The Legacy System

629 Chapter 629

Eric had made the impossible possible tonight, he was possibly the greatest dark horse of an Arena competition as he had won the whole thing by being just a Realm 2 evolver in papers.

The people who had bet on him during this ruse had made billions of dollars, and especially three people who had close to a hundred million each on this guy.

Those guys had won around 4 billion dollars each, which was a sum that many people, including a large part of those that were already inside the venue only dream about.

That money would have to be paid, and the guy who had actually accepted those betting amounts, at the odds at hand was with one and a half feet to the grave.

This was his great opportunity to not only earn recognition but also make a lot of money for himself by taking over the competition.

He had crawled his way through to this point, just like Master Heartless did. His competitors were too many to count in his family, and organization.

Still, he had managed to come here and take over this job, while projecting even his future as the next possible head of the organization.

That was until Eric had appeared and destroyed not only his hopes of becoming the next head but had even destroyed his hopes of living.

For sure his family wasn't going to trust him again, and even less the organization. Not only that, but his opponents would take this opportunity to bury him 6 feet underground.

As long as he stayed alive, he was a dangerous variable that none of them would want to bother with, so killing him now would be an effective and better solution to the danger he might bring.

Knowing all these things, the Young Master responsible for this Arena was infuriated at the bastard who destroyed his life.

So he decided to torture and make him wish he was dead before disappearing and laying low for a while, even for his whole life it that was needed.

But firstly, he had to deal with this bastard! Firstly he had to make Eric suffer like never before, only like that would he have some sort of relief.

For that reason, while the crowd was thinking that Eric was being sent to the hospital to recover, he was actually being sent to a special dungeon that the guy behind the scenes had prepared.

Eric was able to sense and understand everything that was happening around him, as he was slowly getting better, and getting control of his body.

It took Eric and the team around 30 minutes to reach the destination, as they changed vehicles at least thrice or four times in order to make sure that no one was following them.

The destination chosen was nothing but a house on the periphery at first view, but through his spirit sense, he could tell that this place was much different from what he expected.

Not only was this building bigger than it looked outside, but it even contained a high voltage generator down below, able to produce crazy amounts of electricity.

Just one look from the outside and Eric could tell that this place was built specially to torture people, and he couldn't help but have a shiver run through his body.

After all, he had yet to gain control of his body, and this situation was extremely terrifying. He was truly about to get tortured in this place.

To make matters worse, that bastard expert that Madam Yan Meng had placed on his tail to save him from this situation seemed to have no intention to act.

Still in his paralyzed state, Eric was actually picked up and brought inside the small house, then taken through a hidden door in the kitchen of the house, and finally brought to a sealed room.

One look around was enough to make not only a normal person but even an evolver faint, as the surroundings were full of torture tools.

First and foremost there was an electric chair placed in the middle of the room, connected to the big generator that he had seen previously, and that was just the start.

All kinds of knives, electrical whips, tranquilizers, hammers, and all sorts of other torture tools were placed around the electric chair.

Quite a few of these tools were still covered in the blood of the previous victims, and the smell of the room was horrid.

Even Eric couldn't help but feel like this time he was done for. He had yet to regain control of his body, and even less to get enough control to escape.

This time he was doomed!

It was like that old adage that once the door was open all evils came running non-stop. For some reason, he seemed to have been truly cursed this time.

As Eric was thinking like that, the people who brought him inside, tied him to the electric chair and left him there all alone as they went out.

The most fearsome component of such a situation wasn't the actual torture, but the expectation, fear, and terror that it brought.

After all, right now Eric had no idea when he would be tortured, and what exactly would happen to him. The fear of when it might happen, and how it would keep him awake.

Or so did the person who wanted to make him suffer thought, as the moment that the people who brought him there, and tied him up to the electric chair left, Eric closed his eyes for a good sleep.

Well, considering what he had gone through the guy who wanted to torture him actually revealed a weird smile on his face, as he immediately pressed a button,

'Who said you could sleep motherfu*cker!?'

The moment he pressed that button, the generator started making a loud and ear-piercing sound of working, while the electricity went through the device and the electric chair.

Surprisingly though, Eric just showed the face of someone watching a nightmare, as he clenched his teeth and his fists reflexively, but he didn't seem to wake up.

That certainly surprised and startled the young man with the command in his hands, as the next moment his startle turned into great anger.

Without wasting time he immediately increased the voltage that the machine would release, as it had already surpassed 100 Volts.

Still, even in this new situation Eric just clenched his teeth and fists a little harder but didn't wake up yet. Which clearly hit the torturer's ego and doubled the electric shock immediately.

The next moment he did so he felt a bit regretful as he had acted too quickly in rage, and he feared that he had killed the guy.

He didn't want something like that to happen, he didn't want to give him such a quick death. Eric would suffer for everything he had done before he gave his last breath.

Unfortunately, his worries seemed to have been for nothing as not only did Eric not die, but he didn't seem to be suffering under that voltage.

That surprised the torturer a lot, but since that was the case he thought that he could just slowly take it further until Eric could finally no longer bear it.

,m This time he had chanced upon a great subject that didn't seem like it would die easily, this was the type of people he liked most to torture, as they would give him a lot of pleasure.

With these thoughts in mind, he continued increasing the voltage of the electric chair on Eric time after time.

Each and every time he did something like that he would see Eric tremble in terrifying pain at first, but then slowly get accustomed to it, completely shocking him personally.

In less than 2 hours, Eric was actually surviving under an 800 volts of electric current with clenched teeth. There were traces of burned skin and hair all over his body.

One didn't need to enter the room in order to know and understand that it was most probably stinking inside due to the situation Eric was in.

Yet, despite all that, this guy was still alive, and hadn't opened his eyes from his sleep! This completely angered and terrified the Young Master.

Unable to accept this damned situation he decided to stop messing around with the electric current and run downstairs to the cell where Eric was being detained.

Since the electric current didn't work, then he would have to go with the normal and usual form of torture that was physical torture.

Before entering the room, he made sure to wear an astronaut-like suit, with an anti-gas mask, in order to not smell the stink inside that room.

The moment he entered he looked at Eric in a face full of anger, rage, and killing intent, as he said,

"Perhaps you are wondering what you did to deserve all this! Perhaps you are wondering why are you suffering like this!

Or perhaps you are cursing Heaven, Earth, and me for this situation, but you are wrong! The only guy you need to blame, curse, and insult is yourself!

A trifling ant like you dared to do the impossible possible and disrupt my plans! How dare you!? As a little ant should be your duty and biggest dream to make me satisfied.

If I want you to die you have to die!

Better pray that in your next life you don't get born as a lowly ant and disrupt a tiger's plans ever again!"

With that said, he grabbed a steel hammer and immediately aimed for Eric's shoulder…

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