The Legacy System

558 Chapter 558

"How dare you! Who do you think you are!?"

When he saw the manager jumping in attack towards him, Cui Xie was extremely calm and collected, as he even managed to ask such a question to the guy.

He didn't know whether to wait for a response now that the guy was attacking him or not, but considering just how haughty, asslicking and boastful this idiot was, he was hopeful.

"Hahahahah~! You finally asked the really important question, Cui Xie, unfortunately, it's too late for you to make a turn right now!

Let me enlighten you before you die, my wife is the second cousin of the main secretary of the Auction Director.

No matter what I do, no one dares to even displease me, as their heads will roll! Hahahah~! No one will care even if I fully cripple you tonight!"

"Oh is that so!?"

In order to make sure that he told the full piece, this manager guy even intentionally stopped midway through the attack he started.

The more he spoke the more cocky and arrogant he became, by the end of it one would think that he was that secretary guy, or the director himself.

It was only when he had finally finished his speech that a surprising answer came to his speech, but the problem was that it didn't come form Cui Xie, Eric, or their people

For some reason, upon hearing those words the poor manager felt a bad premonition, as he turned around to have a look at who had voiced them out.

The one who seemed to have voiced those words was a middle-aged guy, with a medium and average build, and a slight mustache.

Despite his appearance, the aura surrounding him seemed to be refined and high class. While his suit seemed to be old, in fact, it was just an extremely expensive design.

"Who are you!? How dare you question me!?"

"Oh me!? No one important, just someone who can't keep his nose to himself! By your words, you seem truly corrupt and delinquent though, I wonder whether that contact of yours knows about this!"

"Hmph~! What does it matter to you man!? Just enter inside and do whatever you came here to do, don't mix up in our issues! Otherwise, I might get in an even shittier mood and cancel your invitation as well!"

"Really~!? You have so much power in this auction event!?"

"Hehehehe~! Are you understanding this only now!? Only those I want to enter will enter inside!"

"Aren't you afraid of being found out by the director and suffering the consequences!?"

"Hahahahahah~! Bro, you make me laugh! The Director is too busy with whatever is inside, and his guests inside, he doesn't care what happens at the door!

Only my cousin comes here to check on our work from time to time, and he will never do something against me!"

"Whoa~! This…"

"Man you are asking too many fu*cking questions, don't blurt another one, or I will truly revoke your invitation and turn you back!"

"You sure you can do that!?"

"Of course I am sure, I… Cousin, you are finally here! Come and help me throw these two idiots outside, they have truly pissed me off.

Senseless men without background!"

The Secretary, the manager's cousin, in this case, was a skinny and foxy figure, who was trying to keep a French mustache.

He looked just like a cheap villain from some old James Bond movie, whose rosy and happy face palled instantly the moment he heard the manager talk like that and saw the presence of two people.

Firstly it was Cui Xie, despite his weak and feeble identity as the Young Master of the Cui Family, this guy Cui Xie had actually received a golden VIP card from the director of the Auction himself.

Beside Cui Xie was the hooded and masked Eric, who was supposed to be the mysterious Master of Cui Xie, who held an even greater value in the Auction House's eyes.

But that wasn't even the most terrifying existence in his eyes, as neither Cui Xie nor his Master was as frightening as the average middle-aged man with his regal aura, who was actually the director of the Auction House.

"Di-Dire-Director what are you doing here!?"

He couldn't help but stutter heavily as he made that question, while the manager seemed to have just heard something that had shattered his wings into pieces.

"Aren't I just witnessing the greatness in our service of receiving our guests!? It's truly as magnificent as you say, Secretary Zhang!"

If one wouldn't be able to notice the irony in those words of the Director then they wouldn't be able to understand irony at all.

"Cou-Cousin what did you say!? Wh-who is he!?"

"Su Shang how dare you still stand and not bow in front of the Director, are you tired of living!?"

The poor Su Shang was fully mind-blown at that point in time, as he had never expected to have actually acted cocky in front of the Director himself.

Not only that, but he even did so while threatening him to void his invitation. He had just threatened the big boss. His life was over, utterly over.

"No, no, no, Secretary Zhang I don't dare to accept the bow of your cousin, otherwise I might displeasure him and he will void my invitation!

After all, as the Director I can't do my job well if I don't enter inside, can I!?"


The poor Secretary Zhang was unaware of what had happened here until now, so he was clearly caught by surprise and unprepared.

"What do you mean Director!? What happened here!?"

All of a sudden a terrible premonition encapsulated his heart, as he couldn't help but ask with a soft and subservient voice.

"Oh, nothing much, Secretary Zhang! Everything started with my arrival at the entrance of the Auction, and then…"

Slowly, smoothly, and without interruption, Cui Xie told everything to Secretary Zhang, who the more he heard, the more pale and terrified became.

Due to having shown his abilities and skills in the past, the Director would always give him some more responsibilities trying to help him out.

In fact, he had even felt like in some cases the director was training him to take over his place, and if that happened it would be just like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

He would truly reach majesty in one step and become a respected part of the high society and the country.

Yet, right now, after hearing everything that had transpired he understood that his dream had totally shattered due to the stupidity of this guy.

Just for a useless Young Master Cui Hu who liked to play cops and thieves, he had offended two of the people he shouldn't even think of offending.

In fact, the reason why he had come here at this point in time, was to actually warn this idiot to offend everyone else but these two, which was clearly late, by a lot!

"How do you intend to explain this Secretary Zhang!?"

"I-I-I ha-had no idea Director! I was just trying to help my cousin's husband, I never thought that he would actually…"


The moment that he started saying those words, he was reminded of the fallacy that this lowlife of a cousin had done, as he turned around and gave him a tight slap while screaming,

"You motherfu*cking idiot, do you understand what you have done!? Do you understand how fu*cking stupid you are!? You son of a bi*tch!"

"Don't hit me, cousin! What did I do!? I did as you always tell me to, since there was discontent with two parties at the entrance I took the side of the most prominent one!

Young Master Cui Hu is the blood son of Patriarch Cui, while Cui Xie is nothing more than a bastard who got lucky! No one cares about him, I have done nothing wrong!"

Even in such a situation, this guy wasn't willing to accept his mistakes. Not only that, but he even advertised himself as a man of reason and logic.

It was only at this point that everyone was reminded that Young Master Cui Hu was in there as well, and the look on his face was one of complete confusion and startling.

He didn't understand what the hell was going on in front of him, he had no idea why the Director and Secretary Zhang seemed to be protecting Cui Xie.

But his doubts would be clarified soon enough, as Secretary Zhang screamed in an almost lost voice at his stupid cousin,

"You motherfu*cking bastard, just who the hell do you think you are!? Young Master Cui Xie is an honored guest of the Auction House, carrying a VIP gold member invitation with him.

Even I have to lower my head and greet him, and a bastard like you thinks he can void his invitation like that!?"

"Ahh~! No cousin, Young Master Cui Hu said that he was trying to steal his invitation, so I…"


"Shut the hell up for me bastard! Who the fu*ck is Cui Hu in front of Cui Xie!? That bastard shouldn't even be allowed to enter inside as he isn't a part of the Cui Family anymore!

You dare to take his side and block Young Master Cui Xie's path, you clearly seem to have grown tired of living!"

"Cousin I…"

"Shut the hell up, I say! Immediately kneel in front of Young Master Cui Xie and the Director with me, and seek their apology, or I swear to my Ancestors that I won't let you breathe any longer…"

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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