The Legacy System

571 Chapter 571

!!! Warning! The Legacy System will enter a temporary shut-down to refine the newly absorbed power!

The Host will be unable to refresh or receive the mission until the refinement is finished! The soft body armor will be delivered in 3 months!

The Legacy System hopes that the Host will survive and make use of the System upon reinitialization!

Reading this notification Eric didn't know what to make or think of this situation anymore. On one side this would be a great loss for him, as he wouldn't have access to many new skills, techniques, and resources.

But on the other hand, this was a great opportunity for him to actually depend more on himself, and what he managed to collect from this small planet, and also solidify his own strength.

Only a strong foundation would be able to hold the tallest building. If he didn't have that, then his dream of reaching the peak would be nothing more but a dream.

With those thoughts in his mind, he didn't bother much with the news and focused on the future lying ahead of him.

First things first he would have to deal with the Ling Family, while he kept a check on the Cao Family, and investigate properly the problems between the Long and Mu Families.

Of course, in the meantime, he couldn't forget about prominent families that didn't like to show their faces to the outside world, like the Mo and Ren Families.

Things were certainly about to get more interesting, especially with his new identity as a reclusive Alchemist Master.

It was certain that all the families would try to reach him, providing him with many resources, and enticing offers to fill his pockets, and he already had the first target in mind.

It was the Long Family!

For some reason, especially due to the way that they behaved at the auction, Eric felt that the Long Family was the most suspicious.

After the Long Family, he would have enough time to go for a ride to the Mo and Mu Families later as well, but that was a matter for later.

As he was thinking like that, he received a report from Cui Xie about the matter at the port, including the killing of the possible testimony.

"That's for the best! For the moment we can't go against the Ling Family and is neither in our interests to have them removed.

It's better to have a known enemy than to worry about who is going to fall next! In this way, we can even use the Ling Family to keep those foreigners in check!

You have done a great job so far Xie but things are far from over! I want you to make a careful search of the whole area and make sure that if there is evidence it lands in our hands!

When you are done with that, return back to the Cui Family and deal with the matters here! Li Yao and Li Fei will be here to protect you and help you out!

I will be gone for a while!"

Li Fei was the name of Madam Li, since she wanted to cleanse herself from her past with the hope of a new future, she had decided to stop using her moniker as Madam Li and use her new name.

Eric didn't have much of a preference over names, as he himself was terrible at naming, but he liked the sound and didn't say anything more.

What was important was that Li Fei had decided to start a new life, with a new mentality, without getting mingled by the past.

Those two beauties would certainly throw a tantrum should they know that he was going to leave them alone for some time, but they didn't have much of a choice.

Quickly informing them through a message, Eric stood up from his position and made his way into the city. In order to enter the Long Family, he first needed some bland information about them.

It wasn't difficult in the city of rumors to learn of many new things that probably even the police would have problems knowing and learning.

What interested Eric the most though, was the need of the Long Family Mansion for a new gardener, as their family's madam 'blood rose' was having problems recently.

Not only was the flower withering, but even its flowers had lost their perfume and vitality.

The Long Family had spread the news throughout the whole city, that whoever managed to salvage the flower would work and be under the protection of their Family for all their next generations.

For normal people that would be just like the magical door that they would turn their carp selves into powerful dragons.

The next morning without wasting any time Eric immediately made his way to the Long Family Mansion, and after a small inquiry, he entered the line for the job interview.

Expectedly, or unexpectedly it was in fact a long line starting from the inner door of the Long Family Mansion to the outer door and more.

All the interested were wearing some good clothes, and keeping their CVs in their hands, with quite a few of them enacting the possible interview as if they were actors fighting for the same role.

Eric was among a rare few people in the line that didn't show any sign of anxiety and was just looking at the line with an indifferent expression, as he closed his eyes and tried to absorb and refine energy by himself.

The most surprising point for Eric was that he hadn't even left an appointment, or brought a CV with him, and had only managed to convince the beauty at the front desk to take him inside.

Despite his 'hard' convincing, he still was left at the bottom of the line, but he didn't really care whether he was at the beginning or at the end.

If this gardener job didn't work out, he would just return the next day under a different disguise to apply for some other work.

As long as he could enter the Long Family Mansion through the front door without needing to hide, he didn't care what kind of job it was.

Slowly but surely the line continued to walk forward, while Eric followed behind without much of an attitude when suddenly the person in front of him miss stepped and fell towards him.

He could easily dodge the incoming lady and let her fall to the ground, but that move might reveal his unusual skills, and more importantly, it was against his gentleman code.


Pretending to be stiff, and slow on purpose was certainly a terrible job, but he didn't really mind it as now his hands were actually grabbing on the middle-aged lady's small but supple melons.

"Are you alright!? Did something happen!?"

"Take your hands off me, you damn pervert! Who do you think you are!? Touching me like that like a hoodlum!"

Eric was totally shocked at that moment, as he didn't expect his good deed to be returned like this. He went out of his way to not let this woman fall down on the ground and suffer, only to hear such bullshit.

"Oh, is that so!?"

With that said, he immediately let go of the strength in his arms and let gravity do the rest of the necessary job, as the beauty fell on her butt on the ground.



"Youu… Why did you let go of me!? What kind of human being are you!? How could you do something like this to me!?"

"I was just following your words, Miss, you told me to let go and I just let you go. Nothing more, nothing less!"

"Youu~! You aren't a man at all!"

"I don't think that you can decide such things upon your own Miss, if you want me to prove to you that I am a man then you only have to accompany me to someplace private in the evening.

I am sure that you will not only change your opinion but even swear at the heavens for your blindness!"

Saying such words with a cool and calm serious face, made the beauty unable to react to his words for quite some time, as the people around them started whispering to each other.

Upon hearing those whispers the woman's face started alternating between red and green as she looked with a bellyful of anger toward Eric.

If looks could kill, Eric had no doubt that he would be more than 12 feet underground at this moment. But he didn't really care about her, or her death threat looks much.

The beauty couldn't help but stutter as she tried to scream at him,

"You rotten egg, you foul-mouthed bastard, how dare you to talk to me like that. Do you know who I am!?

Do you know that I can take away your qualifications as a gardener and make you unable to breathe in this City!?

,m You are messing with someone you shouldn't have!"

Eric looked at her like she was crazy, as he stated in a calm state,

"I have no such qualifications, and neither do I have a need for them! I am here to become a gardener based on my skills, and not because some papers claim that I am capable!"

His words stunned not only her but even the whole crowd as they didn't expect him to be just some country bumpkin without any qualification or certificate to become a gardener.

Which of them hadn't actually graduated from a great university, and hadn't at least a few years of experience, before coming to apply here for the job.

Upon hearing something like this the whole crowd started looking with different looks towards him…

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