The Legacy System

578 Chapter 578

In fact, that seemed like an understatement because the poor guy couldn't even hold his water from leaking and wet his pants.

While Eric looked at the poor guy with a sense of pity, the guards seemed to take pleasure from this sight. For them, it was an extremely fun event that wasn't seen often.

After all, the biggest part of the bastards brought into this place were dangerous opponents or enemies of their Long Family that were able to at least pretend good at first.

None of the people who had entered the Long Family Mansion's dungeon wasn't able to keep his composure and act for long.

They had all been broken by those terrible ghosts that would put shivers in these guys' spines. It was a good thing that they were on their side, and not their enemies.

As they thought like that and knowing that it was a ghost who had asked for the presence of Eric and this guy they didn't dare laugh and tarry any longer as they pulled them out of the cell.

Surprisingly Eric didn't seem much affected by the situation, or fearful of the outcome. It looked like he was fully confident that nothing bad would happen to him.

That certainly startled the guards a bit, but the next moment they only grinned and chuckled at the stupidity of this guy.

After all, Eric wasn't the first nor the last that would approach their destination like that, and still, the outcome was always the same, each and every one of them would come out broken and suffer an unknown fate.

As for the other guy, they were actually forced to let two of their brothers to carry him towards the place, as that guy was unable to properly walk on his own.

His knees were very weak, and he was actually trembling as they took him towards a deeper place in the dungeon.

Fortunately, their destination wasn't too far, and they arrived there rather quickly, as one of the guards knocked on the door.


From inside was just a cold and detached voice that gave them permission to enter inside, as the guard immediately opened the door and reported,

"Madam we have brought the two detainees!"

"Very well, bring them inside one by one!"

"Yes, Madam, it's just that…"

"Just what!? Out with it!"

"Well, one of them was too frightened by everything and he ended up not only leaking but also losing sense and control of his body due to fear!"

The guard was unable to see the face behind the white mask so he could only stand there and wait for further instructions with a pale face before the white ghost said,

,m "Tche! Just my fu*cking luck! Bring him in first, and also bring here a bucked of ice-cold water! Let us get him back in his senses for a few questions!"

"Yes, Madam!"

Once he had received his instructions the poor guard immediately did as he was told to, while Eric and the guards escorting him were waiting at the side.

Surprisingly during all the time that his cellmate was inside, Eric was extremely calm and collected, like this didn't have anything to do with him.

"Hey bro, can you give me a smoke!?"

In fact, he was a bit overly calm, as he even found the time to ask for a smoke from one of the guards, who looked at him with a weird and complex gaze.

"Sure this can count as your last wish anyway, let me do good for once!"

The guard seemed to be stating in a roundabout way that this was going to be Eric's last happy moment, as soon he was going to experience quite a bit of suffering.

"Hehehehe~! I am sure that you aren't trying to scare me and tell me the truth bro, but I have read my stars tonight and there will be no danger for me!"

The guard was a bit taken aback when he heard the first part but after hearing the second he started thinking that Eric was a lunatic.

Who believed in the reading of the stars and their meaning nowadays. Forget about being able to read them, was there even a meaning to that!?

Of course, cultivating energy and Qi to evolve into stronger, faster, and more powerful was something that the science couldn't properly explain at the moment, but there were still scientific bases.

Not to mention that it felt extremely logical, the more energy that was carried in their bodies, the stronger, faster, and more powerful they would be.

Thinking like that, the guard felt that it would be useless to believe whatever nonsense that Eric spouted out of his mouth, as he said,

"Sure, sure, whatever you say man!"

At this moment, the door to the small room opened once again, and a badly beaten guy came out of it. It was clear that whoever was responsible for the interrogation hadn't thought of mercy in the least.

The guards were once again happy to be on the monster's side, as the one who had been conversing with Eric just a moment ago said in a mocking statement,

"Hehehe~! Let us see just how right your stars are, bro!"

"We will see indeed bro! Oh right, while I am inside go tell those two bastards from yesterday to come here, and even bring me a cup of coffee!"

With that said, Eric didn't pay any more attention to the outside and waltzed inside without even taking the instruction to do so.

The white-masked ghost inside seemed a bit surprised and startled by Eric's behavior but more than that she was incensed with his acting.

Despite the orders she had received, she felt a burning desire to teach this little bastard a lesson, but that was just the start.

Upon entering inside, Eric didn't seem to care about the bloody chair in the middle of the room, as sat upon it lightly, and took his right leg over his left.

"So tell me beauty, did the 'Blood Rose' start to whither already!? What instructions did you lady give you!?"

Even though the white ghost masked woman's and her companions' faces were covered, Eric could tell that he was spot on by looking at their intense and questioning eyes.

Still, they were experts as well. The white ghost masked woman on charge managed to regain control of herself rather quickly, as she said,

"As expected, it seems like you truly know what that thing is. Were you the one to have fed the flower yesterday!?"

"If it weren't me, you wouldn't be here, would you beauty!?"

"Oh!? How do you know I am a beauty, don't tell me that you are able to see under my mask!?"

The truth was as such, with the help of his Legacy System, his eye skills, and his special spiritual sense, Eric could truly see easily what was under the mask.

"But of course, even though your voice is a great giveaway, seeing behind that mask I have to say that it doesn't do you any justice!"


The woman clearly didn't trust Eric's words, because it should be impossible for a common man to actually see through her mask and see her face.

But Eric's determined and strong voice put her in doubt for a moment, only to realize that she had lost control of the conversation and was losing territory quickly.

Understanding this, she quickly regained control of her thoughts and emotions once again, as she said in a praising voice,

"You are a truly capable man of many mysteries! Tell me, since you have already seen through my face, should I take my mask off so we can continue talking more relaxedly?"

"Hehehe~! Are you trying to trap me beautiful, I was just joking around. You win this time, I am not that excited to die yet!

Furthermore, like this is much more interesting and exciting, as it adds a layer of mystery don't you think!?"

Eric's words and attitude were just confusing the beauty more with each passing moment, as she couldn't help but want to change the topic as she said,

"Hehehe~! Perhaps you are right! Well, let us not linger on such unimportant matters any longer, and let me get straight to the subject.

What do you want to work for Madam and take care of that 'Blood Rose' from now on!?"

"Three things!

Firstly, revenge! I had the bet with that motherfu*cking guard yesterday, and he not only didn't accept the outcome but even imprison me here!

He acted in cahoots with that butler Fu who was the examiner and that bi*tch Wei QingPing who received my credit upon herself!

I want those two bastards to die, as I take that bi*tch Wei QingPing in front of them.

Second, protection!

Just like stated on the notification, I want the Long Family to take me in their shadow and protect me from my enemies.

While I don't know why they are after me, I know it has something to do with my past and my parents. They seem a pretty strong and determined bunch, as they have been following me for years.

Thirdly, I want riches and beauties!

I am not afraid or complexed to accept that I am a fickle man with a big heart and a desire for riches and beauties! The dream of mankind, and the hidden wish of everyone.

Of course, my skills in bed are also good, if you want to try it I will serve you to the best of my abilities!

As long as these three conditions are satisfied and promised, I can start working from today…

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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