The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 259: Deserter.

Chapter 259: Deserter.

"Nope, and I don't care. Now I will be on my way. You have a great life." Haru dismissed the ginger-haired man and knocked his arm down from his shoulder with his hand as if he was swatting away a fly. He turned his back on the man and then looked up at the other two ships in the sky. They had yet to move and no one had gone near them at all. 

"You son of a bitch-" The man yelled but before he could do anything else he was pulled back by another member of the group. 

"Don't do that. Weren't you here for the meeting? He is the one that gathered everyone here. If you make an enemy of him then you will be making an enemy of everyone that came to help him." A young woman dressed in sect clothing said to him as she grabbed his arm. 

'Hmm Which sect is she from? In fact Where did all of these people come from? I don't remember a single one of them.' Haru thought to himself as he gazed at the situation from the corner of his eye as he looked up at the sky. 

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm from the Cheng family. I don't care about any of you guys, you are nothing compared to my great imperial family." He said with a frustrated expression before walking over to Haru once again and reaching his arm out toward him. 

But just as his hand got within Haru's proximity his hand fell from his arm and dropped to the floor as blood began to squirt all over the place. 

"Insubordinate! Now go home and reflect on your actions. This is a battlefield, not a daycare. Your family background doesn't mean shit here. If you end up getting any of the brave warriors that I have assembled here killed then I will massacre your entire family as retribution for their deaths." Haru made himself clear by cutting off his hand. 

Although it might have been a harsh punishment for acting cocky. But given the situation, he found it necessary to make sure the ginger-haired man left the battlefield now that he wasn't able to fight.

With an attitude like that it was inevitable that he would end up getting not only himself killed but also the people that were in his group. Haru couldn't afford to sacrifice manpower for a glory-seeking child who was playing games with the lives of others to make himself look better. 

"You! You! What did you do!?" The man screamed as he looked down at where his hand used to be but now there was just an open wound at the bottom of his wrist. He didn't know how to react. 

One second his hand was perfectly fine and then next it was gone. He didn't even have time to process what had happened before his hand dropped from his wrist. 

"I will kill you!-" The man started to shout and brought his hand back behind his head while gathering Qi into his fingertips. 

A loud crack echoed out as Haru used his shadow step technique to appear behind him before striking the back of his neck with the palm of his hand. The ginger-haired man dropped to the ground and fell unconscious before Haru turned back to the remaining members of the group. 

"One of you, make sure these two get some medical attention Oh, and take his hand too. They might be able to reattach it. The rest of you should pick a new leader. This isn't some child's game. Your lives are on the line. Don't do anything stupid that can affect the outcome of our plan or else I will eliminate you from the fight just like I did to him.

Got it?" Haru asked as he finished reprimanding the cultivators that had followed such a man into battle.

"Yes sir!" The remaining cultivators looked at each other before deciding to respond in unison. It seemed like Haru had inspired them by making them fear him more than they feared the demons and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. It wasn't his plan to do so. He just wanted them to know that they can't afford to make mistakes. 

"I don't think that was a good idea That man is the eldest son of the Cheng family. They are insanely powerful and even the government has to show respect to them. I fear that they will come after you when this is all over." Dana said just as Haru was about to head on to the next area to look for somewhere he could help out. 

"Do you think that they can do anything to me? I don't know if you were there for the meeting but the people I surround myself with are much more qualified than his entire family. I don't have time to worry about such things. The only thing that matters to me is that we can make it out of this alive.

And if killing someone is what it takes then I will do it a thousand times over. But just know that I won't let any life that is lost during this fight go in vain. Anyway, I had better get going. I hope you make a quick recovery." Haru said before flying up into the air once again.

He was sick and tired of people telling him how he should handle his personal affairs. If he wants to kill then he will kill and if he wants to injure then he will injure. There wasn't a single person who could make him change his mind about such things. And that is what had kept him alive during the war in his last life. 

Living as a normal teenager had made him soft and allowed people to walk all over him. But this wasn't an everyday occurrence. This was a battlefield and he felt right at home as he made his way through whoever stood in his way. In a way it was where he belonged and all he ever knew. 

Haru looked down as he flew through the sky once more before sensing an insane amount of Qi coming from somewhere in the distance. It seemed like that was the main part of the fight since more than forty nascent soul stage cultivators were going all out against each other. 

Yet for some reason, it didn't make him scared. The last time he had experienced the full force from someone on that level it had frightened him beyond belief but this time it felt as though he might stand a chance against them. Although he wasn't sure if he should head there. He probably wouldn't have been much help but as he got closer he felt completely different about the situation. 

One of the cultivators that had come along with the government was laying on the floor with his head bashed in from the punches of multiple demons. And then on the other side of the destroyed street stood Ruella and Major Niu along with another cultivator that had come with the government. 

All three of them were surrounded by more than thirty cultivators at the nascent soul stage. They were outnumbered and the demons were advancing towards them with malicious intent. 

Haru knew he wouldn't be of much help against that many demons so he thought he could do the next best thing. He lowered himself in altitude while trying his best to stay undetected by the demons below him and watched on to look for an opening to try to help them. 

He couldn't turn a blind eye to the situation and think that they were going to be okay just because they were strong. Because even the strongest person can be killed if they are in a disadvantaged situation.

He watched on as the demons got closer and closer and the three cultivators backed up more and more while trying to keep their distance. As he watched on he found it strange why the demons were being so cautious of them even though they had the advantage in numbers but as he looked around the rubbles of the city he noticed that more than a hundred demon corpses were laying in the streets. They had all been killed with minimal effort but he could see that the damage to them wasn't light. 

From what he could tell there were only four cultivators that had fought against all of the demons and that was why the demons were being so cautious despite the situation. But it seemed like Ruella and Major Niu were all tired out. But the third cultivator that was with them seemed to have a little bit of strength left.

Yet she hid behind the other two and didn't make a move against the demons that were coming towards them. 

"What is she doing?" Haru thought to himself as he continued to watch until the demons came close enough to attack the three of them. But as soon as they did, the woman that was with Major Niu and Reulla flew up into the sky and ran away. Leaving them both behind to escape. 

After seeing what had happened, Haru couldn't hold in his frustration. He couldn't believe what he had just seen and it angered him beyond belief. Soldiers lived and died together. There was no excuse for a deserter. 

Someone who would sacrifice others for their own sake wasn't worth keeping around. He called out Kun's flame as quickly as he could and launched it across the sky with as much strength as he could muster just before the demons started their attack.

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