The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 213: Betrayal.

Chapter 213: Betrayal.

Haru caught her glance at the dragon emperor's ring and found it quite strange. He wasn't sure what the reason behind it was. Was she just interested in it or had she seen it before somewhere? But the conclusion that he came to was that she wanted to take it from him.

In response to her looking at it, Haru covered his fingers with his other hand as he spoke to her.

"Well, it is quite simple really. I came here to take care of the Leung family-" Haru began to explain truthfully why he had come to the Leung families house but was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"So you admit it? You killed them all?" Major Niu asked immediately upon hearing what he had to say.

"No that isn't what I was saying. I was coming to teach them a lesson. It could have ended with one of us dying but I was still willing to reason with them. But they were all dead by the time that I had got here. The person who had killed them was already long gone when I discovered the bodies." Haru explained. 

"Is there anyone that can back up your story?" Major Niu asked, doubting Haru's story completely. What were the chances that two people had planned to kill the same people in one night?

But given the fact that the whole family seemed to be evil, the chances might just be reasonable. The main reason that Haru wanted to get rid of them is so that they couldn't target his family and friends but the reason the real murderer might have killed them was probably much different. 

By how mutilated the bodies were it looked like revenge but the bodies were now ruined from the fire attack the old man had used against Haru. 

"Back up my story? I don't think so Unless you can determine what time they were killed at. I have been at a party for most of the night." Haru said. He wasn't sure if it was possible but Major Niu seemed satisfied with that answer and then ordered one of the soldiers to check on the bodies. 

The soldier pulled out a device that was shaped like a gun with a silver needle attached to the end of it. Just next to where the trigger was placed was a small screen that was filled with information. He walked into the building and walked over the body of one of the servants. 

He carefully stabbed the needle into the man's leg which was followed by a beeping sound. After three beeps had chimed out the screen was quickly filled with the information of the body that was lying lifelessly on the floor.

The screen displayed everything about him. From previous medical history, blood type and even the cause of his death. But the most important piece of information was the fact that the man was killed three hours before Haru had even arrived there. 

"Everything checks out here ma'am. These guys have been dead for hours." The soldier said into the radio since he was out of sight from everyone else. 

"That's fine But the witness said that it had just happened" Major Niu said to herself as she thought about something.

The soldier that had checked on the bodies took a moment to look around the room and pray for the lost souls that would linger in the area. He put his hands together and paid his respects to the dead with a bow before spotting something out of the corner of his eye. 

Something on the ground sparkled in the moonlight. It seemed to be a dagger with a ray skin handle and a long horn pommel. He walked towards it and before he knew anything else he had already begun to reach out towards it.

There was something about the dagger that seemed to call out towards him. It was a feeling of comfort and heat that seemed to drag him from his position at the door of the room. 

"That means that the witness lied to us about what happened Why would he do that-?" Before Major Niu could ask herself another question a deep visceral screeching came from inside the building where she had just sent the soldier to check out the bodies.

A dark mist filled the air as the feeling of uneasiness escaped from the now open ceiling of the building. 

Lao quickly got to his feet. And stood next to Haru as he placed his hand on his shoulder. 

"Haru, tell me now! Was there anything with a demonic Qi in that building!?" Lao asked with panic in his voice. 

"Demonic Qi? Yeah, there was a small dagger on the ground" Haru answered nervously. He didn't know what to expect from Lao. He was acting like the world was going to end. His voice shivered slightly and sweat dripped down from his forehead. 

"This is bad. It's a Cursed beacon." Lao said to himself. 

"A cursed beacon? What is that?" Haru asked, confused. He knew a lot about cultivation already but he had never heard about cursed beacons. It must have been something rare and not worth mentioning at the time when both Lao and Li Jun had taught him things in the past. 

"A cursed beacon is something that is used by the demon clan to home in on a planet. If someone with a weak constitution is lured in by its pull it will trap half of their soul within the weapon causing them to be in excruciating pain.

And while their soul is trapped with the weapon it will begin to inject them with demonic Qi. Since they have a weakened soul already the demonic Qi will take over their mind completely and it will be the start of a murderous rampage. 

But that isn't even the worst of it. If you kill the person who is infected by the weapon's control it will send the location of the weapon back to the demon race. 

Haru I think that this was meant to target you. Someone knew that you were coming here so they planted the weapon here and then hoped for you to touch the murder weapon.

Who did you tell that you were coming here?" Lao explained and then asked. 

Haru took a few minutes to go over things in his head. It made sense. If someone of Haru's strength had been ensnared by a weapon that would drive him into a mindless rampage, hundreds if not thousands of people would die overnight.

But he didn't tell anyone that he was going to go to the Leung families house. The only thing he could think of was how easily Han had given him the address. 

But he thought Han was a good guy. He had given Haru both a house and the resort. It was a little strange that he had given both to him for no good reason. 

He remembered that Han's reason was that he was soon going to ascend to the upper realms. Haru quickly thought about how the two old men were talking about reaching the peak of human strength. Why did they think that they were at the peak? 

"Major Niu!" Haru shouted to get the attention of the woman. His voice was similar to the past when he was in the army and upon hearing his tone of voice Major Niu stood at attention with her hands behind her back.

"Yes Sir!? Wait a minute" She realised what she had done and then looked at Haru slightly embarrassed. 

"What happens after you reach the Nascent Soul stage?" Haru asked. 

Major Niu looked back at him slightly confused by the question before glancing back at the continuous screaming coming from the building. She didn't know what to attend to first but then Haru grabbed her by both of her shoulders and looked her in the eyes with a serious expression. 

Although she was older, at a higher cultivation stage and didn't know the slightest thing about him. She felt inclined to answer whatever questions he had to ask. 

"What happens after someone reaches the Nascent soul stage!?" Haru demanded an explanation. 

"Uh, Uh I'm not sure. No one has ever reached that strength before. The closest person to getting there is Mr Ma Hanying of the crimson spider's criminal organisation." Major Niu answered, confused as to why she was being questioned by a suspect to a murder.

"Fuck" Haru said to himself and then let go of Major Niu. He felt betrayed. He had asked Han for help many times before and he had offered it without questioning Haru's intentions although they didn't know each other that well. 

'He knew about the upper realms when no one else does.' He thought about how the black star sect had kept themself away from the other sects. They were a sect full of upper realm cultivators who had decided to keep their cultivation hidden. Why would they tell anyone that they had come from the upper realms?

Haru was quickly concluding that not many people knew about the upper realms. Yet Han was open to talking about heading there when he broke through. And he gave Haru his belongings because he had no one to look after them while he was gone.

"I'm such an idiot" Haru said to himself. He felt weak as thoughts raced around his head at light speed. He didn't even hear Lao yelling at him until he felt a sharp pain in his cheek and a slapping sound echoed out. 

"What is it!? Who did you tell?" Lao asked after bringing Haru back to his senses. 

"Ma Hanying. He was the only person who knew that I was coming here because he was the one who gave me the address" Haru said with a pained expression. 

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