The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 257: Terrifying.

Chapter 257: Terrifying.

Haru's body impacted with something hard after flying back for a few metres but surprisingly the thing that his body hit gave way like the surface of a trampoline and he came out of the ray of light unscathed. As he opened his eyes he saw a faint green light surrounding the resort. Lao had set up a barrier to protect the place within a few seconds and had saved the lives of all the people present.

"Haru, Tell everyone inside it's now or never," Lao instructed Haru before reaching down to the ground to lock the barrier in place by attaching his Qi to the soul that he was standing upon. 

"Got it!" Haru shouted back in response. He was so caught up in the confusion of what just happened that he didn't think twice before entering the building and notifying the remaining people who were standing around idly.

"Everyone get your asses outside and fall into your positions. The enemy is here and won't hold back. If you want to survive then you had better follow the plan and hope it succeeds. That is your only option for now." Haru shouted as he made his way inside to the one hundred or so manifestation stage cultivators that were left behind when the people at the nascent soul stage rushed off to meet the demons. 

Teacher Lin had launched a sneak attack before they could do anything and Haru guessed that the sect master was probably fighting with the demons that were on board that ship and had now fallen down to earth. 

The ground shook once again from inside the building and made a few of the people inside flinch. But that wasn't enough to scare them into submission. In such a big group the first person to break would have been looked down upon so everyone put on a brave face despite their worries and headed outside like Haru had instructed them too. 

Haru followed behind them and back out into the courtyard where Lao was still standing but now just looking up at the sky.

"What is it?" Haru asked as he walked outside and stood beside him. As he did so he noticed pillars of smoke rising up into the sky from where the gun from the colossal ship had struck the ground. He didn't know what to expect when he first saw the ships. But now he was starting to understand why they had come with ships. 

Just bringing men alone wouldn't have been enough since the Law of the lower realm would limit their cultivation level to that of someone at the nascent soul stage. So they brought ships that wouldn't be affected by the restriction and therefore they could cause more damage than they could with manpower alone. 

But Haru guessed that they didn't expect to run into a dragon during their trip to earth and Lao had a hungry expression on his face as if he was a tiger waiting for his prey to come within range for him to pounce. And that seemed to be exactly what he was doing as he turned back to Haru.

"You go on ahead of me. I'm waiting for the big fish to come on out of his hiding hole." Lao spoke with a sadistic grin as he looked up at the sky once more. 

"I got it. I will go and help the people near the fallen ship." Haru notified Lao of his plan just in case something happened where he would need to find him in an emergency. He didn't want to be too far away from Lao since he knew that he was the strongest person participating in the battle on their side. But everything was happening so fast. 

He thought that there would be more of a warning and at least a little bit of a discussion between the people of earth and the demon clan. But it really did seem like they were out for blood. They gave him a single warning that they would kill him before attacking with their full power. It was just lucky that Teacher Lin had gone ahead and knocked one of the ships out of the sky. 

Haru flew up into the sky before flying over to where the ship had landed in two parts. The debris from the crash was spread over four hundred metres and so were the occasional bodies of demons that were laying on the floor lifelessly. 

'Hmm Seems like the attack from teacher Lin wasn't just to knock the ship out of the sky.' Haru thought before reaching into his storage ring and pulling out his sword. 

"CLANG!" The sound of metal clashing together rang out as he turned on a dime after sensing the sneak attack creeping up on him from behind. A demon had been laying amongst the dead bodies in an attempt to attack anyone that walked back. It was just unfortunate for him that he met Haru in the middle of his master plan. 

"Die, you filthy human! Just wait until we get our hands on Luo Yang. We will turn this whole planet into a ball of fire." The demon yelled before swinging his arm toward Haru in an attempt to punch him in the face and knock him off balance. 

But the force behind the punch seemed weak for someone of his cultivation stage and Haru didn't bother dodging it since he knew that it wouldn't do him any damage to take it. Plus it would shake the enemy if his attack did no damage at all. And that is what he was aiming for. He wanted to strike fear into all of his enemies so they knew that he wasn't a force to be reckoned with.

As the demon's hand struck Haru's face the hair on his head shifted a little bit as it blew in the wind from the force of the punch but his head didn't move even an inch. 

"Well You now have your hands on Luo Yang What are you going to do now?" Haru asked with a smile before retreating his arm from the demon's sword and then piercing it through the centre of his stomach. 

"You You're Luo Yang? But But I didn't even get to" The demon began to complain as he drew his final breath. He had no idea what he had signed himself up for when he decided to come to earth. But Haru was determined to show all of the demons that they had signed their own death warrants when they showed up in shanghai.

"Your first kill on the battlefield How does your first feat of victory taste? Inspiring isn't it?" Li Jun asked after witnessing the whole thing as he was standing by Haru's side.

"Not really. This is bound to be the first of many and I know this is still far from over. But yeah. I agree. It is inspiring me to kill even more of them for the simple reason that they have pissed me off by showing up here." Haru laughed to himself as he looked at Li Jun before hearing the sounds of clashing metal in the distance. 

"That must be where they ended up," Haru said to himself as he sensed for Qi in the area around him before noticing that there were nine cultivators at the nascent soul stage. And a few of them seemed like they were even stronger. Yet one of them stood far above the others and Haru recognised the aura from a few days before when he had witnessed the same power.

He quickly flew towards the fighting to see that Drobo was surrounded by demons yet he was still standing his ground and was unfazed by the fact that he was caught within an ambush. He looked up at the sky after sensing that Haru was nearby and then began to pick the ear wax out from the inside of his ears. 

"Well, would you look at that? The humans have even conscripted someone from the dwarven clan to fight for them. It seems like they are really desperate if they are willing to lower their standards to a lowly clan like the dwarfs." One of the demons laughed as the encirclement tightened around Drobo. 

Haru couldn't help but shake his head. He was surprised by the stupidity of the demons. It was like they couldn't see what was going on in front of them. They had ambushed someone yet he didn't even flinch as they surrounded him and he remained calm enough to pick the wax out of his ears.

"Just look at his confidence. He knows he can kill you all with a single breath yet you choose to attack anyway?" Haru couldn't help but shout in frustration. 

"Huh? Another human brat? Wait your turn. We will kill you next." Another one of the demons said as he turned to look at Haru before demanding that he stay put. 

But Haru had other plans. He wanted to go somewhere where he could help out and he could see that he clearly wasn't needed where Drobo was and he decided to head towards the main body of the ship to hopefully find something more fulfilling. He couldn't steal someone else's kill so he went on, leaving Drobo to deal with the eight other nascent soul cultivators on his own.

"Heh, Looks like the humans don't appreciate the help of your dwarven clan after all. I guess you will now die for nothing." The demon that threatened Haru called out to Drobo and then swung his sword towards him. 

As Haru flew around the sky in search of more demons he heard cries of pain call out from where Drobo was and then turned to see a cloud of dust rising up into the air. 

"That man's power is terrifying." Haru thought to himself before spotting a group of demons surrounding someone in the distance. He headed towards them right away as Li Jun followed slightly behind him.

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