The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 136.3

Chapter 136.3

Although Zhang Yan felt dissatisfied and wanted to catch Zhu Zeng immediately to expose his face, he didnt dare to speak out again. Then, he retired together with Rong Yan.

The next day, Le Zheng Gong summoned Zhu Zeng to his tent. He didnt mention last nights events and only asked about the battle strategy, as if nothing had happened, talking and laughing.

Zhu Zeng never dreamed that he was under investigation. After listening to Le Zheng Gongs question about the war, he cited the failure of Xing Xuns army. He strongly advised Le Zheng Gong not to take the enemy lightly and concentrated on the strength of the troops here, ready for a big battle. Le Zheng Gong superficially agreed but was secretly suspicious.

After a few days, the blizzard stopped. Le Zheng Gong then intensified his preparations for the battle. Early in the morning, he heard a clamor outside his tent. He came out and saw Ding Qu carrying his halberd with a team of followers, who seemed to be forcing their way in. Le Zheng Jun, his son, stopped them with his men.

The two sides are at war, and the fight is about to start. Although Ding Qu has the reputation of being brave and invincible, he is arrogant and cocky. Now that Xing Xun is the emperor, Ding Qu is even more imposing. The other day, the two armies clashed because Ding Qu sent people to take the charcoal from his side. Xing Xun is the emperor, and now that he has followed him to the army, he can not turn against him. So when he heard about it, Le Zheng Gong ordered to let him take it. But there is a thorn in his heart. While holding back his anger, he instructed Le Zheng Jun to back away: General Ding came here early in the morning. What do you want?

Ding Qu strode to Le Zheng Gong and said proudly, I am here to demand a head by order of His Majesty!

Le Zheng Gong was slightly stunned: What do you mean by that?

Ding Qu sneered, Does the Marquis of Hanzhong think that His Majesty is blind and easily deceived? Zhu Zeng has sinned against His Majesty and ran to you privately. How dare you shelter him?

Considering that Xing Xun was near, Zhu Zheng never showed his face, whether for military banquets or meetings and consultations. Not sure how Xing Xun knew about this. After thinking a while, he said: I see. Zhu Zeng once offended His Majesty. He also suffered a fright. Ill ask him to write a letter of apology and present it to His Majesty. General Ding can go back first.

Ding Qu shook the halberd in his hand, the iron chain on the back of the halberd rattled and shouted: You are just a mere lord. How dare you disobey the words of His Majesty?

Le Zheng Gong was here with iron troops and intended to attack Wei Shao. Even Xing Xun was unworthy in his eyes, let alone Ding Qu. He had already repeatedly tolerated it. Seeing Ding Qu so aggressive, he coldly laughs: General Ding is powerful! After the first battle with Wei Shao at Hujuan Pass, everyone knows your heroic name! I also admire you very much.

Ding Qu was defeated in the Hujuan Pass battle and abandoned his army to escape. Although he thought it was due to a momentary gullibility, it is still a great shame. He barely safe his image after he protected Xing Xun from the heavy siege. He felt humiliated and angry at this time because Le Zheng Gong publicly skinned him. Looking around, he saw that they were all people of Le Zheng Gong. After thinking for a while, he dropped a harsh word and left with hatred and speed amidst the sound of laughter behind him.

Father! This shameless and unrighteous villain, why bother with him? I was just about to beat him out! Le Zheng Jun was relieved of his anger and laughed loudly.

Le Zheng Gong told him to tighten the security of the barracks to prevent Ding Qu from coming again and turned to enter the tent.

Zhu Zengs heart was palpitating when he heard the news that Ding Qu had come to ask for his head. He hurriedly expressed his gratitude to Le Zheng Gong. Seeing that he said nothing and only stared at himself strangely, Zhu Zheng hesitantly said: Lord is worried about offending Xing Xun by protecting me?

Le Zheng Gongs tone suddenly changed: I heard you went to join Wei Shao before you joined me?

Zhu Zeng was stunned: My Lord is clear about this. There is no such thing!

But I got a secret report that you were a spy sent by Wei Shao to entrap me!

Zhu Zeng was stunned and hastily cried out injustice.

Le Zheng Gong listened to him defend himself. He was incredulous and ordered him to leave first. Zhu Zeng had no choice but to retreat. Once he left, Zhang Yan, Luo Xian, and others entered the tent. They advised Le Zheng Gong not to assist Xing Xun in this war.

Le Zheng Gong hesitated, but at that moment, a fast horse delivered a letter outside the tent. He opened it and was shocked.

The letter was from Le Zheng Kai, the eldest son of Le Zheng Gong, who was left behind to defend Hanzhong. It said Yang Xin and Guo Quan united their army and led the troops to Liangzhou through a shortcut. They had passed Lushi and attacked the Qing Nai Pass in Mount Hua. For fear of failure, Le Zheng Kai urgently asked his father to return for the rescue.

Zhang Yan was terrified and shouted: Lord! This is a trick! Zhu Zeng is indeed a spy sent by Wei Shao! He persuaded My Lord to follow Xing Xun and send his troops here, pretending to join forces to kill Wei Shao. But in reality, he is trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain, taking advantage of the deficiency of Hanzhongs defense and aiming at Liangzhou! Liangzhou is Lords foundation! We must not lose it!

Le Zheng Gong remembered that Zhu Zeng kept advising himself that he could not secretly keep troops and committed fully. He suddenly realized, no longer having half a doubt, cursed: Wei Shao, this brat! His heart is so vicious! He first harms me and then destroys the old thief. He coveted my base secretly!

In a moment of confusion, anger, and regret, he immediately ordered people to tie up Zhu Zeng and pushed him outside the gate to be beheaded. Then, he urgently summoned the generals and ministers to gather in the tent and discuss the future strategy.

All people who learned the news were angry and confused. Suddenly, came a report that when Zhu Zeng was about to be beheaded, a team of people dressed up as Xing Xuns soldiers rushed and seized him. They thought it was Xing Xuns people, but surprisingly, they went to the opposite side of the Yellow River Road, Wei Shaos camp. Afraid of deception, they did not dare to chase and returned to report the situation.

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