The Legacy System

641 Chapter 641

It was completely unexpected!

While the death of the two servants without even finding the culprit could be still acceptable, the death of Young Miss Long certainly came as a shock.

In this whole mess, she was supposed to be the innocent victim, and she was also a direct descendant of the Long Family, yet she had suffered such a wretched fate.

The servants in the crowd didn't know what to think, and what to make of this situation, while the butler had already fallen to his knees not knowing what to do or say.

Right now he was terrified!

He felt that even his lightest breathing sound would be taken as a sacrilege by Master Long and he would end up dying without a full corpse, just like the examples.


Master Long's voice seemed to border between calm and rage, as that one word was enough to immediately make all those servants in the gathered crowd leave as soon as possible.


While the crowd was dispersing quickly and leaving the place, Master Long seemed to have decided to leave the place as well, but not before he sent a word to the butler through mental transmission.

He said that word with undisguised mockery and playfulness. Even in that situation, the butler could understand that the word wasn't directed only to him, but also to his Master.

Of course, his actions had been extremely pathetic earlier, but so had been this whole plot. Right from the moment that it had started until the end.

The results were far from what the butler and his Master had hoped, even more so when this was a plot to even harm Master Long.

'Booommm…, Clangggg…, Claangg…, Claannkkk…'

Not far from the 'incident' room, a fairy handsome young man with a clear dark aura around himself threw a few plates of fruits and delicacies to the wall in front.

Just a while ago he had been extremely happy and confident in himself as he thought that he would be able to cause a commotion while hiding in the dark, only to face something like this.

Not only hadn't he been able to hide the hand that he threw the stone to disturb the mirror-like surface of the lake, but he had also failed spectacularly to disturb the surface.

Still, if that was all then things would still be manageable, but his bad luck had gone further as he had blown his cover and received even such a word from his Father.

He was furious and enraged with the whole situation, he wanted nothing more but to show everyone, including that bastard of his Father what he was truly made off of, but unfortunately, he couldn't.

It wasn't the time yet, he had to keep laying low and pretend like he had nothing to do with this incident or anything else related to it for that matter.

With those thoughts in his mind, he managed to forcefully calm himself down, and without wasting time he immediately send the order to his servant to kill himself.

The butler couldn't believe his senses, and his conscience when he heard that order, but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

He had no way of disobeying his Young Master, otherwise, even death would be a grand luxury to him.


As soon as he thought up to there he immediately severed his throat and his heart, killing himself instantly.

The Young Master saw the butler kill himself and he couldn't help but show a weird and sick grin on his face, as he lauded himself for having good eyes to choose his slaves and servants.

'Hehehehe~! Just as I thought, I am truly a person born to rule Earth! I only need to take care of that bastard of a Father, and Earth will belong to me!'

The moment that he was remembered of his father, and what just happened though he couldn't help but grow angry and enraged once again.

It didn't even take an hour for an infamous rumor to spread around the whole country and world!

Young Miss Long had been ra*ped by two servants, while she was in love with a third! The Young Miss had been unable to bear the shame and torture so she had killed herself.

The two ra*pist had been then killed by the Long Family experts that had been patrolling the area, while the third servant, a butler, had been unable to bear the fate of his loved one and killed himself.

A truly tragic story that made a lot of people touched and cry even in a world where they weren't sure of their futures.

Of course, there were all kinds of takes on this situation, as the other big families didn't believe the shit written by the media and had their own thoughts and opinion on the matter.

To many people of interest, the death of the servants and Young Miss Long wasn't much of a big deal, as they had more important things to care about.

Of course, there were quite a few admirers of the beauty who seemed to feel pity for losing such a beauty, but that was all.

At least that was how it looked on the outside, as there were in fact people that were extremely disturbed and displeased with this situation.

The ones who were the most displeased and unwilling to accept such a tragedy were the Madam Yan Meng, Miss Lu, Miss Mu, and Wei QingPing.

The first was the one who was the most displeased with Eric's death, as with him she had lost her opportunity to heal the poison in her system.

Not only that, but she had even lost the opportunity to continue feeding the blood rose, and its upgrade!

She had received a critical blow in a short amount of time and it was something that she couldn't come to terms with.

To think that she had even dared to mess with an Ancient Family to save him, only to have him killed right after in her own place, by her own husband.

Luck and Fate were truly playing a disgusting game to her.

Miss Lu was standing by her side with a facial expression that was close to tearing up, while she was forcefully maintaining a cold and detached expression on her face.


It was at this time that the door to her abode opened, and the same Master Long who had turned Eric and the other two to pulp appeared in front of her.

"Get naked!"

Master Long had yet to close the door behind him, when he ordered his wife to undress, which seemed like it was going to catch the woman by surprise.

In fact, it did! Still, that was only for an instant, and before he could even find something suspicious on her face, Madam Yan Meng started to do as she was told.

She looked just like some sort of soulless robot, as she unbuttoned her shirt, her dress, and even her laced underwear to take them off.

There was no emotion or feeling in her undressing, and even though Miss Lu was by her side, she still looked like a frozen doll that didn't care about anything.

Miss Lu was caught a bit by surprise by Master Long's entrance, and even more so from her Mistress's undressing, but she lowered her head and just stood there.

Master Long seemed weird when he entered, and even though his order was weird he still looked extremely calm and normal.

Yet he quickly started to feel extra vexed with each passing second. After numerous attempts, he was still receiving the same treatment from his wife.

It was this sl*ut that had trapped him then, and it was this sl*ut that would always treat him just like some sort of ra*ping goblin all the time.

He hated this woman to the marrow of his bones, and he wanted to make her suffer, but whatever he did, didn't seem to be enough.

He had gone so far as to kill her blood-related people in front of her, with a smile on his face, and yet all the reaction he had received was the same cold, detached, and robotic expression he was looking at now.

"Hehehe~! I knew that you wouldn't change this easily, you would never 'fall' for some toy boy, would you, my Ice Queen!?

I don't think I need to waste my breath and tell you why I killed him too, do I?"

Madam Yan Meng's frosty and robotic face didn't change much, but inside she was cursing this bastard to die a really terrible death.

She was thinking and dreaming of personally plucking his heart from his chest, but she still didn't show any of that on her white face.

"Come on, aren't you being too heartless!? After all, you did play with him a few times, didn't you!?"

Madam Yan Meng wanted nothing short of her husband's heart, balls, and di*ck in her hands, to torment him for as long as he breathed, unfortunately, she couldn't, and she didn't show it.

Of course, the reason why Madam Yan Meng wanted to do something like that wasn't that she had actually 'fallen' for her toy like her servant had, but because he was the only way to heal.

Her husband had no idea of that, and he could only let his rotten brain wander to places it shouldn't.


Suddenly the cold, and silent situation between the two of them was broken by the sound of a strong slap, that startled those interested…

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