! How can I accept such a big gift from you? I am a martial artist! When I get on my horse, its like carrying my head. Either I kill them or killed by them. I know what happened in Yanzhou because of Liu Yan. If I want to kill, Ill kill the culprit and take his head to pay tribute to my dead brothers! Get up quickly, and never say plead guilty again!

Xiao Qiao was grateful and bowed to Wei Liang, saying, General Wei is righteous. Please accept my obeisance. Even though General Wei said so, the Qiao family wont escape the responsibility. When I return, I will let my family support those innocent soldiers families, young and old. I know this is far from compensating for their pains, but it is the only remedy I can think of today. In the future, if there is another need, General Wei can tell me.

Wei Liang refused to accept the bow and said, On behalf of my brothers, I thank you sincerely! You should get your brother up quickly, dont torture me again!

Then, Qiao Ci rose and thanked Wei Liang.

Wei Liang laughed, If one does not die, one will be blessed afterward. I am blessed afterward, so why should Mr. Qiao thank me?

Initially, Qiao Ci was frightened in his heart. But seeing Wei Liangs attitude towards himself still the same as before, bold, and didnt have the slightest bit of ill feelings, his heart slowly settled down.

Wei Liang looked at Qiao Ci and smiled, Young Master Qiao is more handsome than the last time I saw him. General Li still remembers the heroic appearance of Young Master Qiao at the Lu Li Conference and mentioned it to me some time ago. Now that Young Master Qiao is here, you must pay your respects to him.

Qiao Ci hurriedly promised and saw that although Wei Liang seemed in good spirits, his face was still pale, so he went to help him lie down.

Xiao Qiao said, I wonder where General Wei is going after recovering?

Wei Liang smiled and said, My Lord allowed me to return to visit my family. If there is no accident, I will return to Liangzhou.

I have a favor to ask. I wonder if General Wei can grant it? Xiao Qiao said suddenly.

Wei Liang said, Please speak, Lady. As long as I can, I will not fail you.

Xiao Qiao looked at Qiao Ci and smiled, Yanzhou now has many generals working together to protect it. There is also Green Eyed General. My brother cannot do anything. Im afraid hell be lazy at home and waste his youth, so Id like to ask you, if you dont mind him, to take him with you when you go back to Liangzhou. It would be a great opportunity for my brother to undergo under your command.

Although Yanzhou has undergone a dramatic change, and Qiao Ping is blind, many family members worked together to protect it. With Bi Zhis support, even if Qiao Ci is not there, it does not affect the overall situation.

Even though Qiao Ci had experienced several battles with his father, the battle pattern was limited. It will be great for Qiao Ci to learn from a veteran like Wei Liang and stay in Liangzhou. Not only to establish a relationship with Wei Liang and others but also to benefit Qiao Ci.

Qiao Ci did not expect his sister to make such an arrangement for him. He was both surprised and happy and hurriedly looked at Wei Liang.

Wei Liang was slightly stunned and almost nodded but suddenly hesitated.

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, I will talk to Marquis.

Wei Liang smiled broadly and said, I wont hide it from you. General Li has been interested in taking Young Master Qiao away, but he never had the chance to ask. Now that you have given him to me, he can no longer compete with me! If you are not afraid of suffering, Ill accept!

Qiao Ci, the son of a noble family, grew up in Yanzhou and had heard about how brave the Qiang soldiers were in Liangzhou, how strong the people were, and how magnificent the battlefield was. When he heard Wei Liangs promise, he was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to him again.

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, Ill leave my brother to you. Please, General Wei, just beat him, dont have any worries. He has thick skin. He can stand it.

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