The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 211: Helicopters?

Chapter 211: Helicopters?

The amount of Qi releasing from Lao's body as he turned to face the two old men was not of this world. It was something that someone at the peak of the nirvana stage couldn't even perceive despite Lao's body still being at the manifestation stage.

The two old men looked at each other once again, this time with distressed expressions there was no way in hell that they could fight against Lao even if they combined their strength so they chose the next best thing. To try to please him.

"Senior, please forgive us. We didn't know that someone of your stature was living here." The man with the mole on his face put his hands together and bowed his head.

As for the other old man he kneeled down to the grown and held his head down to the floor and not daring to even look at Lao. Lao looked down at the man kneeling and smiled. It reminded him of how humans worshipped his race as gods and asked for protection when they first encountered each other in the upper realm. 

He then looked back at the other man who had just bowed his head. 'And then there were people like this. They thought because they had a little bit of strength that they should be treated with respect before earning it. It was the cocky humans that started the war in the upper realm and drove my race to flee.' Lao thought as he looked at the two dynamics of the humans standing before him.

"Kneel," Lao said in a stern tone to the man that had only bowed his head. 

"What?" The man with the mole on his cheek asked with an uneasy tone. And the look on his face spoke many words. He didn't like to admit when he was wrong and was just submitting to Lao because he knew he was stronger. 

"I said kneel. Get on your knees and beg for your life. I won't tell you again." Lao said in the same strict and stern voice that told whoever heard it that it would be best if they followed his instructions. 

"Kneel? I mean no disrespect, senior. But why should I kneel? I too have managed to reach the peak of human strength in my lifetime. Don't you think that we all should treat each other as equals?" The man with the mole on his cheek spoke with a cocky grin. 

"Peak of human strength? Not even close. And you aren't my equal." Lao said and then without the slightest bit of hesitation, raised his left hand out in front of him. 

A green crescent-shaped disk shot from his hand and vanished into the distance. 

"What was that-" The man began to say but stopped as his head slowly began to split along a small red seem that had appeared along his whole body. And then dropped to the floor in two halves. The man's body was now cut perfectly down the centre of his body from his belly button to the top of his head.

Blood quickly coated the ground causing the man who was kneeling to now be kneeling in a pool of blood.

The man on his knees was wise not to make a sound or question the decision for killing the other man but his expression was one of pain as he tried to remain calm. 

A few seconds of silence went by as Lao decided what he was going to do next when the sound of air being sliced receptively began to sound out over the horizon before suddenly the whole area was illuminated by spotlights from two helicopters that were flying overhead. 

"No, they must have responded to his life flag being extinguished. Why now!? This is going to be a massacre. No one can fight against this man." The Kneeling man thought as he looked back slightly but still making sure not to raise his head. 

"Haru, What are those things?" Lao turned to ask Haru who was watching on. He still felt a little weak from his injury and his vision was still blurry but he could make out the two military-style helicopters flying overhead.

"Those are helicopters. It means that they have brought backup" Haru said and then struggled to his feet. He rubbed his half-exposed body with his hand as he walked over to stand by Lao's side.

'The boy He's still alive!? But how? He doesn't have any Qi and he had bled too much Wait. That must mean that this man He's a god.' The kneeling man thought to himself. He had just watched someone comeback from the brink of death without any medical care and within the span of a few seconds. 

He didn't know what the flash of green light was earlier but now he assumed that it was some kind of healing technique that was unknown to the world.

"I need to warn them not to attack-" Before he could finish his sentence a loud crack shot through the sky as the door to the side of one of the helicopters opened up to reveal a man with a sniper rifle aiming at Lao.

The bullet travelled through the air with much less resistance as it was modified with runes to increase its velocity and aerodynamics. 

"A cultivator using a gun?" Lao said to himself as the bullet was speeding towards him with much more speed than Haru could even see. 

The time around Lao seemed to have stopped, apart from both his movements and the movement of the bullet that was now at arm's length. 

He looked at it for a few moments before realising what exactly the bullet was made out of. The smooth metallics wood grain was something specific to the elven clan. The bullet was made from part of a branch from the holy world tree.

The power of the holy world tree would absorb all the Qi that was close to it and that was the same for the bullet. It would absorb Qi if he tried to slow the bullet down and render his power useless. It seemed like the perfect way to kill a stronger cultivator even from a distance.

Lao was impressed by the creativity that the humans of this world had inherited. He hadn't seen anything this creative since the humans first made bricks in the upper realm. But that was a long time ago.

Lao reached out with his hand, making sure that he blocked off his flow of Qi so that it wouldn't be sucked from his body and into the holy world tree branch. 

He grabbed the grabbed it within the palm of his hand and wiped away both of the runes with his thumb to stop the bullet from moving even after he absorbed the velocity. As he was holding the bullet the time around him sped up once again. 

"Stop! Withdraw immediately!" The old man stood up from the ground and waved his hands toward the helicopter while yelling.

Lao raised his hand toward the helicopter but Haru reached out and grabbed his hand, turning his attention away from the person who had just shot at him. 

"Killing them won't solve anything. They are from the government. They will only send more people if we kill them. It's better to reason with them." Haru said, to which Lao lowered his hand. 

"It's your home. Do whatever you want to. But you are the disciple of my disciple. Whoever offends you is indirectly offending me. Just remember that. If you can't deal with it then I will wipe them all out." Lao said in a reassuring yet terrifying way. 

He had basically told Haru that he will kill anyone who stands in his way. And that didn't sit quite well with him. But he didn't have to fear a threat from anyone. He wanted to reason with the military and ask why they had set him up. 

He obviously didn't kill anyone yet the other old man had claimed that he was guilty of killing a manifestation stage cultivator and would be sentenced to death. 

The people in the helicopter saw the waving from the old man and the door to the helicopter's door immediately closed before they landed in an empty spot in the field next to the houses. 

Dust was shot up into the air in a spiral as both of the helicopters landed and dozens of men all dressed like the three soldiers that Haru had taken down ran from the field with their guns pointed at Haru and Lao. 

"Lower your weapons you bunch of idiots! Do you all want to die!" The old man shouted out before turning back to Lao to make sure that he wasn't angry. But Lao was now sitting down crossed-legged on the grass and looking at the stars in the sky. 

He didn't seem like the same person he was before. The old man turned back to the people holding their guns out to see a woman with long red hair step through the crowd. 

"My men don't take orders from you old man. You said you had caught the suspect so hand him over. We are taking him to the integration facility-" The woman said and then looked down at the body of the other man that was split in two and covered in blood. 

"What happened to ninety-five! Explain this at once!" The woman demanded an explanation from the old man who looked back at Lao helplessly. Not knowing how to explain it to her.

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