The Legacy System

581 Chapter 581

Inside the room, there was a double bed, a clothes cabinet, a mirror, an armchair, a table, and a bathroom on the side.

It looked like it had everything one might need to not go outside of this room. But the most important thing in the whole room was the gift waiting for him in the bed.

It wasn't an exaggeration to call this thing a gift, because the beauty Wei QingPing was actually tied up to the corners of the bed while being wrapped in a gift ribbon from head to toe.

Her secret grounds were covered by the gift ribbon, while there was also a gag ball in her mouth to stop her from making any unnecessary noise.

Entering the room, and approaching the bed, Eric couldn't help but chuckle, as he said in a loud and clear voice,

"Tsk… tssk… tsk… How the World revolves Miss Wei! Yesterday you were a well-respected and honored gardener, while today you are just my gift to unwrap!

Isn't this just too funny!?"

"Ugghh… ugghhh… ugghh…"

It was clear that Miss Wei had her own thoughts and ideas she wanted to express but she wasn't able to due to her mouth being blocked by the gag ball.

"Heheheh~! You must have screamed a lot for these people to even think of gagging your mouth like this, haven't you!?

Well, I can help you take this gag ball out, but you have to promise me to talk in a calm and relaxed manner otherwise, I will put it back in and won't take it out until you lose your voice!

Was I clear!?"

As he said those words, he looked deep into the beauty's eyes as if to determine whether she was going to tell him the truth or not.

'Ugh…, ugh…"

The beauty didn't need to think it twice before she nodded her head while trying to say yes with her mouth as well, in fear that Eric didn't understand her head nodding.

With this little guarantee from the beauty, Eric didn't waste time as he slowly pulled the gag ball out of her mouth and placed it below her chin.

"Well, now you are free to tell me what you want beautiful! Come on, as long as you use a low voice you can tell me everything you want!"

While he said those words, Eric didn't waste time, as his left hand actually landed right on Wei QingPing's secret cave's entrance.

Of course, his touch was over the ribboned gift, but he could certainly feel her special entrance over it, and he could even touch the sides.

Wei QingPing couldn't help but tremble once when she felt Eric's touch, as an expression of anger and rage appeared on her face.

Just yesterday she had thought that the world was hers, and now she had turned into something like this, a gift for a perverted lowlife.

This bastard knew nothing of gardening and plants, yet just because he had been lucky to help that shitty flower recover, he had taken the spot that should have belonged to her.

"Youu… What do you think you are doing!?"

"Oh, me!? I am just enjoying my gift! Don't tell me that you still don't understand what is going on, right!?"

In front of her, Eric was talking with a calm, relaxed, and clear voice, like he was just stating facts in a naïve way, even though his actions were anything but pure and naïve.

"Youu… Don't you already know who I am!? Are you willing to garner my anger and rage upon yourself and make the Wei Family your enemy!?

Do you think that you will still have a life to live if you do something to me, right now!?"

"Hehehe~! Beauty, who do you think is stronger and more powerful at this moment, your Wei Family, or the Long Family!?"

Hearing Eric's mocking laugh, and those words Miss Wei couldn't help but change the expression on her face, as it turned even darker and gloomier.

"Don't tell me that you don't understand our current positions, and standings, now that you are here in my room as my gift!?

Do you think that your Wei Family will actually go against the Long Family that sent you as a gift in my room!?"

The more Eric spoke the more did the light in Miss Wei's eyes disappear, and the more did despair hit her heart because everything that was being said was a certain fact.

Seeing that he was hitting the nail right in the head, Eric didn't waste time and continued to hit the iron while it was hot,

"In fact, if the Wei Family knew what happened, that you might have destroyed the possible relationship with the Long Family, and even risked their anger, they would start a witch hunt for you, don't you think!?

They would be the first to ask for your head and your punishment! Wouldn't that be extremely funny, the power you are trying to scare me away, will actually hunt you down in return!

You wouldn't want something like that to happen, would you!?"

Even if she had been able to keep her calm and coolness somewhat until now, Miss Wei wasn't able to hold on to herself any longer, as she couldn't help but get totally pale and frightened.

Eric was speaking the cold and bitter truth that she had been thinking all this while. The possibility of that happening was incredibly close to 1, making her situation even more desperate.

The only thing she could clench on to was Eric's last words. It looked like he was offering her an opportunity, a way out of the mess she had fallen into.

"Of course, I wouldn't, but what can you do!?"

"Heheheheh~! It's not about what I can do, but what are you willing to do for me so that it doesn't happen!?"

Eric was happy that this lady was smart and calm enough to understand the hidden meaning in his words, as he once again returned the responsibility and choice to her.

"I will give you my body, as long as you help me I will be your woman!"

Whether she liked it or not, this was the only way she thought she could strike a deal with Eric, who in return started laughing out loud.


This laughter caught the beauty unprepared, and startled her a bit, as she thought that this guy would truly appreciate the offer. After all, he had gone so far as to ask her for a gift.

It was at this moment that she understood that something was wrong, as Eric finally stopped his loud laughter, and said in a teasing voice,

"Have you already understood the problem beautiful!? You are already my gift tonight, your body already belongs to me!

Are you trying to take me for a fool!? Promising me something that is already mine!"

"I… Then what do you want!?"

It was clear that the beauty had understood the situation herself as well, as she then couldn't help but ask.

"I want you!"


Eric's words certainly confused her even more. After all, with this current situation, and his intentions wasn't her body already his!? Then what did he mean by those words!?

"Why do you get that shocked beautiful!? You should understand that what I want isn't only your body, but you fully!

Your heart, mind, your freedom, everything! I want you to be fully my person! What do you say!?"

The beauty was left speechless, she didn't know what to think and what to do right now. After all, what Eric was asking was just too much.

What was the difference between that and dying!? At least once she was dead, she would be saved from all this depressing shit around her.

"Hehehehe~! What qualifications do you have to make me willing to do all that for you!? Who do you think you are!? Just a mere servant of the Long Family, a toad lusting after a swan's meat!"

Since death would be much better than what Eric wanted of her, then she might as well go all the way and not care about whatever happened, as she spoke her honest thoughts to Eric.

Surprisingly Eric didn't get mad at her words, as he just looked at her as if he was expecting such comments, but at the same time, there was a trace of an evil grin on his face.

"Well, since you want to witness my abilities before you fully surrender to me, then I will comply with your wishes to the best of my abilities!

Just try your best to hang on beautiful otherwise, it won't be satisfying and exciting enough!"

Miss Wei didn't understand what Eric meant by those words, she only knew that unconsciously her body trembled a bit in fear, and she felt a gust of chilly wind at the end of her back.

It felt like she was a ship that was being gazed upon by a starving wolf that was ready to devour her completely. She couldn't help but feel a bit frightened by the thought of what was going to happen.

On the other hand, Eric took the gag ball once again and brought it closer to her mouth, as he said,

"Open your pretty mouth! We can't have you scream too much and disturb our neighbors, can we!?"

"You… Wha-what are you going to do to me!? What are you plan…"

Before she could finish her words though, Eric quickly managed to slide down the gag ball, as he said to her in a teasing voice,

"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore! So just stay put, and enjoy everything that's coming your way…"

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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