The Legacy System

524 Chapter 524

Li Yao clearly didn't like what she heard, as she felt like Eric was being too much. How could she stay in the same place as that traitorous sl*ut!?

Even though Madam Li was her big sister and probably she wouldn't be able to kill her, at least she wanted her to disappear from her life.

But she felt that it would be impossible for her to gain an upper hand with screams and arrogance, so she decided to use the women's strongest power, her tears, and delicacy,

"Ho-How could you treat me like this!? I gave you everything, everything of mine just the other night, and you still treat me so heartlessly! Uwah~!"

For a moment it looked like she was truly going to cry, and that expression of hers would be enough to soften even a barbarian's heart unfortunately, her opponent was Eric.

,m "Hahahaaha~! I have to say, now I understand a bit more about your Li Family and your shamelessness! Do you think that I will fall to your knees now that you said that!?

Or do you expect me to sacrifice myself for the Li Family!? Hahahaha~! What a nice joke! Beauty, you aren't the only woman in my life, and you better know your place!

It's not me who needs you, but your Li Family that needs me. You truly did give me your body, but were you going to stay by my side and follow me if I didn't have the strength to help your family?

You should play these dramas in front of other people because I won't bite them!"

"Yoouuuu~! You damn bastard! What do you mean!? How can you talk to me like that? I-I will…"

"You will what!? Tell that Li Pimp about my presence here!? Go on, tell him! But your Li Family will have to face my wrath as well after that!"

You better relax, I know that you are angry your little play didn't work out, but if you go too far, then you are going to suffer!"

Li Yao was so angry that she felt that she would certainly kill this hateful fellow if she didn't think that he was saying the truth.

What she didn't understand the most though was why was Young Master Cui Xie calling him his Master? Just what was so special about this guy to make even Young Master Cui Xie bow to him.

Thinking like that, with the anger of a stubborn woman who didn't want to accept her defeat, she couldn't help but test the waters,

"Hmph~! You act high and mighty, but you understand that the only reason why I am agreeing to a deal with you is due to Young Master Cui Xie, right!?

If it wasn't for him, what do you amount to?"

Hearing those words, the person most shocked about this wasn't Eric, but Young Master Cui Xie himself, who couldn't help but complain in his heart.

'My terrifying grandaunt why do you have to mix me in this mess!?'

On the other hand, Eric still had his calm, cool, and relaxed expression as he said,

"Oh, really!? Then why don't you ask him what he thinks about this?"

Li Yao could feel that there was something wrong with the whole situation, but she still couldn't retreat after coming this far, as she turned to Cui Xie and said in a straightforward tone,

"Young Master Cui Xie, as long as you help my Li Family, then I promise you that my Li Family will be under you, and I will become your slave for as long as I live!"

Young Master Cui Xie couldn't help but get startled as he heard those words, even though he knew that Li Yao was just testing the waters and pushing forward, he placed a solemn look on his face, as he said,

"Miss Li Yao you better not play these jokes as it will only turn worse for you! While I can't disclose much about my relationship with Master, I can tell you that whatever you think of him right now is an extreme understatement of his background and abilities.

While his conditions might seem extremely cruel for you now if you accept them you will realize that in the future the benefits will largely surpass your losses!"

Li Yao was shocked, she didn't expect to hear something like that about Eric who seemed to have completely ignored the two of them and was playing with the cat in his hands.

'Just who is this damn bastard!?'

She couldn't help but think that inside her mind, but unfortunately, there was nothing she could come up with. She had no idea of Eric's true identity.

"I accept! But I would like to see your real face before sealing the agreement!"

Her acceptance was clearly a piece of good news, but Eric couldn't help but get a weird expression on his face when he heard the second part of the statement, Young Master Cui Xie was no different.

"Ugh~! This is my real face though!"


"What!? What's wrong with my face!? You don't like it!?"

"You… You aren't a Huaxia cultivator!?"

"Nope, European, from a really small country, but nonetheless!"

"Then… Then how!? Why!?"

Even though her questions were broken and didn't make much sense, Eric could understand what she was trying to say, as he answered,

"The universe is so wide and large holding many miracles in it! There are many things that you don't know and don't understand! But why not!?"

"But… But you are a foreigner!"

"And!? Don't the foreigners have a chance and possibility to grow strong? Aren't foreigners humans as well? What does my race have to do with this?"

"I-I can't take this all immediately, give me some time to absorb all this!"

"Of course, you need time to prepare for your punishment as well!"


"You rebelled against your man, and even tried to ensnare his subordinate right in front of his face, you tell me if you deserve a punishment or not!"

"This… I…"

"You better accept your punishment willingly if you don't want to worsen your situation!"

After that, Eric told Cui Xie to get out, as he administered Li Yao's punishment. Cui Xie didn't know what happened inside, but when Li Yao got outside her face was red, and there were tears in her eyes.

He didn't even are to ask what happened when Eric said straightforwardly,

"You take care of the plans for tonight, I will go and have a small talk with the Li Family Patriarch!"

"Yes, Master!"

With that said, Eric quickly changed his appearance in front of Cui Xie and Li Yao's faces, before he disappeared right in front of their eyes.

Under the direction of Li Yao, Eric passed through a large number of guards and restrictions on his path, as they finally reached a forbidden area of the Li Family grounds.

It didn't look like a prison cell, it was in fact a small reclusive forest, with a small lake in the middle of it, and a middle to old aged looking man fishing at the side.


Upon entering the place, Li Yao said that word as she jumped into her father's arms, while Eric looked around the place without much care.

"Friend from outside, it's not good manners to spy on others, is it!?"

"Hahaha~! I knew that I couldn't escape your eyes, but don't worry I am not here with baleful intentions!

As for my hiding, I am truly sorry, but I wouldn't want to become kebap for dinner, I hope that Patriarch Li understands!"

"Father, Young Master Chen is here as a helper! He has promised me to help me save mother and everyone, so you could rightfully return to your position!"

"Haizz~! From which family are you coming Young Master Chen, as far as I know, none of those families possess such skill to hide your presence and body even from someone like me!"

"That doesn't really matter, does it!? What matters is that I will help you to take charge without killing either one of your daughters!

But I have no plan on dealing with that Li Pimp though, that is something you have to take care of yourself! I do want his body and his possessions though!"

"Don't you think you are going overboard, friend!?"

"Overboard!? I don't think so!

You have already lost the Li Family, and these guys are even prepared to cause such a mess that would make the Capital want to destroy them once and for all!

You think I am going overboard!?

If it weren't for your daughter pleading with me, and promising to become mine, I wouldn't have even considered helping you, but directly destroying your Li Family!"


"Father please don't get angry with him, even though he acts cocky and overbearing, he is in fact a really good person, and he will truly help our Li Family, please accept the deal!"

"But Yao'er how could you…"

"It's fine, it's not like I am being forced!"

"You mean…"

Li Yao didn't say anything though, she only lowered her head to express her approval, forcing her father to release a deep sigh, before saying,

"Haiz~! This is all my fault for being this indecisive and weak!"


"You don't have to say anything else, I accept this deal! I only hope that you won't make my daughter suffer son-in-law otherwise you will face my wrath!"

"This seat's women will weather this seat happiness and sorrow, no one else but this seat will dare to cause even a thread of worry in their hearts!"

Li Family Patriarch didn't like this cocky and overbearing Eric, but he felt that if he truly had the ability to act his words, then his daughters would be safe.

At the same time, something extremely shocking was happening outside…

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