The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 89: Untitled

Chapter 89: Untitled

Min Hong opened his eyes and found himself in the old man's hut. He was still slightly muddle-headed, because he had just made a trip that took the multicoloured pillar of light about one hour, in an instant.

So, it took him longer than normal to adjust to the changes. Then he felt a hand touch his shoulder as a unique energy flowed into him and stabilized his soul and mind. He turned around and then saw the old man.

"Welcome back." The old man said with a smile.

"Great elder I" He wanted to talk but was cut short by the old man with a wave of his hand.

"Whatever you received from the 'great creator' is for you and you alone. Just try to comprehend the Daos, I look forward to seeing you stand at the top of the power chain." The old man urged.

"Unhthanks for your help, great elder" Min Hong thanked the old man with a deep bow.

"I did nothing, you earned everything with your understanding and abilities alone. Don't forget the vision you saw on the bridge they would really help you in the future. You can tell me when you are ready to leave so I can send you out." The old man sat and went quiet.

"Thank you great elder, I would like to leave now." Min Hong respectfully spoke.

The old man was quiet for a bit before shaking his head and prepared to send Min Hong out of the dimension.

"Are you coming?" Just as the man was about to send Min Hong out, Min Hong spoke without turning back. Then instantly a white light shot out a corner of the hut and entered his soul.

When this happened. Min Hong only smirked, whilst the old man heaved a sigh of relief. Then he waved his hand as a gentle aura washed over Min Hong and then he vanished, teleported out of the dimension.

Min Hong appeared at the entrance of the dimension portal and stepped out and the portal closed. Then he saw Little Wu who eagerly rushed over with an expectant expression etched on his face.

"What?" Min Hong smiled at Little Wu. "Do you think I would disappoint you?" He added.

"Hmph! Whatever" Little Wu snorted sneeringly. But Min Hong could easily tell that he was more delighted than a starved mouse that just found a huge heap of cheese.

"Shall we begin?" Little Wu asked.

"Not yet. It should have been at least two days since I last spoke to my companions, I would like to go spend a bit of time with them" Min Hong answered.

"Three days three days, then we would begin we have no time to waste." Little Wu spoke.

"Alright, alright!" Min Hong smiled as he replied the agitated Little Wu.

"See you in three days." Little Wu sat atop his staff as it took him into a corner of the dimension.

Min Hong smiled at the sight and thought how Little Wu would feel when he finds out he actually had a far superior staff which was ranked third in the Heavenly Weapon Ranking.

Then he vanished and reappeared on his futon, he took in the sight and basked in the memories of the Min Family castle, the Min Family, his grandfather and his most beloved mother. After about an hour, he finally shut his eye.

The moment Min Hong opened his eyes, a similar spectacular sight and fragrance assaulted him once again.

It was Min Qing's plum but sizeable chests and her feminine fragrance. She was currently caressing his face, looking into the distance seemingly absent minded.

"If people keep seeing us this way, they might begin to have weird thoughts." He spoke.

"Hong-ge!" Min Qing was shocked as Min Hong stood up and straightened his body.

Then he turned to Elder Yun and apologised. "I'm sorry to have once again troubled you Elder Yun. It won't be long again till I'm back on my feet."

"It's fine. Take your time, the more stable your foundation is the better, so don't rush it" Elder Yun replied.

Then he turned to Min Qing and smiled lovingly at her. When she saw his endearing, innocent and mysterious eyes, her own eyes welled up in tears as she flew into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Hong-ge, are you beginning to ignore Little Qing again?" Her voice quivered as she spoke.

"Silly you. What nonsense are you spouting, this is just for a bit of time. Moreover, I am going nowhere. We are in this together, nothing is going to separate us." Min Hong caressed her hair as he dotingly whispered into her ears.

After a while, Min Qing relaxed and then looked up to Min Hong and asked. "How long till you're start meditating again?"

"I won't be doing any meditation for the next three days. The afterwards, I might enter another seclusion." He looked into her eyes as he replied with a bright caring smile.

Seeing him this way melted Min Qing's heart as she once again hugged him tightly and basked in this lovely warmth she had not felt in a few days.

"We still need to do something about these Royal guards at the border. It seems that despicable Lu Chen had more influence than we thought." Elder Yun mentioned their pressing matters.

Hearing this, Min Hong looked into the distance and saw about 5000 royal guards patrolling the borders. Even a ghost would find it very difficult to sneak in or out of the border.

Then Min Hong shut his eyes momentarily, as he mentally called out to Little Lin, who was hovering within his Mind Palace, just behind his soul body with an aura of defeat and loss surrounding her.

"I have a task for you, are you willing to accept?" Min Hong's soul body spoke without opening its eyes.

The moment Little Lin heard this, she vanished from the Mind Palace and appeared in front of them in the physical world. Elder Yun was the first to react as all the scale-like feathers on her body shrunk.

Min Qing's spine tingled as all the hairs on her body stood on end, while Little Ming uneasily tightened her coil around Min Hong's arm before popping out her tiny azure scaled head.

"Easyeasy!" Min Hong rubbed her head as he tried to calm her down. "Everyone, this is Little Lin, she is a weapon spirit and would be accompanying us on this journey. Little Lin, this is Elder Yun, the vice-commander of our team on this journey."

"This is Min Qing, my sister. She is the third in command on this journey and also the person in charge of all resources. Then finally, there is Little Ming, the fourth in command and you will be the fifth in command, she is available for any role."

"Yes master." Little Lin replied in a downtrodden manner as she gave the them a slight bow.

Elder Yun and Little Ming were scared out of their wits. They could sense that if Little Lin was looking to kill them, it won't take her more than one glance to do so. It would be too easy.

What's more was that, for something as powerful as her to refer to Min Hong as 'master' short-circuited their brains. Then their respect for Min Hong multiplied, as they now truly regarded him as their leader.

To them since Little Lin could call him her master, then he must possess an attribute or something unique enough to convince her to serve him.

But, after her initial scare, Min Qing tried to familiarize herself with Little Lin as she spoke. "You can just call me Min Qing or Little Qing, whichever pleases you."

Little Lin then looked towards Min Hong, but before he could respond, he felt a slight pinch on his arm and saw Min Qing looking at him with her usual irresistible puppy eyes, so he had no choice but to concede.

"Fine! Do whatever you wish." Since he was going to be switching on and off at different intervals to meditate, comprehend the Daos he was given and recover his strength, he might as well allow both of them to mingle.

That way, Min Qing would have a friend or companion which would prevent her feeling too lonely every time. Then their time together would also allow the four of them to settle in with one another. So, it was a win-win situation that was illogical to decline.

"But first, I need to create a link with you so I can sense you anywhere you are." Min Hong spoke, before he then slit his finger and a drop of his blood which now had a golden-white tinge to it floated towards Little Lin.

When Little Lin saw this blood and felt the aura radiating off it, she trembled as she instantly got to her knees and kowtowed three times to him.

"Great guardian, I, Little Lin, hereby swear an oath with the heavens as my witness to serve you loyally and mindlessly for the rest of my life. If you want me to slaughter an entire continent, I will gladly do so even at the cost of my life."

Little Lin had felt this aura before from her previous master's master. An entity she was not worthy of standing in his presence.

But now Min Hong's blood was radiating this same aura, so it was a no brainer for her to start thinking about the fact that Min Hong must have obtained a very strong and primordial bloodline inheritance.

As a result, she hurriedly tried to gain his trust and find favour in his sight by swearing this oath of servitude, before Min Hong could tell her to do so. At least that way, he should be able to look past her earlier offense and maybe in the near future, find her worthy of his trust.

But, little did she know that Min Hong didn't even put all that in his mind. Though she had offended him, and it might seem like he could care less about having her, Min Hong wasn't so impetuous to ignore or discard a weapon ranked third on the Heavenly Weapon Rankings.

So, he also secretly wished that his gamble would pay off. And as Lady Luck would grant his wish, it did pay off. Thus, the fact that she came along had already made him happy.

After all, even though he doesn't know how strong she was, he could still guess that she must at least be at the Peak of the Saint stage minimum. Such an expert would be fought over by Empires at the calibre of the East Wind Empire

So, Little Lin swore the oath as thunder rumbled and a rainbow-coloured lightning flashed across the sky confirming the oath. This lightning alerted the Royal Guards at the border as they began to rush towards the cave.

"Oh nothis is bad, they have found us. What are we going to do now?" Elder Yun looked towards Min Hong as she asked. Little Qing and Ming also looked to Min Hong for a response.

Min Hong smiled lightly and then spoke. "Little Lin, clear a path for us." He ordered.

"As you wish master." Little Lin bowed once more as she absorbed the drop of blood from Min Hong, creating a soul link before piercing into the sky and bolting towards the incoming Royal guards in the distance.

They were all stunned once again at Little Lin's abrupt change in attitude. Then they looked to Min Hong with expressions filled with millions of questions.

Seeing this Min Hong smiled lightly as he spoke. "Don't worry, you will all understand very soon." He stoked the fire of their curiosities.

Two minutes later

"Master, the path is cleared" Little Lin responded. Then she thought to herself. "Those vermin thought they had a chance. How I wish master can give me tasks like this every three days, then by the end of the year, I would have vented all my frustrations."

Elder Yun, Min Qing and Little Ming were shocked when Little Lin returned after only two minutes and claimed she had cleared all paths which contained about five thousand Royal Guards who were at the Dan Formation stage

If they knew what kind of weapon Little Lin was or how strong she truly was, maybe they would be a little bit more apprehensive.

"Little Lin, how is your strength measured and how strong are you?" Min Hong sent a mental transmission.

"Master, I think you will understand everything much better if I explain the effects of the various grades weapons belong to" Little Lin responded.

"Firstly, just like martial arts and cultivation techniques, weapons are graded in the order; White, Grey, Black, Silver, Gold, Diamond and then there is the Heavenly Weapon Rankings."

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