The Legacy System

568 Chapter 568

Once again Cui Xie managed to startle and surprise the crowd with his words, making everyone look at him with a weird expression, as if they didn't understand what he was talking about.

"What do you mean Junior Cui Xie!?"

The first who was unable to control himself and his curiosity was Cao Family Master, who directly asked Cui Xie about the meaning of his words,

"Well, the truth is that the piece of paper in your hands is in fact a new intelligence information that I received for quite the price, as apparently, a powerful team of mercenaries is coming to steal the formulae for those special potions!

Even before coming here, I have already notified the people above about this matter, and they have already sent a team to deal with them.

Of course as one of the implicated parties I want to see their end with my own eyes! It's for the best that the circumstances brought us together like this.

We can all go there and help the team so that none of them escapes, and we learn who is behind them!

With that said, I would like to thank and congratulate Ling Family Master for making this possible, otherwise, we would never be able to render such a great service to the country!"


Pin drop silence!

No one dared to even breathe hard at this point as they had never expected such a turn of events. Especially Ling Family Head, he had no idea how this plan of his had been discovered in advance.

And even less could he believe that he had actually jumped in the pit with his own feet, as he was the one to set that piece of paper in Cui Xie's pocket.

This was bad!

This was terribly bad!

It wasn't only the problem of those bastards dying at the hands of the special team, and the possible future trouble with their Masters, but the fact that these guys knew his name.

If they opened their dirty mouths and spoke his name, then he would surely attract the attention of the higher-ups and that of the other big families and would definitely be put under investigation.

While that didn't sound bad, the moment it was made official would be the time of destruction for his Ling Family.

Everyone knew that the big Families of the country wouldn't openly fight each other due to their own reservations and the people behind the scenes.

But the moment that one of them was branded as traitors from the country, they would jump up on the opportunity like starving wolves, devouring even the 10th soup made out of their bones.

Knowing and realizing this, the poor Ling Family Master couldn't help but feel like he had just stepped upon a land mine and if he made even the slightest move he would end up dying in an explosion.

Cui Xie couldn't help but look at the startled, worried, and painful face of the Ling Family Master with a great smile.

This guy was running and yelling traitor, traitor, traitor, when he was himself the traitor. It was quite the situation.

But he had to admit, had it not been for Eric, who actually gave him the lead and main information he wouldn't have known about this thing either.

Furthermore, Ling Family Master's acting was top-notch, so much so that Cui Xie felt a sudden urge to present him with an Oscar award for his performance.

It was unfortunate for Ling Family Master to actually mess with someone like him, or to be more specific with Eric that was standing behind him.

Otherwise, the Ling Family would have had a great chance to reach the heights that they were dreaming and imagining right now.

While Cui Xie and Ling Family Master were having their own thoughts on the matter, the rest of the crowd was left in a weird position.

If they joined Cui Xie in this undertaking they would be doing their duty as people of the country, but at the same time, they were putting their lives and selves in danger.

After all, most of them were only martial arts masters or grandmasters, they had yet to experience even their first evolution, which wasn't enough to escape bullets and bombs.

While it was their duty to help and protect their country, at the same time it was their most selfish wish to protect their selves.

Which of them wasn't a second-generation silk pants, or someone with great authority, power, and wealth!? These people feared death even more than normal people.

For that reason, a large bunch of these people wanted to pull back and run away from the scene without being seen, but none of them dared to do something like that for fear of attracting the crowd's rage.

Whoever left the venue first would become the target of anger and displeasure for all the remaining people inside the room.

With these thoughts in their minds, none of them dared to move from their spot and could only look forward to the decisions and intentions of the big families.

"Junior Cui Xie are you telling the truth!?"

"If you don't believe me then you can easily contact the special services, I am sure that each of you can confirm or deny my words in a short time.

It just happened great, as we were afraid that we didn't have enough people, like this our victory will be assured!"

Cui Xie didn't seem to be lying, everyone could understand this part, especially the people of the big families who did exactly what Cui Xie told them to, confirm the news.

In but a matter of seconds, the confirmation of the operation was taken, as Ling Family Master couldn't believe this fu*cking rotten situation.

Just when the fuck had things gone so astray, he couldn't believe what was happening. As for the other big families Masters they took this operation as a way to test their loyalty to the country.

But most importantly, what people didn't understand was the slight meaning behind Cui Xie's words and actions.

After all, he was clearly stating that he was connected to the higher=ups and the military, should they wish to make trouble for him, they would have to think twice or thrice.

"Of course, we will take part in dealing with terrorists and great dangers to our country. I am sure that not only us, but every youth and man from this place will do the same.

Fighting for our country, even if we have to lay our own lives!"

The one to spout these words was the Mu Family Master. His act and speech were truly convincing and masterful, acting like some sort of martyr for the country.

Yet the people behind him, and the rest of the crowd didn't dare say a thing in fear that they became the scourge amidst the crowd.

Even the unwilling Young Masters that were planning their escape couldn't help but change their thoughts. After all, they could escape and leave tonight, but they couldn't do so for the rest of their lives.

No matter what, they were born and raised on this soil, and they couldn't other people to destroy their homes.

"What do the rest of you think!?"

"Of course, brother Mu is right, we do need to deal with these bastards for the safety of our country. This is our chance to render some meritorious service!"

"Hahahah~! Well said brother Cao, well said! This is our great opportunity, now let us follow Cui Xie and leave for our destination."

Once two of the big families had decided to take a step forward, the rest couldn't pull back anymore, as they could only follow their lead, including the Ling Family.

While the situation upstairs was going through a myriad of changes, Eric was actually led by Secretary Zhang into the depths of the Auction House's warehouse to pick up what he had been promised.

It didn't take him long to finally land his eyes, and hands upon the other two statues, that held great meaning and value to him.

Still, he managed to keep his calm, and cool as he just took them away without making trouble. Just as he was about to leave the place though, he suddenly found something extremely unbelievable.

At the exit of the warehouse, there was actually a brown to red rug, that looked like it was made from the hide of a monster.

And in fact, it was truly so, this rug was made from the remains of a truly powerful beast, as even the aura remaining on it was enough to suffocate Eric.

At this moment he truly wondered how no one but himself was able to notice something like this. Especially when this place was specialized in ancient, and rare treasures of the world.

Still, he didn't blame them much either, because if it weren't for his Dragon Princess, perhaps even his Legacy System wouldn't be able to find what it was.

Still, he didn't waste time, as he looked at Secretary Zhang and said with a solemn and serious face,

"How much!?"

"How much for what!?"

"How much for this rug!? I am willing to pay double, just give me a price!"

"Esteemed Master doesn't need to pay for something like this, while it's true that we kept this rug in high concern for some time, but after confirming it was nothing special we just put it down there!

Could it be that Esteemed Master knows of its origin and use!? Then as long as you share that information with us, I am willing to let you take this useless rug without paying a dime…

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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