The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 52 - The Mafia King Questions About His Desire

Chapter 52 - The Mafia King Questions About His Desire

Nuan. That was her fake name with which she had entered the Jiang villa as an undercover agent with Song Jia. The elder was looking at her questioningly, waiting for her answer.

Nuan bowed. "Mam, I stepped outside to send money for my family."

"Why specifically step out? All maids have the facility to transfer money online directly to the bank accounts," The elder maid squinted her gaze.

The security in the Jiang family was strict being the Mafia family. Apart from solely sending money, the maids and the butlers weren't allowed to use the internet or contact any member of their family.

Nuan was unfazed. "Indeed Mam, and I tried it today morning. But there was some issue with my bank and I had to visit to transfer money from the branch."

"Show me your statement."

Nuan already knew that she would be asked to prove herself, so she was ready. Nuan showed her the bank statement that proved that she sent a thousand Yuan to her father's account today.

The elder maid attentively checked her logs. "Alright. Leave."

Nuan bowed. "Thank you, Mam."

As Nuan left, the elder maid dialed a number from the villa's landline. "Is this XX bank? I want to confirm if Nuan, a maid working in the Jiang villa came to your bank today to visit?"

Hearing the name of the Jiang family, the executive straightened up and without wasting any time, she quickly got to look for the record. Usually, they would ask for justification of such inquiries, but who would dare ask someone from the Jiang family?

"Please wait for a moment."

The elder maid patiently waited. The executive came back. "Yes, Mam. A woman named Xia Nuan indeed came to visit our bank."

"What did she say?"

"She came with the concern that she was unable to transfer money from her account. It was an issue from our end, Mam."

"Send the CCTV clip to me."

The executive gulped. It was against the rules to hand over the security footage like that.

"Should I ask the manager then?" The threat in her voice was evident.

"No, no, Mam. Of course, I will send you the clip."

As she received the file, the elder maid saw Xia Juan entering the bank at 8.38 AM. She talked to an executive, seemed to wait for a few minutes, and then left at 9.02 AM.

"I see. Thank you."

She hung up the phone.

So Nuan is indeed saying the truth. The elder maid turned and left. Xia Juan, slowly stepped out from behind the pillar as she narrowed her eyes.

I knew you would call the bank too. So I was ready with the evidence. I will never let anybody find my true identity.


Jiang Corps.

After a long meeting, Wei finally got the time to relax. But he didn't because he had some important things to ask his acquaintance. Now that Yang Mingshen himself offered to help him, it made things easier without his threats and abruptly hanging up his calls.

"Send the money first," was what Yang Mingshen had to say as soon as he picked up his call.

"I did."

"Hoo…The Mafia King seems too eager to ask something."

"I kissed Lihua last night."

"While she was sleeping? Man, you are one shameless bastard," he chuckled. "So what? Caught your pants on fire? She found out?"

Wei's mouth twitched. "No. Lihua kissed me. So I kissed her again."

Yang Mingshen raised his brow, feeling amused. "She kissed you in your sleep?"

Wei softly smiled. "En."

"Man she is one shameless-"

"Yang. Mingshen…" Wei's cold and dangerous voice cut him off before he could complete his sentence.

"Chill, man. I am just saying how two suit each other. Come to the point."

Wei pursed his lips. "I felt different last night."

"Don't waste my time or I am hanging up. Don't be so fucking vague."

"I felt excited and hotter and…"

"So you got a boner," Yang Mingshen lazily said.

"Boner?" Wei innocently asked.

"You know if people got to know that a twenty-eight-year-old Mafia King is asking what a boner is then your reputation will turn into smithereens."

Wei was unaffected. "I don't care about my reputation. I want to know why I felt it that way."

"Because you wanted to have sex with her. You are so alienated from these concepts. You kissed her, you got turned on and then you felt that kissing wasn't enough anymore."

Wei straightened up in his seat. He thought back to last night and indeed felt at one point that he wanted to do more than just kissing her. The sensation of her soft breasts bouncing on his chest gave him an urge to squeeze them in his palm. Her thin waist pressing onto him made desire to shower kisses on her naked waist. Her inviting neckline made him want to bite it and leave his mark on her pale skin. And his hot member that stood in glory wanted to plunge inside her with all its might.

"Hah! Your little brother stood up! The great Mafia King finally got the desire to fuck a woman. Congratulations. This is a cause for celebration."

"Sex…" he mumbled in a daze.

Yang Mingshen sneered as he egged him. "Yes, sex. After all, she is your woman, right?"

Wei seriously nodded. "Yes. And I am her man."

"So it's natural to have urges for your partner."

Yang Mingshen clearly knew that it must be Wei's misunderstanding about his relationship with Lihua. But he only cared about his money. He wasn't obligated to clear his misconception.

This is my revenge for that day you called my mother for a blind date for me. I hold grudges, Jiang Wei, he sneered.

"Great. You got your answer. Start rolling in the sheets with her."


He hung up. Wei slowly leaned back on his seat and processed all the information Yang Mingshen told him.

Just then, the door opened and a woman entered with a bright smile on her lips.

"I want to have sex with her…" Wei said in a trance.

Shi Ruomei froze on her spot. Her black orbs widened in shock and a dumbfounded expression settled on her face. She clearly heard what Wei just said.

W-what did I just hear? Sex?

Her blood rushed in excitement and her cheeks grew hotter as she blushed hard.

Wei wants to have sex with me?

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