The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 231: Sleepyhead.

Chapter 231: Sleepyhead.

"Open up! Suyin are you in there?!" The voice of a man called out from beyond the door as Haru and Suyin slept peacefully in the bed of the hotel. Suyin had always been a deep sleeper so it came to no surprise that she didn't wake up when the man started to yell. But Haru on the other hand slept like a tiger. The slightest sound would wake him out of fear of there being a threat that was sneaking up on him as he slept. So he was the first to wake up when he heard the sounds of knocking on the door. 

He got out of bed as quietly as he could so as not to wake up Suyin. He could see that she was having a nice dream from the peaceful smile that was on her face as her eyes were closed tightly and she hugged her pillow. 

He put on some clothes and then walked to the door to ask whoever it was to come back later and to stop trying to wake her. But as he opened the door he saw that it was a man who looked to be in his early fifties and he looked vaguely familiar to Haru. He quickly recognised that he was Suyin's other manager that he had sometimes seen when the two of them video called in their free time. 

"Oh, You're" The manager said with his cheeks a little bit pink from embarrassment. He wasn't expecting a half-naked man to open the door. But he knew that he was Suyin's boyfriend from the fact that she still had a picture of them together as the wallpaper on her phone. He looked up at Haru for a few minutes but didn't come up with anything to say. 

"Sorry, She is a little bit tired and still sleeping. We didn't sleep until the early hours of the morning." Haru announced.

"I see, Young people these days are so shameless. Well, I will come back when she wakes up." The manager said with a sigh. He wasn't sure what he expected. Miss Kang had told him that Suyin had gone off with some random man that she had never seen before and her driver had told him that she took the man back to her hotel room. He should have put two and two together but he was a bit too impatient. 

He wanted to discuss what had happened the day before. Miss Kang had told him that Suyin had hit her and then said that she was fired. But she didn't seem bothered by it. In fact, Miss Kang had gone to speak with the young master from the Cheng family. He knew that Mr Cheng was interested in Suyin and wanted to have a private meeting with her. 

But he didn't know what she had told him. It was supposed to be a secret that Suyin had a boyfriend and all of the people that knew about it had signed a non-disclosure agreement to say that they wouldn't tell anyone about it. But Miss Kang had yet been forced to sign one. There was nothing legally binding her to keep it to herself. 

In theory, she could tell whoever she wanted and it wouldn't make a difference. Of course, they could take her to court for slander if that was the case but they would have to prove that Suyin didn't have a boyfriend and knowing her personality she wouldn't deny it if anyone asked her if Haru was her boyfriend.

"Wait," Haru said to the man that was walking away from the doorway. 

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked, confused. He had never met Haru before and didn't think that they would have anything so he decided to take his leave before it became awkward. He didn't expect Haru to take the initiative to call out to him.

"I was kind of hoping if I could talk to you about something. I would get in touch with the owner of the company but I don't have his phone number. But do you think that you could give him a message from me?" Haru asked. 

"Sure what is it?" The manager asked with suspicion. From what he knew about Suyin's boyfriend he was the relative of Mr Hao in Shenzhen and was from a wealthy family. He also knew that he was previously at a school for military mages in japan. But what he didn't know is how he could live in china and still be free. China had banned the use of magic for civilians since before the war between Japan and America. 

Which made him think that Haru might be a member of the government or have close ties to the military and by looking at the muscles all over his body as he stood in the doorway with just shorts on made him conclude that it was probably the latter of the two and didn't even want to imagine what kind of message he had for the owner. 

"Tell him that if anyone tries to sell Suyin to rich families not only will I kill all the parties involved but I will also come for every employee of the company. I don't care if they weren't involved. I won't let such a company harm her." Haru looked at the manager as his eyes began to glow a slight golden colour. 

The manager thought that he was beginning to cast attack magic or something of the like and closed his eyes to brace for impact but the attack that he expected never came. He opened his eyes once again to see Haru scratching the back of his neck. 

"I will  make sure that he gets the message as soon as possible." The manager replied quickly.

"Okay well thank you. I will tell Suyin that you came by as soon as she wakes up." Haru said and then began to close the door. But before he could close it all the way the manager was the one to call out to him this time. 

"Oh, I should probably tell you this but yesterday after you and Suyin had left the party. I saw Miss Kang speaking with Mr Cheng from the imperial Cheng family. I'm not sure if you knew this but he has been telling people that one day he will seduce Suyin and "use her as a plaything." I just thought that I should warn you to keep your guard up. The Cheng family are just as strong as the  Hog family and you should avoid offending them." The manager warned Haru.

"Is that so? The Cheng family huh? I will keep an eye out for trouble, don't worry." Haru reassured him and then turned around and walked back into the room before closing the door.

But as he turned around the manager noticed that there were red lines that ran down Haru's back. It looked almost as if someone had scratched the skin on his back with their fingernails. His face began to heat up slightly as he realised what the cause of the scratch marks was.

"The younger generation really is shameless." The manager whispered to himself before walking back down the corridor and out of the hotel to go and relay Haru's message to the owner of the company. Although he didn't look forward to the phone call that he would have to make.

Haru on the other hand made his way back to the bed and sat down beside Suyin and then turned on the TV and began to browse through the channels with the volume turned down low to avoid waking her. He sat there for around an hour before he heard a moan and felt the bed sheets move as Suyin began to stretch her body out. 

"Good morning sleepyhead," Haru said quietly and brushed the hair out of her face to see that her eyes were already focused on him. 

"Good morning," Suyin spoke in a hushed tone and then shuffled across the bed to rest her head on his chest. 

"How long have you been awake for?" Suyin asked and then inhaled through her nose with her head still pressed against Haru's chest. 

"You smell good." She whispered once again.

"Not long. Around an hour or so. Oh yeah. Your manager dropped by to ask for an explanation for yesterday. You didn't tell him you were leaving early and I'm guessing he had to explain why you left, to the Hong family." Haru said and rubbed her back with one of his hands as he spoke. 

"Shit I forgot to let him know didn't I? I was just too" She stopped herself from saying anything else out of embarrassment.

"You pervert." Haru teased her and brushed up the centre of her spine with the tips of his fingers. 

"Mhm" Suyin let out a little moan and then hugged him a little tighter.

"You should probably call him soon. And then we can get some breakfast." Haru quickly changed the mood and began to stand up. 

"Wait" Suyin whispered in protest.

Haru turned around slowly to see that she was looking at him with expectation in her eyes. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered. 

"Were you expecting something?" He asked and then kissed her on the cheek before taking a shirt out of his storage ring and putting it on. 

"Make sure you are quick with your explanation. I feel a little bit hungry. It must have been from how much energy we consumed last night" Haru teased her once again to which she pouted but made the phone call to explain herself to her manager anyway. 

It was better to get it out of the way rather than letting him think whatever Miss Kang had told him was true.

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