The Legacy System

534 Chapter 534

The 17th Elder was still thinking about what to do when Cui Xie's mocking laughter spread through the venue.

"Hehehe~! I thought that I had made it clear that the Cui Family people are unable to pressure me old man, but if you don't care about your own lives and want to die, then be my guest.

You can go on for as long as you wish!"

The 17th Elder was incensed at those words, as he couldn't bear Cui Xie's arrogant and cocky nature anymore, as he screamed in anger,

"Cui Xie don't go too far, as a member of my Cui Family, how can you speak and act like this!"

"Hehehe~! This is truly funny now! 17th Elder could it be that you remembered I am part of your Cui Family just now!?

Furthermore, didn't the Patriarch and the Family Head appoint me as the leader of this party!? Did you ever comply or ask me about my thoughts?

Exactly at which point did you treat me as a member of the Cui Family until now? So, how am I wrong to say that I am acting on my one, and the Cui Family has nothing to do with this?

Oh right, don't forget that you are poisoned as well!"

"Cui Xie~!"

"Yes, don't tell me Elder you have decided to die and want to kill me before the poison takes you down!

I advise you to not otherwise, you will become the enemy of all these people around here! The poor guys would die because of you!"

For a moment people truly thought that Cui Xie cared about the lives of the people at the venue, as Young Master Ling thought of another point he could press on, as he said,

"Cui Xie don't be too unreasonable, what are you going to do after we have received the antidote, there will be no place for you to run."

"You really think so!? Why don't you let me worry about that! You better worry about your decision Young Master Ling, according to my calculations you don't have much time to live, so you better be quick!"

It was only Young Master Ling, but everyone else at the venue couldn't help but shiver for a moment as they heard those words.

"How much do you want!?"

It was unknown who start it first, but since no one wanted to die they all looked attentively in Cui Xie's direction, as he revealed one finger!"

"Hahahahah~! You did all this just for 100.000 dollars, just how much of a poor guy are you!?"

The one to say these words was none other than Young Master Cao, who even took out a card from his pocket, and throw it at Young Master Cui Xie's feet.

"Hahahaha~! I didn't know that Young Master Cao deems his own life, and the lives of his Elders so worthlessly, then how about I give you each 100.000 dollars, and you just kill yourselves for me!"


"Me what!? This is your doing Young Master Cao, I am just giving you a counteroffer!"

"I will kill you~!"

"Surely you can, but can you hold responsibility for all these people's deaths afterward!?"

Even though Young Master Cao jumped in an attack full of killing intent, Young Master Cui Xie didn't even tremble an eyelid, as he waited with his chest wide open.

The poor Young Master Cao could do nothing else but stop before his knife made contact with Cui Xie's body, as he couldn't help but feel a bit of startle at Cui Xie's composure.

This guy looked just like some sort of fearless death god, who no one would be able to move from his position. Even the elders of the three families had to look at him in surprise and startle.

"Well now that we have seen that Young Master Cao doesn't dare, then let me finally state that the price is 10 million dollars!

If you want to survive just send the money to this bank account, if you don't, well you can just blame yourselves for being poor!"


The whole venue was shocked, they didn't expect Cui Xie to have such a big appetite and place such a price on the antidote.

"Cui Xie that is too much, you are robbing people in daylight!"

"Youngster aren't you afraid of exploding after eating that much!?"

It wasn't only Young Master Ling and Young Master Cao anymore, but even the elders of the two families that started reproaching him.

17th Elder and the rest of the Elders of the Cui Family were surprised and startled as well, but strangely they didn't jump towards Cui Xie to lower the price.

In their eyes, what Cui Xie was doing was nothing different from gathering golden eggs for their Cui Family.

No matter what he did Cui Xie would have no other choice but to return with them back to their Cui Family, once he arrived there they would find a reason or a way to make him cough up a good part of it.

All of a sudden, all the people at the venue started turning in 10 million dollar cheques in their eyes, and they were having trouble controlling their smugness.

Since the Cui Family Elders seemed to have fallen asleep and weren't bothering him much, Cui Xie could become even cockier, as he sat on his chair, raised his hands in the air, and said,

"I am not afraid of bloating up Elder, quite on the opposite I am afraid of not eating enough! As for the decision whether is it worth paying this much for the antidote or not is in your hands!

Time is ticking though, so do be careful!"

'Arrghhh…, cough…, cough…'

At this moment, just like Cui Xie was able to control the poison through his amazing skills, people started screaming in pain and coughing some more blood.

Of course, these were the guys that didn't have much of strength and energy, the weakest of the bunch, as people who had evolved a few times still had quite some time.

The poison used this time seemed to certainly be some extremely powerful and horrifying one as even people on the Realm of Li Pimp weren't able to fully resist it.

In fact, even though Li Pimp's condition seemed to be better than a few of the people at the venue, he hadn't escaped the danger either.

Amidst pain, blood, and coughs, people couldn't bear this any longer, as someone from the crowd finally screamed in surrender,

"I accept the price, give me the antidote!"

"As soon as the money is sent Mister, you don't expect me to take your words for granted right!?"

That man seemed displeased at Cui Xie's words, but he couldn't wait any longer as he immediately took out his phone and sent the money.


Immediately as Cui Xie's phone took the notification, Young Master Cui Xie stood up and jumped close to the guy taking out a pill out of nowhere and throwing it in the guy's mouth.

​ "Glad to do business together, now sit down and try to refine the pill!"

There was a weird glint on the guy's eyes for a moment, but he didn't do anything weird as he immediately sat down to refine the pill.

Seeing that Cui Xie had brought the pill out of nowhere, and there was a ring on his finger, the Young Masters and the Elders from the big families could make a connection to the truth.

Still, the problem stood whether they should make a move or not!

"I agree too!"

Once the first was gone, the second appeared almost immediately, as he sent the money and received a pill as well.

After the second there was a third, and in no time more than half had paid and received the pill. It was at this moment that Young Master Ling seemed to have thought of a great idea, and screamed,

"I accept the price as well!"

"Hahahah~! Young Master Ling is truly an intelligent and capable Young Master, here you go!"

After confirming the purchase, Cui Xie immediately did the same he did with everyone, as he approached and gave the pill to Young Master Ling.

The moment that Young Master Ling approached his hand though, he didn't take the pill but actually grabbed onto Cui Xie's hand, to be more exact on the ring on his finger, and pulled it away.

"I have it, the ring is in my hands now, the antidote is in my hands! Hahahah~! Cui Xie, you didn't expect this, did you!?"

"You shameless bastard, how dare you grab my ring away, give it back, otherwise I won't give you the antidote even if you give me the whole Ling Family to pay me back!"

"Hahahah~! You surely know how to boast and pretend Cui Xie unfortunately, your ring and the antidote inside it are in my hands, and there is nothing you can do about it!"


"Hahahah~! Me what!? What are you going to do now!? What can you do!?

Now you better kowtow in front of me and apologize otherwise, I will send you directly to the Yellow River!"

"This is great, Young Master Ling managed to take the ring and the antidote away from this demonic person, we are saved!"

While Young Master Ling finished his words obviously extremely happy, and elated, the crowd couldn't help and get happy either.

"Of course you guys are saved, as long as you promise loyalty to my Ling Family, and give us 50% of your property, all of you will be saved.


The people in the crowd couldn't believe it they had gone from the mouth of a wolf to the mouth of a vulture...

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