The Legacy System

632 Chapter 632

Despite him not having any masochist tendencies, this was something that Eric would have to put on with and do his best to achieve.

After all, the moment that his Dragon Bloodline was fully assimilated into his body, then he would be considered as a 'real' dragon, or something extremely close to that.

Even though he didn't really know just how much of an impact that would have upon him and his future, he could feel that it was something vital for what he wanted to reach.

With these thoughts in mind, he started looking around his room, only to find two beauties sleeping on the sides of his bed.

It was Lu'er and Wei QingPing. Both of them had stayed by his side and taken care of him all this time, making sure that nothing went wrong.

One because had no other choice, and one because she was extremely worried about him, and feeling weird about herself.

Lu'er was still unable to clarify and understand her feelings, despite the small probe of her Mistress, the only thing she knew was that she didn't want anything to happen to Eric at the moment.

Looking at the two ragged sleeping beauties that had worn themselves out to take care of him, Eric could only feel somewhat touched, as he lightly caressed their hair.

The slight movement, managed to wake both of them up, as they rubbed their eyes and looked startled and shocked at the young man in front of them.

"Yo-you woke up!? Ho-how are you now!? How do you feel!? Should I call the doctors!?"

Lu'er was suddenly hyperactive from the startle and care of the moment, as she couldn't believe her eyes.

Eric just smiled gently at her reaction, as he looked her in the eyes, grabbed her hands, and then said in a low, but clear, and honest voice,

"Lu'er I am perfectly fine, you don't need to worry about me any longer! Nothing will happen to me! What about you, you seem worn out! Have you eaten anything all this time!?

QingPing you too!"

Both beauties were caught unprepared by Eric's attitude and concern about them when he should have been the one suffering the most.

"W-we are fine! But are you sure you are in no pain!?"

"Yup, I feel better than ever! Well, not as good as I think perhaps, since I smell terrible and need a good shower!"

"No, no, no, you can't get up! You have to stay in bed, we will bring you some soup to retrieve some strength, and call the doctor, only after with the doctor's permission will you be permitted to stand!"

Even though Lu'er was clearly talking in an authoritative tone, she was talking like that for his benefit, and Eric could only get touched and happy at her words.

But of course, he knew the condition of his body better than anyone, and he didn't want the doctors to snoop around more than they already had.

For that reason, he acted just like a spoiled brat, as he jumped from his bed, and appeared behind Lu'er picking her up in a princess carry.

Normally with the speed of a Realm 2 revolver, it should have been impossible for him to pull something like this.

But since Lu'er was extremely worn out, and also didn't expect Eric to move like that, she wasn't able to resist in the slightest.

Upon picking her up, Eric immediately started walking towards the bathroom, as he said to Wei QingPing behind him,

"QingPing follow us!"

Wei QingPing clearly had things she wanted to say but seeing that it would be impossible to stop Eric from what he had decided she could only do as she was told.

"What are you doing!? You are hurt! You shouldn't move like this! Put me down this instant and get to the bad, you hear me!?"

Differently from her, Lu'er had a lot to say, unfortunately, Eric had no intention of obeying, and it was only the last question that he answered to,

"Heheheh~! Don't worry we will eventually get in the bed as well, but right now we both need a refreshing shower!"

The poor Lu'er, it wasn't like she couldn't break free from her current position and situation, but she was afraid that she would harm Eric in doing so, and she didn't dare to do it.

Most importantly, hearing Eric tell her that they both needed a shower and to take a breath of her own smell she couldn't agree more with him.

At least Eric was doing one thing right by getting them both in the shower first. while she was thinking like that, Eric had actually leaned in for a kiss, while removing all her clothes.

Even though this wasn't going to be their first time, Lu'er was actually feeling similarly embarrassed by the situation, but Eric didn't give her any opportunity to back off.

As if that wasn't enough, Wei QingPing undressed behind them as well and joined the fray while kissing Eric's body from behind.

No matter whether she liked, hated or loathed Eric and what he had made her do, she couldn't negate the fact that she liked kissing his broad back and touching his ripped muscles.

What kind of man would dislike the caress, attention, and excitement that another woman brought with her lips, and her naked body!?

Eric just let her do as she pleased at the moment, as he got under the shower and opened it, while still carrying Lu'er in his arms.

Unbeknownst to the 'princess' in his arms, Eric's left hand, or to be more accurate the thumb of his left hand had reached her secret garden and was slightly caressing the sides.

Lu'er had started to feel her heart running faster, and her body getting hotter from the moment that Eric had kissed her, and by now her love juices were coming out of her secret cave without stop.

"Heheheh~! It seems like you are as eager as I am about this!"

With that whisper in her ear, Eric actually started moving her position, as he let her smooth and long legs encapsulate his waist, while his 'little general' was right at the entrance, ready for exploration.

The beauty couldn't answer to those words, but the fact that she was trying to go lower told Eric everything that was needed to say, as he helped her slowly slide down, as the exploration started.

At this moment, Wei QingPing seemed to be unhappy with the neglect she had received, so she came forward, and without any warning, she placed her hands on Lu'er watermelons and her lips on her neck.

The stimulation was too big for the beauty, who couldn't help but tremble for a moment in excitement. She experienced a small climax with just that, and that was just the beginning.

Seeing that, Eric just got a better idea, as he broke the kiss with Lu'er while saying to Wei QingPing,

"QingPing get down and enjoy the meal! Make sure to not come up without making this little beauty discharge at least three times!

Do a good job and I will reward you handsomely!"

The moment she heard those words, Wei QingPing's eyes immediately shined, and she immediately started working her way down.

Kissing the back of Lu'er, bringing goosebumps to her, and slowly reached her targeted location. Lu'er was trembling more and more, while her senses were getting sharper and sharper.

The first time she had been under the effect of an aphrodisiac, and she had left her body completely in Eric's hands, but this time she was doing this with full attention.

She had full control and awareness of her body and everything that was happening to her. She couldn't help but feel like she was being devoured slowly.



The moment that she felt Wei QingPing's lick on the connection spot between her and Eric, the beautiful Miss Lu couldn't help but shiver, as she lost complete control of her body.

This time everything seemed even more intense than the other night, and the water falling down her body just made things worse as she felt like she was being attacked all over her body.

'Sluuurrrpppp…, sluuuurrppp…, sluuuurrrppp…'

Eric allowed her a few moments of rest to retake her breath, but the beauty below didn't seem to have the same idea as she started slurping whatever came out.

It looked like she was doing her best to drink as much of an elixir as she could, something extremely tasty and helpful for herself.

That just kept the beauty on the edge, and excited, while Eric finally felt that it was enough and he started moving once again.

She had yet to properly recollect herself when the sweet torture started once again, and she couldn't help but release lewder and lewder moans with each passing moment.

In this situation, the beauty climaxed two more times in less than 15 minutes, as she seemed unable to go anymore, while Eric seemed to have just started.

With this new body of his, it wasn't just strength, stamina, and sturdiness that had changed, his appetite and endurance had increased a lot as well.

Once he was over with Lu'er he placed her slowly and smoothly on the corner of the bathroom, while he looked towards Wei QingPing with a predatory gaze and said,

"Are you ready for your reward!?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Very well, then get on all four, and beg for it!"

The beauty was already used to obeying whatever he asked of her, as she immediately got on her four and then said in a pleading tone and gaze,

"Please Master punish this lowly slave!"

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