The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 224: Hong Zan's birthday.

Chapter 224: Hong Zan's birthday.

Haru was dragged out of the elevator and through the lobby, hand in hand with Lan Yan and gaining the attention of everyone who could see them. To them, it was a miracle. Mr Lan had finally let a man get close to his daughter. 

But not a single person dared to ask just why Mr Lan had decided on Haru. They could only imagine the type of background that he had and some of their theories were far more mysterious than the truth. 

The guards were quick to block the view of the two of them walking together and stopping anyone from taking their phones out to take pictures. They didn't need to take the extra step. But they knew who they worked for and that he wouldn't want his family getting involved in any scandals.

"Young miss. We have secured the path to the car. Please have a safe trip." One of the guards wished them a safe journey and opened the doors for them, making sure that no one followed them outside.

"First, let me warn you. If you cause trouble for my friends I will never forgive you." Lan Yan looked up at Haru while still holding his arm. 

"Well let me warn you. I don't care about causing trouble for your friends. I don't owe you anything so I'm not even going to consider you if I decide to do something. 

In fact, That reminds me. Don't you owe me your life or something? I don't save people for free you know? You will have to pay me back someway or another." Haru then smirked at her.

Lan Yan was quick to let go of Haru's arm and then quickly guarded her body with her arms. 

"I'm not that easy! Don't even think about asking me for my body as payment!" Lan Yan shouted as they both walked towards the car. 

Haru couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her. He didn't plan on asking for anything in return for saving her and he didn't even think about asking her to do something like that. He only mentioned it because he knew how she would react and he wanted her to let go of his arm as soon as possible.

"I already told you. You are way too young for me kid. And I also have a girlfriend. I only claimed to be your boyfriend so your dad would come and meet me. 

And don't overthink things. I will count the fact that I claimed to be your boyfriend as the payment for saving you." Haru smiled before opening the door to the car after the man who was sat in the driver's seat waved at Lan Yan.

"You!" She bit her tongue before pouting as she realised that she had fallen into Haru's trap and gave humiliated herself during the process. 

But there was just something in the way that he smiled that made it hard for her to hate him even after he rejected her multiple times already. That being said the Haru didn't say that she didn't have a chance at all. 

He only said that she was currently too young and that he wouldn't cheat on Suyin. And that was what Lan Yan held on to. She hoped for something to happen in the future even though they hadn't known each other for long at all. 

"Yep, Children are indeed naive." Haru mocked her one final time before they both closed the doors in the car and drove off into the distance, soon arriving outside of a mansion on the outskirt of the city. 

There was a long driveway that was lined with neatly trimmed bushes giving the appearance that everything was well cared for and the stone paving was perfectly symmetrical as it ran the entire length to the house, stretching out close to an acre before they finally reached the house. 

The house its self was gigantic. It looked more like a palace than a traditional mansion. Haru could tell from the outside that they probably had more than twelve bedrooms but then was quick to notice the mass of cars that were parked outside the front doors. 

Each of the cars that were parked outside were high-end, luxury vehicles that Haru couldn't even imagine buying. Although he had a big sum of money saved up in his account he didn't think it was necessary to buy something so expensive for the sole purpose of showing off his wealth.

That being said. He no longer had a need for vehicles, now that he could fly. But he couldn't show just anyone that he could fly out of fear of being exposed to the public as a cultivator and then becoming a public figure.

He liked living life without consequences and didn't want to trade his freedom for fame just yet. 

The car slowly came to a stop by the main entrance and they were swiftly approached by a young man and woman who were both wearing formal clothing and wearing red waistcoats. 

"Lan Yan? Young miss Zan was a bit upset when you told her you can't come to her party. But I am sure she will be happy with this unexpected surprise." The woman spoke, recognising Lan Yan almost instantly.

"Lan Yan? Are you the daughter of Mr Lan?" The man asked, surprised at the fact that she had come.

"Yeah, I just couldn't miss Zan's sixteenth birthday party after all." Lan Yan replied awkwardly as she spoke to the two of them. 

"Oh, and who is this handsome young man? I haven't heard anything about you having a boyfriend." The older girl teased Lan Yan a little bit as she looked up at Haru.

The man on the other hand looked at Haru with hostility. It seemed that he was feeling insecure about his hight when in the presence of Haru who was almost a full thirty centimetres taller than him. 

"That's right. I have been keeping him a secret from even my family until today when he decided to confront my dad.

It turns out that he was impressed by the fact that he was confident enough to face him and then accepted him as my boyfriend." Lan Yan bragged briefly before noticing that Haru was no longer paying attention to what she was saying. 

As Haru arrived he sensed the presence of fifteen different cultivators inside the mansion and they all seemed to be in the same room. It didn't seem like they were guarding the place since they were in the same room so he concluded that they were probably guests that were invited as a sign of status.

If a family could invite cultivators to a child's birthday party it would show that they are respected even by cultivators. 

As Haru continued spreading his spiritual sense across the mansion he detected a power that was far greater than his own and they seemed to have sensed his power before sending their own spiritual sense back at Haru as a warning. 

Whoever was inside the building seemed to be at the Nascent soul stage and wasn't far away from breaking through. 

The feeling he got from the person inside the mansion was much greater than the feeling he felt when he met the two old men at the Leung family house. He didn't even want to imagine how strong the person was but he knew that he just had to get them on board with his plan to fight the demon clan. 

"Yeah, I guess he is just hungry. All he could talk about in the car was indulging himself in all of the free food." Lan Yan laughed while talking to the woman in the red waistcoat.

"So he is a man that is only tamed by food? You should hold on to him. Men with huge apatites for food are often great lovers Especially in the bedroom if you get what I am saying?" The woman whispered to Lan Yan so that Haru couldn't hear her. 

Lan Yan's face quickly turned red as she understood what she meant in more ways than one.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. But we had better head inside before the food gets cold and he decides to kill me." Lan Yan made up an excuse and then once again grabbed Haru's arm and began to lead him inside through the main entrance to the mansion. 

"Ah, to be young again." The woman in the red waistcoat said before spinning in a circle with her arms out like the blades of a helicopter rotating. 

"Give it a rest. You are only a couple of years older than young miss Zan. You haven't even begun to age yet. Just wait until you get to my age and start hating your entire existence." The man who had been beside there the whole time and was staring at Haru complained while watching them both walk off into the mansion. 

Haru looked around as he entered the mansion and was awestruck. They had obviously gone all out to celebrate the Hong Zan's birthday but the decorations still managed to keep a certain degree of sophistication to them without looking trashy or childish.

But that was nothing compared to the rest of the house. Haru could tell at just a glance that the Hong family were extremely proud martial artists by the fact that in each room there was a weapon of some sort, ranging from the occasional long sword hanging from the walls. To the spears that they used to hold up the curtains over the windows. 

"The Hong family are apparently the only remaining successors to a lost martial art that was used to protect a certain emperor many hundreds of years ago.

Hong Zan always used to get into fights at school and never once lost. So when I became friends with her I decided to ask how she knew how to fight so well and she told me that her family trains all of their children how to fight from birth. 

I thought she was making things up until I came here and saw all of this stuff." Lan Yan said, realising that Haru was looking at all of the weapons in the house. 

"Cool story. But where is the food?" Haru looked down at her and asked with a blank expression, ignoring the fact that she had tried to make small talk with him.

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